

BBC News:泰国国防部长称曼谷爆炸针对外国人






  Hello, I'm Julie Candler with the BBC news.


  The defense minister in Thailand Prawit Wongsuwan says the perpetrators of a bomb attack at a busy road junction in central Bangkok deliberately targetted foreigners to harm tourism and the Thai economy. At least 19 people were killed in the explosion which happened at a Hindus shrine popular with tourists. Dozens of people were wounded. No group has said it carried out the attack. Major General W C P government spokesman urged the public to remain vigilant.

  泰国国防部长翁素万称,爆炸袭击者故意在曼谷中心繁华街道上发起爆炸是针对外国人,破坏国家旅游业和经济。这次爆炸发生在游客最喜爱的景点——四面佛神像附近,造成至少19人死亡,多人受伤。没有任何组织 表示与这次爆炸事件有关联。政府发言人、大将翁素万警示市民保持警惕。

  "The public are advised to remain calm and monitor the situation regularly as security agencies conduct their operations. As for possible motivation to those who may have caused the incident, it is too early to speculate which group may have been responsibl...

BBC News:美国游客杀死津巴布尔“狮子王”被起诉



  据外国媒体29日报道,美国牙医沃尔特帕尔默早前在津巴布韦打猎,杀死了一只当地最出名的狮子,引发了津巴布韦民众的愤怒。下面来自留学群英语频道整理的BBC News:美国游客杀死津巴布尔有名狮子被起诉,欢迎阅读。



  Hello, I am Sue Montgomery with the BBC news.


  Eurotunnel says 2000 migrants try to break into its free terminal in the French port of Calais in a desperate attempt to reach Britain through the Channel tunnel. Insane, the Eurotunnel described as unprecedented, migrants repeatedly try to hide aboard vehicles bound for Britain, or climb over fences to board shuttles. John Keefe is from Eurotunnel.


  “Every night, our truck tunnel comes undersold by hundreds of migrants. There were groups of 50 to 100 migrants attacking the fences, trying to break through, trying to get down to where they trying then the truck downloading, trying to climb on them and get to ...

BBC News:土耳其战况紧急



  下面来自留学群英语频道整理的BBC News:土耳其战况紧急,欢迎阅读。



  Hello, I'm Jerry Smit with the BBC news.


  Turkey security sources said war planes have carried out a second wave of airstrikes against Kurdish separatist camps over the border in Northern Iraq, four F16 fighter jets were deployed from Diyarbakir Airbase to hit PKK bases in the same area where the regional strikes took place on Friday. The European union and NATO have urged Turkey not to give up on the xx peace process with the Kurdish minority. Mark Lowen reports from Istanbul.


  "The fear is growing here that the battle days of Turkey's Kurdish conflicts might return. The latest incident was near Kurdish majority Diyarbakir, where a Turkish military con...

BBC News:黑客入侵美人力资源信息网



  下面来自留学群英语频道整理的BBC News:黑客入侵美人力资源信息网,欢迎阅读。



  Hello, I'm Fiona MacDonald with the BBC News.


  Eurozone treasury officials have begun assessing the latest Greek proposals for a way out of the debt crisis. The package that Athens submitted on Thursday to its international creditors includes the kind of austerity measures that Greek voters rejected in a referendum last Sunday. Chris Morrisreports from Brussels.


  “The proposals include tax rises, pension reforms, spending cuts and promises of privatisation. Measures rejected in last Sunday's referendum will now be conceded. But this is no capitulation by the Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras. In return, he is asking for far more than was offered last month. Greece wants a new three-year bailout from the Eurozone. It wants more support to promote economic growth, and it wants its huge debt burden to be re...