Russia and the West——Cold climate
As relations with Europe and America freeze over, Vladimir Putin looks to China
WHEN Vladimir Putin plays host to Barack Obama and other world leaders at the G20 summit in St Petersburg next week, mutual resentment and dislike will be ill-concealed. The American president recently likened the Russian leader's body language to that of a “bored kid in the back of the classroom”. Mr. Obama has cancelled a planned bilateral meeting in Moscow, choosing to visit Sweden instead.
在下周圣彼得堡举行的G20峰会上,弗拉基米尔·普金作为东道主接待奥巴马和其它国家的领导人,相互间的怨恨与厌恶将一触即发。美国总统最近将俄罗斯领导人的身体语言比作为 “坐在教室后面的无聊孩子”。奥巴马已经取消了原计划在莫斯科举行双边会谈,转而拜访瑞典。
The last straw was Russia's sheltering of Edward Snowden, a fugitive American spook. But the spat over that only crystallized something apparent since Mr Putin returned to the Kremlin in2012: that the “reset”, launched with much fanfare in 2009, is not just dying, but dead.
对爱德华·斯诺登(一名逃亡的美国特工)而言,俄国的庇护是他最后一根救命稻草。但是,自从2012年普京回到克里姆林宫之后,那些争执只是将一些表面上的东西具体化罢了: 一改当初大肆宣扬的2009俄美关系“重启计划”正在死亡的说话,直接宣布该计划已死亡。
Dmitry Trenin of the Moscow Carnegie Centre, a think-tank, says the aborted summit marks the end of a 25-year cycle which started in Mikhail Gorbachev's glory days. Now the assumption of shared goals an...