Women, be on your guard. There is a new male excuse for not listening to us. A recent study shows that men find it almost impossible to listen to what women say because their brains are out of synch(不同步的)with "complex female tones". Apparently, when men listen to other men about the things they care about, they use only the frontal area of their brains. However, when they listen to women it's different story. They have to work much harder, employing a part of the brain that normally deals with music. So when a man tells you your voice is "music to his ears", he's actually telling the truth, though not in a good way. I'm sure a lot of women could recall times when they have wasted hours explaining why they are completely right about everything in the world, only to wake up the next day to discover that not one brilliant point got through. Those times when men haven't listened to me, I just thought I was being ignored. I didn't realize I just wasn't singing their favorite music. If I'd realized I was being heard as "music", I would have had a bit of fun with it. Whenever I wanted a "discussion", I'd have brought along my own band, complete with string and horn sections.
It is difficult not to be suspicious of yet more scientific findings sparing men the blame because of their biology. Isn't this "slaves to biology" all...