




  新gre数学重要考点:Multiplying Monomials

  Multiplying Monomials

  To multiply two monomials, multiply the coefficients and add the power of the variables.

  By multiplying 3x and 4x, we get (4*3)x∧(1+1)=12x2.

  By multiply 3x and 4y, we get (4*3)xy=12xy.


  Do not forget to add the powers of the same variable.

  The terms need not be like terms to be multiplied.

  新gre数学重要考点:Subtracting Monomials

  Subtracting Monomials

  To subtract a monomial from another of the same variables just subtract the coefficients. Only two like monomials can be subtracted from each other.


  By subtracting 3x from 4x, we get (4-3)x=x.

  By subtracting 3xy from 2xy, we get (2-3)xy=-xy.

  By subtracting bx from ax, we get ax-bx=(a-b)x.


  Monomials can be subtracted only if they have the same variables with identical powers.

  新gre数学重要考点:Adding Monomials

  Adding Monomials

  To add two monomials of the same variables just add the coefficients.

  Only two like monomials can be added together.


  By adding 3x and 4x, we get (3+4)x=7x.

  By adding 3xy+2xy, we get (3+2)xy=5xy.

  By adding as and bx, we get ax+bx=(a+b)x.


  Monomials can be added...




  Power Still Out For Many in New York City

  Sandy flooded parts of New York City's subway system and affected other transportation. It delayed movement of trucks carrying fuel to gasoline stations, resulting in long lines at gas pumps.

  New York Governor Andrew Cuomo spoke about the problems at a press conference last week.

  "Many of the gas stations, especially in Nassau, there's gasoline in the tank in the ground but there's no power to run the pump. And that's been the problem."

  Governor Cuomo said Superstorm Sandy has exposed problems with New York's infrastructure.

  "These systems are the circulatory systems of the region. And you stop the circulatory system, and you paralyze the region."

  He said the failure of the city's public utility system is of real concern.

  "The utility system we have was designed at a different time for a different place. I believe the system is archaic and is obsolete in many ways."

  The storm has led to calls for power companies to bury more electrical lines underground. But, at least one expert says similar efforts did not help New York. Otto Lynch is vice president of Power Line Systems in Wisconsin.

  "The reason many people in New York are out of power is because it was underground and when the water came onshore, water and electricity don't mix. And they've ...



  留学群GRE频道为参加新GRE考试的考生提供GRE培训辅导, 公布2013年GRE考试时间、费用、GRE报名动态,提供GRE满分,填空,词汇,数学,阅读,写作,GRE机经等新GRE考试。

  Student Launches Hospital for iPhones

  "My mom became single a couple of years ago and I had to grow up. And in order to keep my lifestyle, I had to find different ways to stay financially ahead of the game [to] keep my phone, keep a car, transportation and all that stuff. So I had to find ways to be entrepreneurial."

  An organization called the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, or NFTE, helped the young man get started. Both he and his mother, Carla Quigg, admit that he had a hard time developing a business plan.

  "He quit the class, which I was very disappointed."

  "It was extremely hard for myself to find a business to start and run with it. But once I had that 'aha moment' or what I knew I wanted to go with, it was really easy and extremely fun."

  At the time, Vincent worked for the electronics store BestBuy. He says people always came into the store with broken electronic devices. He decided that repairing those devices was what he wanted to do. He not only re-registered for the NFTE class, but he also won the organization's national competition for best young entrepreneur.

  Estelle Reyes is executive director for NFTE in Los Angeles.

  "He has an incredible gift for presenting himself and his dreams in a very compelling way that engages everyone to rally around him."

  His business has g...




  How to Help an Endangered Language

  The Siletz tribal council did not want to let that happen. So Bud Lane asked for help from experts. Several National Geographic Fellows helped him record fourteen thousand words and phrases in his native tongue.

  TALKING DICTIONARY: "Let's dance out in front: ch'ee-naa-svt-nit-dash."

  Some Siletz words describe basket making, a traditional tribal art.

  TALKING DICTIONARY: "Baby basket: guy-yu." "Baby basket laces: guy-yuu mvtlh-wvsh."

  More than ten thousand entries can be found in the Siletz Online Talking Dictionary, first launched in two thousand seven. The website, siletz.swarthmore.edu, is hosted by Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania.

  David Harrison is a linguistics professor there. Professor Harrison has also posted talking dictionaries for seven other highly endangered languages from around the world. He says technology can spread the influence of major languages but also help save endangered ones.

  DAVID HARRISON: "This is what I like to call the flip side of globalization, or the positive value of globalization.?We hear a lot about how globalization exerts negative pressures on small cultures to assimilate."

  BARBARA KLEIN: Smartphone apps, YouTube videos and Facebook pages have all become digital tools for language activists and experts.

  Mr. Harrison and a re...




  Aedes albopictus, a variety of mosquito that has recently established itself in the southeastern United States, is less widespread than the indigenous swamp mosquito. Both the swamp mosquito and A. albopictus can carry viruses that are sometimes fatal to humans, but A. albopictus is a greater danger to public health. Each of the following, if true, provides additional information that strengthens the judgment given about the danger to public health EXCEPT:

  (A) Unlike the swamp mosquito, A. albopictus originated in Asia, and larvae of it were not observed in the United States before the mid-1980's.

  (B) Unlike the swamp mosquito, A. albopictus tends to spend most of its adult life near human habitation.

  (C) Unlike swamp mosquito larvae, A. albopictus larvae survive in flower pots, tin cans, and many small household objects that hold a little water.

  (D) In comparison with the swamp mosquito, A. albopictus hosts a much wider variety of viruses known to cause serious diseases in humans.

  (E) A. albopictus seeks out a much wider range of animal hosts than does the swamp mosq-uito, and it is more likely to bite humans.




标签: gre考试





  · 2013年4月27日


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2013年gre考试:gre作文写作ARGUMENT 模板



  ·In this argument the author comes to the conclusion that ...

  ·To justify the claim, the author points out that...

  ·The author also cites that ....

  ·Close scrutiny of this argument reveals that it is unconvincing in several aspects.


  ·First and foremost, ...

  ·In addition, ...

  ·Finally, ...


  ·In sum, the conclusion reached in this argument is invalid and misleading.

  ·To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would have to substantiate that ...and that ....

  ·Moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of this argument until the author can provide more information about (why...and whether...).


  ·The survey must be showed to be reliable before I can accept any conclusion the author reaches based upon it.

  ·However, the arguer fails to prove that the responses are accurate or that the respondents are statistically significant in number.

  ·Additionally, whether the sample is representative enough to reflect...



标签: gre作文 gre写作


   ARGUMENT 备考概述
  Argument 要我们先看一篇短文,然后抨击其中存在的逻辑错误。那么,什么是逻辑错误?其实它就有点像小孩玩的脑筋急转弯, 但是比脑筋急转弯还简单很多。比如,他说,M 城市在 10年前经济低谷时期推出了政策 P 以后经济状况迅速回升了,现在 N 市也陷入经济低迷时期,因此 N 市也应该推行政策 P。该推理中存在三个明显的逻辑错误:首先,他把 N 市等同于 M 市,默认为两个城市经济低谷情形相同,其实可能存在很多差异,根本不可同日而语;另外,他还认为政策 P 在今天会和 10年前一样起作用, 这又犯了认为事物一层不变的错误;最后,他没有考虑并排除其他更好的途径来解决 N 市的经济问题,可能有更好的解决方案。通过这个例子,基本可以了解 Argument 的逻辑错误了。把上面的三个错误分三段写出来,举出反驳的例子,再加上开头、结尾段,就成了一篇Argu作文。

  其实,A 的准备相对 I 要简单得多,因此准备 GRE 作文不妨就从 A 下手。推荐北美范文的 A 部分,确实写得不错(不推荐看它的 Issue) 。因为 A 的模板性很强,可以直接学习北美上的文章结构,句式稍作修改就可以挪为己用了,一般不会被判为雷同。直接开始 A 的方法就是,从十来篇 A 范文中找出 A 的写作思路与文章结构,学习常用的抨击句式,然后可以开始尝试写 A,不写就不知道自己的弱点,就没有办法提高,最忌讳的是怕动手写。可能开始是一两篇会用时很长,但是写到三五篇熟悉了思路就开始顺畅起来。写到十篇就可以比较自己写出来的文章,当然以开始的文章可能不堪入目,但后来几篇就基本成形了,需要回顾并总结出自己的优点,修改自己的不足。总结写作思路,如何读题,如何组织几个主要错误,如何抨击这些错误,有什么固定套路,有什么特定句式等等。

  此外,每天模考两篇(至少 1 篇)Argu 很有必要,并且及时做修改,准备A 提纲时遇到一些自己认为比较难的题目,就看看北美范文(如果上面有该题范文的话) ,借此拓宽思路,比较出自己距离范文的差距,总结如何提高。每天两篇 A,从你开始做到的那天就要一直坚持下去,直到考前最后一天!坚持就是胜利!

  ARGUMENT 逻辑与提纲

  对于 A 的提纲的准备,不同的人有很多不同的说法;有人赞成 A 的分析思路更重要,有人则以为多熟悉题目更重要。我的观点是,思路是重点,通过一定的题目练习思路是首要的;其次,在充分掌握思路的基础上熟悉更多的题目未尝不可,对于时间充裕的考生来说完全可以做到看完机经覆盖到的全部题目,这样可以增加自信,得到更好的发挥。



