






  The concept of ’individual responsibility’ is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people’s behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making.



  Admittedly it is true that forces play a vital role in determining people’s behavior, but one should not go too far to deny the equal importance of individual responsibility. In many cases, it is individual responsibility that is at stake, far over the use of forces.

  In the first place, forces are not omnipotent and there are many occasions on which forces fail to take effect and therefore must resort to individual responsibility to regulate people’s behavior. Take marital infidelity for example. Undoubtedly, this behavior is immoral and should be condemned because it severely harms the stability of family and thus impacts negative effects on the development of children. However,hardly can the use of compulsory forces such as laws take effect in preventing the occurrence of this disloyal behavior. The reason for impotency of forces on this occasion is that any attempt to prevent marital infidelity has a great possibility to unduly interfere with individual affairs and seriously violate individual freedom.Therefore, the society has no cho...