



  下文《BBC英语听力材料:泰晤士河决堤》由留学群英语频道为您整理,欢迎您 访问留学群浏览更多资讯。

  Hundreds of homes along the River Thames in southernEngland are being evacuated after the river burst its banks andswept into villages and towns west of London. More details inthis report from Rob Broomby.

  The normally steady flowing Thames has become in places a swirling brown lake engulfing gardens,fields and golf courses alike. The Prime Minister David Cameron has said that everything can bedone is being done. But his government and the agency responsible for flood protection havebeen trading punches over who was most to blame for the lack of preparedness. The police havealready called this a major incident, and with more rain expected, the flooding could get worsebefore it gets better.
