1. prompt a. 迅速的 , 敏捷的 v. 推动 , 提示 词频:1 [prɔmpt]
近义词:rapid / fast / fly / forward / ready;facilitate / boost / further;cue / noting;punctually
权威例句:With prompt and proper responses, the IRS might agree little or no tax is due.(FORBES: Tax Liens and Newt Gingrich)
2. scathing a. 严厉的 , 尖刻的 词频:1 ['skeiðiŋ]
近义词:severe / tight / hard / harsh / rigorous;hurting
权威例句:Mr. Krim is scathing in his assessment of the state of mobile development today.(WSJ: Design Freedom Eludes Mobile Web)
3. acrimonious a. 严厉的 , 辛辣的 , 刻薄的 词频:1 [ˌækri'məunjəs]
近义词:severe / tight / hard / harsh / acid
权威例句:The prolonged and often acrimonious discussions over Barry's move are still developing on Wednesday. (CNN: Goalkeeper Cavalieri on way to Liverpool)
4. rigorous a. 严密的 , 严格的 , 严峻的 词频:1 ['rigərəs]
近义词:strict / rigid / precise / severe / tight
权威例句:Knowing where, when, and how to move will require rigorous market analysis with accurate data.(FORBES: Unlocking China's Consumer Power)
5. rocky a. 岩石的 , 多岩石的 , 障碍重重的 词频:1 ['rɔki]
近义词:petrous / lithological
权威例句:Converted tries from Rocky Elsom and Quade Cooper gave the Wallabies a well-deserved 14-0 lead at half-time.(BBC: Australia 27-17 England)
6. generic a. 一般的 , 普通的 , 种属的 词频:1 [dӡi'nerik]
近义词:common / p...
1.cynicism['sinisizəm] n. 愤世嫉俗 adj. 愤世嫉俗的 n. 愤世嫉俗者
2.disdain[dis'dein] v. 蔑视
3.diversity[dai'və:siti]n. 多样性
4.inherent[in'hiərənt] adj. 内在的 adv. 本质上地
5.idealism[ai'diəlizəm]n. 理想主义 adj. 理想主义的 n. 理想主义者
6.consumer[kən'sju:mə]n. 消费者
innovate['inə.veit] adj. 创造性的 n. 创新 v. 创新
7.species['spi:ʃi:z] n. 物种
8.highlight['hailait] v. 增强亮度; 强调
9.enhance[in'hɑ:ns] n. 增强 v. 提高; 增加; 加强
10.diminish[di'miniʃ] v. 减少, 缩小
11.irrelevant[i'reləvənt] n. 不相关 adj. 无关系的
12.pragmatic[præg'mætik] adj. 实用主义的, 务实的
13.skeptical['skeptikəl] n. 怀疑态度 adj. 多疑的 n. 怀疑论者
14.superfluous[su'pə:fluəs] adj. 多余的
15.anomalous[ə'nɔmələs] adj. 反常的
16.cultural['kʌltʃərəl] adj. 文化的
17.explicit[iks'plisit] adj. 明确的, 旗帜鲜明的 adv. 明确地
18.undermine[.ʌndə'main] v. 破坏; 削弱
19.predictable[pri'diktəbl] adv. 可预见地 adj. 可预测的, 预计的
20.biological[.baiə'lɔdʒikəl] adj. 生物的, 生物学的
21.contradict[.kɔntrə'dikt] v. 与…矛盾
22.creation[krɪ'eʃən] n. 创造
23.intrigue[in'tri:g] v. 激起…的兴趣、 欲望或好奇心
24.ironically[ai'rɔnikli] adv. 讽刺地 adj. 讽刺的
25.random['rændəm] adj. 任意的, 随机的 n. 随机性 adv. 随便地
26.realistic[riə'listik] adj. 现实的 adv. 现实地
27.suppress[sə'pres] v. 压制, 制止
1. instigate v. 煽动 , 怂恿 , 教唆 词频:2 ['instigeit]
近义词:encourage / fan
权威例句:That could convince a new generation of leaders to instigate real change from within the establishment.(ECONOMIST: Malaysian justice)
2. enchant v. 施魔法 , 使迷惑 词频:2 [in'tʃɑ:nt]
近义词:bemuddle / bewilder
权威例句:Mr Bowden's writing, which reads like fiction though it describes fact, will enchant some and drive others up the wall.(ECONOMIST: Mexican individualism and violence)
3. discomfit v. 使懊恼 , 挫败 词频:2 [dis'kʌmft]
近义词:destroy / defeat / disorder
权威例句:And it might just be that our exercise of our liberties and freedoms will discomfit you.(FORBES: Reddit and Violentacrez: Yes, PJ O'Rourke Did Have It Right)
4. standardize v. 使标准化 词频:2 ['stændədaiz]
权威例句:So why has it taken so long to standardize, to ramp up this training?(NPR: U.S. Turns More Attention to Training Iraqi Forces)
5. necessitate v. 使成为必需 , 迫使 词频:2 [ni'sesiteit]
近义词:ask / lack / pressure / claim
权威例句:They may limit profitability and even necessitate charges, but they do not represent an endgame.(FORBES: Recovery Apartheid)
6. stylize v. 使风格化 词频:2 ['stailaiz]
权威例句:"We don't look to stylize our lineup so much as we just stay away from pop garbage, " said Farrell, who in the past has said he sees himself as a music curat...
1.repudiate[英][rɪˈpju:di:ˌeɪt] [美][rɪˈpjudiˌeɪt]
...his public repudiation of the conference decision.
The official-standard political culture: repudiate the people oriented.
He repudiate the charge of have commit the crime.
Thoroughly repudiate the erroneous theory and practice.
New evidence is conclusive enough to repudiate the original judgment or order.
The west has chosen to repudiate all responsibility for these refugees.
2.controversial[英][ˌkɔntrəˈvə:ʃəl] [美][ˌkɑntrəˈvɚʃəl, -siəl]
controversially 外语学习网
More controversially, he claims that these higher profits cover the cost of finding fresh talent...
David Hirst was controversially sent off on his European debut for Sheffield Wednesday last night.