alibi n. 不在现场的证明, 托辞, 借口
ambagious a. 迂回曲折的
anabiosis n。复苏, 回生
amulet n。护身符
apologist n。辩护士
apropos a. 恰当的, 中肯的
arroyo n. 小河, 旱沟,峡谷
arrant a. 彻头彻尾的, 臭名昭著的
askew a. 斜的
avouch n。宣称, 断言
awash a。被浪潮冲打的, 被覆盖的
balk v. 妨碍, 畏缩不前
badinage v.& n。玩笑, 揶揄
banter v. 打趣
barefaced a。露骨的, 无耻的
barrow n. 独轮车
becoming a. 合适的,适当的
benison n. 祝福
bent n。擅长, 爱好
berth v.& n. ( 船) 停泊
beset v. 困扰
bestial a. 野兽的, 残忍的
bilk v. 欺骗
blitz n. 闪电战, 大量活动
blazon v. 炫耀
blunt a 。坦率, 钝的
bluster v. 咆哮, 愤怒地叫
botch v. 做事拙劣
bow n. 琴弓
brat n. 小鬼, 小家伙
braid v.& n 编织, 编织物
buffoon n. 小丑
broil v. 烧,烤,争吵
bucket n. 水桶
bulk n. 大部分
bushed a. 疲倦的, 迷途的
cache n. 藏私处v。隐藏
cad n。粗鄙无礼的人
cadge v. 乞讨
cameo n。小品剧
canvass v. 游说, 使人投票
cellar n. 地下室
cede v. 割让
champion v. 拥护,赞成
choppy a. 波涛起伏的
choke v. 窒息
cherubic a. 天使的,可爱的
chasm n. 断层,裂口
chore n. 家务活,零工
cliquism n 小集团主义。
clout v.& n使劲打, 力量。
clodhopping a. 粗俗的,乡下人的
coeval a. 同时代的
coda n. 尾声
colloquial a. 口语的,白话的
Activity is the only road to knowledge .
(George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist)
行动是通往知识的唯一道路 。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳。 G.)
A free man obtains knowledge from many sources 1 besides books .
(Thomas Jefferson , American president)
(美国总统 杰斐逊 。 T.)
A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way 。(Adams Franklin , American humorist )
(美国幽默作家 富兰克林。 A.)
If a man empties his purse into his head , no man can take it away from him , an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest .
(Benjamin Franklin , American president )
倾已所有追求知识,没有人能夺走它;向知识投资,收益最佳。(美国总统 富兰克林。 B.)
Imagination is more important than knowledge .(Albert Einstein , American scientist )
想象力比知识更为重要。 (美国科学家 爱因斯坦 A. )
Knowledge is power. (Francis Bacon , British philosopher )
知识就是力量。 英国哲学家 培根。 F.
The empty vessels make the greatest sound . (William Shakespeare , British dramatist )
满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚。 W.)
And gladly would learn , and gladly teach .( Chaucer , British poet)
Better be unborn than untaught , for ignorance is the root of misfortune 。(Plato , Ancient Greek...
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4. Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.
As is described in the issue, the author assumes that scandals focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker of reformer ever could will result in the reality that scandals are useful. It's essentially imperative that the reason and result should be thoroughly analyzed before we reach the conclusion. There might be several explanations of the assumptions of the claimed reason. To begin with, the reason in the statement might not hold true in some scenarios. In addition, with the proviso that the reason takes place in certain situations, it will bring about consequences irrelevant to the claimed result. What's more, under the condition that the reason proves part of the causes to the core concept of the cause is systematically examined, the conclusion drawn out of which will pro...
Verbal Reasoning
简单的几个选项单词:culpability(应该是单空题答案), compunction, patronization, auteur(电影导演)。
PART II 逻辑阅读
1. 逻辑
2. 阅读
1. 2013第一高频长阅读Red Maple再现:
[1]. 提出旧理论,提出解释1反驳旧理论:美国东部的red maple越来越多,一种观点认为这个和全球二氧化碳的增多全球变暖有关,然后红枫树对这个很敏感,北美的红枫的光合作用加强,数量增多了(Some scientists think the increased atmospheric carbon dioxide help with photosynthesis of Maple Tree.)。However, this didn't cause the number of other trees in the same area to increase。说oak也对这个敏感,但却没有这种情况(But, the photosynthesis ability of Maple tree may not necessarily be better than oak trees.),所以这种解释不成立。
[2]. 提出解释2反驳旧理论:another explanations contains很多方面,比如下面:
(1) The increase of red maple trees might be due to the suppressed fire rate in the recent years,因为红枫比起其他树木,对fire更敏感,要使红枫在火烧后能迅速恢复,火的控制对red maple的数量多当然有很大贡献。
(2) its unique capability to grow in both young and old forests, etc.
(3) The deer eat the foliage of oak trees in the summer and eat something from the maple tree in the winter (this is bad). Howeve...
1. 给了两个相似三角形,告诉两边长,还有对应边的关系,求边长,很简单。主要是相似三角形这个概念词,similar triangle.
2. 连续12个奇整数(odd integer),其中负数多于正数,问这十二个奇数的和与-4的大小比较。答案:-4大。
3. A公司赚了5000刀,2000以内缴税0.02,大于两千的交0.15;B公司2000以内缴税0.02,大于两千交0.10,问B公司要赚多少钱才能和A公司缴税一样多。答案:6500。
4. 一次选举,男的中60%的男的支持A,女的中80%的女的支持A,总的支持A的有78%,问总人数中有百分之多少是男的。答案:10%。
5. 2/7的第58位小数是几。答案:7。实际上作为无限循环小数,只要找到循环周期就可以了,本题的循环便是2,8,5,7,1,4然后无限往下循环。
7. y=2x+3 上有一点(a,-a),求a。答案就自己做吧。
8. standard deviation标准差的概念要清楚。
9. 等比数列(geometric sequence),Q(n+1)=2*Q(n) - 1,数列中不出现100的倍数,问下面哪些可以是首项,多选。选项有5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50。答案:自己多摁计算器呗。
10.有7个items要shipment,可以放到3个different containers中,一个container最少放2个,多选。问下面那些陈述是对的。(1)肯定有一个箱子装3个; (2)每个箱子最多装3个; (3)肯定有装奇数个item的箱子。答案:全选
11. 全班25个人,一个小孩的得分比全班平均分多6分,如果现在他在原来分数的基础上再多得10分,他的分数会比平均分多多少?答案:15.6(当然不是16)
12. 复利(compound interest)的题,ratio是0.03,本金给定A, 问八年后总共多少钱。答案:复利就是利滚利。