1. 手机稀有金属
V1 A cellmanufacturer说Cellphone production requires some precious metals, such as...The price of thesemetals increased and decreased dramatically. We forecast that thegrowth of the sales of the cell phone will continue. Therefore, we plan to buy largequantities of these metals immediately to lock in the costs and guarantee theprofits.
V2“cell phone manufacturing requires a large variety of precious and expensive metasl, such like gold, silver and copper. 在过去的数年中,我们公司已经进行过对此类贵重金属的购买, and we found the price of these metals sometimes changed dramatically. 而且我们forcast a growth of our cell phone division and high-volume pruchasing looking strong. 如果我们购买(并且库存?) A large amount fo these metals, 就可以lock our costs. By doing so, we can lock in our cost savings and guarantee a high-level profit.”
V3 因为cell phone的原材料金属很贵,且金属的价格此起彼伏dramatically 为了防止其对什么的影响和保护产品的生产线 所以stockholder决定lock in the cost for those materials(没搞懂lock in有啥特别意思),这样可以把lock in 的savings用作以后来保证产业的高利润(收入)。
V4 有个report说手机生产过程需要一些昂贵的稀有金属,类似于金银神马的,厂商说过去十年中他们对金属的需求一直扩大,在此过程中见证了金属价格的大幅的上升与下跌。由于他们预测此后他们对手机的生产仍会扩大对金属的需求将会一直很大,厂商认为此时买下现在生产线上需要的large quantity of metals是明智的,将会lock成本,并且guarantee a high profit in the future.
是说一家企业生产衣服,sell hot trend clothes to young in the outlets duriing the 5 years. Business is running very weill. The managmet has plant to open 125 retail stores in the shopping mall across the country. The owner of CEO is former rock star and he will help business success with his reputation. the finanical analyst counrage his clients to buy that company stocks .
有一個analyst寫了一個意見去 A city council 發表了對A city中那個正在實行的two-way strategy發表意見:
two way strategy目標是減少交通traffic 增加ridership,增加了affording housing和鐵路建設.
Analyst批評說在在過去的5年中,the project has spent over 30millions on the 82nd street Station, but it has only 15% increase on the ridership 還是坐地鐵的人,the project on the 108th street has spent only 5 millions, but it has 30% increase on the ridership 還是坐地鐵的人. Therefore, the analyst suggests that the remaining budgeted on the 82nd street station should redirect to 108th.
>>> 考古
有一个城市的交通系统分析员(transportation analyst之类的词儿)对city council提了个proposal:
背景:为了提高城市轨道交通的ridership,这个城市开展了一个整改工程,该工程分两部分:1)在车站旁边修大量affordable housing;2)在各个车站修建给步行人(Pedestrian)的通道
一个地方要在为了交通问题,提出两种方法:1)在临近commute trai 的地方兴建大家买得起的房子 2)增加地铁还是什么的出口(不确定)给了一个过去5年的数据:1) the 82nd street station: about $3 million的投入, increase 15% 2)the 120nd street station: a few million, increase 30%
结论:120nd street station 这个地方更有效率。 所以将来,把剩下的钱都偷盗120nd street station 这个地方。
一个城市,要提高地铁rideship,于是在82nd Street Station和102nd Street station附近投资居民去,作者发现,82nd项目投资...
The business manager of a local auto dealership recommended the following in a memo to the dealership’s owners: “During the month of June, when we advertised our luxury automobile models in the local newspapers and placed them in prominent positions on our lot and in our showroom, combined sales for both luxury models and our more inexpensive models reached the highest point for the year. In February, when we focused our advertisements on our inexpensive models and featured them on our lot and in our showroom, overall sales were lower. Clearly, if we want to maximize our profits, we need to put our luxury line front and center in a more prominent position, year-round. The luxury line clearly attracts potential consumers who, once they set foot on our auto lot, purchase a wide variety of automobiles that generate revenue for this dealership.
V1. 一个卖汽车的,有luxury model和inexpensive model。 这个dealership的在June为他的luxury model做广告,并且将luxury model放到他们展厅的中间位置,然后June的the combined sales of both models就很高很高,然后之前在February的时候,该dealership是为inexpensive model做广告并且放到展厅中间位置来着,结果那个月的the combined sales of both models非常low。基于此,这个manager就认为,应该坚持六月份的策略,为luxury Model做广告并且放到展厅中间,并且要这样做year-round。
V2. 同狗主说的英文原题
作者建议有stable office job的人,千万不要辞职当self-employed worker.有以下原因:
1. self-employed 的人在家工作有很多distraction,例如phone call, noisy neighbor,和household chore.
2. self-employed 的人not likely to set schedule,所以他们会procrastinate或者not working.
3. self-employed 的人在家工作,会socially and professionally isolated, 所以他们的advancement会受到limit.
因此,office job肯定好且lead to more earning.
V2 今天是people working at home不好,a steady office job更好什么的,文中把在家工作不好的缺点列了一下,先是说在家会受到邻居的噪音影响啊,有三个,还有就是在家没有schedule啊,最后就说在家working会使自己的社交圈和朋友圈isolated,因此对professional career不好什么
2015年2月GMAT作文机经之Park Hill商业计划Park Hill商业计划
就是在park hill区的披萨店、电影院和高尔夫俱乐部过去两年发展很好,所以XX公司今年应该投资另外一个区的另外三家店,并且采取消费两家店可以获得第三家折扣的措施,可以让每个店都获利并且最大化回报
The following appeared as part of the business plan of the Capital Idea investment firm:
"Across town in the Park Hill district, the Thespian Theater, Pizzazz Pizza, and the Niblick Golf Club have all had business increases over the past two years. Capital Idea should therefore invest in the Roxy Playhouse, the Slice-o'-Pizza, and the Divot Golf Club, three new businesses in the Irongate district. As a condition, we should require them to participate in a special program: Any customer who patronizes two of the businesses will receive a substantial discount at the third. By motivating customers to patronize all three, we will thus contribute to the profitability of each and maximize our return."
1. 错误类比:PH地区与I地区不同,在PH地区成功的business在I地区不一定成功,人口,habit等不同。
2. 因果关系:即使这三种business会成功,那么这特定的三家店也不一定能成功,还要看该店的经营、销售、服务等等。
3. 无根据假设:即使捆绑三个店,顾客也不一定会每个店都去消费。
The argument states...