

GRE双语阅读:Politicians and religion


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  Politicians and religion——Doing God


  David Cameron's frank Christian talk is more astute than the reaction to it suggests

  卡梅伦坦率的复活节讲话与其说是对民众的反应有所企图, 不如说是诡计多端

  FEW Britons have well-defined religious beliefs, but many have tastes in matters of religion. As with tea, they don't like it too cold or too hot. They seem to want the established religion to be present somewhere in the background, with its village churches, Christmas carols and Remembrance Day services, and they would hate it to vanish altogether; but they would squirm if anyone asked them to accept Jesus as their personal saviour.


  It is that sentiment that David Cameron and other senior Tories seemed to be invoking when they marked the Easter season with some firmly (but not too firmly) Christian messages. Having declared at an Easter reception that he was “proud of the fact that we are a Christian country”, the prime minister took to the Church Times, an Anglican weekly, to spell out what he did not mean. He described himself as a “rather classic” member of the Church o...




  Grocery shopping——Aisle be damned


  For the best bargains, avoid shopping around for your groceries


  THRIFTY shoppers do not have to look far to find a bargain. Offers abound in the cut-throat world of British supermarkets. Received wisdom suggests that people trying to save money on their groceries should shop around to get the best prices. But research presented on April 9that the Royal Economic Society suggests that those who do so end up paying more.


  Kun Tian, a researcher at Cardiff Business School, and Ji Yan of Durham University, the paper's authors, argue that people who buy all their groceries at just one of the big supermarkets(Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda and Morrisons) pay less than those who purchase equivalent goods at a mixture of the four of them. Data from Kantar World panel, a market-research firm, show similar trends. Unlike Mr. Tian's study, these cover total purchases rather than comparing equivalent baskets of goods. They show that people who bought groceries in just one store during the 12 weeks to September 2013 spent 631. Those who went to...




  The European Union budget——The gourmands of Brussels


  The EU may be spending less, but the cost of running it is rising


  THE European Union is on the verge of cutting its spending for the first time ever. A 3% cut in real terms will save 34 billion ($47 billion) from the seven-year budget framework for 2014-20. For Britain’s David Cameron, who pressed the hardest for a cut, this is a triumph. But every silver lining has a cloud: EU spending on administration will still rise, by a total of 8% in real terms.


  The sums involved are relatively small: the total budget is only 1% of EU GDP, and just 6% of this goes on administration. Yet it has political resonance. Taxpayers do not like paying for civil servants at the best of times. Spending more on Brussels bureaucrats at a time of deep recession and high unemployment is even harder to swallow.


  A European Commission spokesman likens EU governments to a restaurant customer who wants more, ...




  Graffiti——The writing's on the wall


  Having turned respectable, graffiti culture is dying


  LONDON'S fastest-changing art gallery is hidden in a sunken ball court on a housing estate in Stockwell, south London. On a sunny Sunday afternoon six or seven men, mostly in their 30s, are busy painting the walls with new designs. They have put up cartoons, names written in elaborate, multi coloured lettering and clever perspective tricks. Tins of spray paint and beer stand on the ground; ladders lean against the paintings. The atmosphere is not unlike that of a golf course: a mix of concentration and blokey relaxation.


  Graffiti painting is traditionally a daredevil pursuit. Teenagers dodge security guards to put their names on trains and buses. But over the past decade that has all but disappeared from Britain's cities. Between 2007 and 2012 the number of incidents of graffiti recorded by the British Transport Police fell by 63%. A survey by the environment ministry shows that fewer places are blighted by tags than ever. Graffiti are increasingly co...




  Politicians v newspapers——Hold the presses


  The battle over newspaper regulation rolls into the long grass


  “IT IS not even the beginning of the end, but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” That (quoting Winston Churchill) is one MP's verdict on Britain's battle over newspaper standards. His judgment, if grandiloquent, is accurate. The clash between politicians and newspapers, which began with the revelation in 2011 of widespread phone-hacking by a tabloid, appears to have reached a conclusion. On October 30th the government approved a new regulatory system to discipline Fleet Street misbehaviour. But the hostilities have merely been postponed.


  The new system is the product of months of debate and compromise. Reacting to the phone-hacking scandal, the government commissioned a judge to investigate press standards. After a tortuous, year-long inquiry, Lord Justice Leveson recommended a tough new regulator backed by legislation.


  In March the th...




  Free exchange——For richer, for poorer


  One way or another, America's government will end up bailing out Puerto Rico


  IN DECEMBER, as a winter chill descends on the continental United States, temperatures in Puerto Rico often reach 30°C. Palm trees sway alongside the Spanish colonial buildings in Old San Juan; the blue Atlantic stretches to the horizon. Yet the economic outlook for America's Caribbean dependency is anything but sunny. Its government owes $72 billion in debt, which it says it cannot repay. On December 1st the territory is supposed to make—and is almost certain to miss—a $354m debt payment. And that is just the first of a series of repayments that add up to $1.4 billion (or nearly 1.5% of GDP) due in December and January.


  Politicians in Washington are scrambling for a solution. The island's fiscal woes are in part the result of chronically bad budgeting. But they also stem from structural economic weakness. Bailing out Puerto Rico, which is self-governing but not a state, is no...




  Subway passengers in some Chinese cities are not standing on the right side of escalators and sparing the left side for those to walk through.


  An earlier report hit the Internet saying that Nanjing city in eastern China only requires subway passengers to stand firm and hold the handrail rather than to stand on the right side as it did formerly.


  The Nanjing Subway Group explained on their Weibo account that it found 95 percent of escalators were seriously worn on the right side.


  Shi Dajiang from the city’s public security bureau agreed that standing on the right side will speed up the abrasion of the escalator, shorten the service life and increase risk of breakdown.


  Station staff also said the escalator step is 21 centimeters in height, six centimeters higher than the height of the public stairs. It is dangerous to walk on the operating escalators.


  Guangzhou canceled the standard to stand on the right side of escalator about ten years ago. Ye Zichuan from the Guangzhou subway publicity department said they have investigated escal...




  Driving in Vietnam——Four wheels good, two wheels better


  A proliferation of cars threatens to clog the country’s big cities


  Cars and motorbikes are banned from the old heart of Hoi An, a pretty tourist town in central Vietnam.


  When the country’s newish prime minister paid a visit, he obligingly travelled on foot.


  But as Nguyen Xuan Phuc strode manfully around, his motorcade crept along behind him.


  Outraged netizens disseminated photos of the incident, forcing Mr. Phuc to apologize—a rare step for a senior official in Vietnam’s authoritarian regime.


  Not many Vietnamese can afford a fleet of blacked-out saloons.


  But car-ownership in the Communist country is soaring, bringing worries about pollution and congestion.


  Sales of cars, vans and lorries rose 55% by volume in 2015, albeit from a low base; so far this year they are up another third.


  Most went t...




  Venezuelan government debt——Running out of time


  A devastating spiral continues.


  To most investors, Venezuela looks less like a market than a mess.


  The IMF expects output to shrink by 10% this year and inflation to exceed 700%.


  As the bolivar’s value has plunged, multinational firms have announced billions of dollars of write-downs.


  For much of this year, however, some strong-stomached investors have scented an opportunity.


  They rushed to buy bonds issued by the government and by the state-owned oil company, PDVSA.


  They have been rewarded handsomely.


  Venezuelan government bonds have outperformed other emerging-market sovereign bonds tracked by JP Morgan.


  The government, led by Nicolas Maduro, boasts it has never missed a debt payment.


  Indeed he has given priority to debt service over other urgent needs, ...




  Long-waited epic The Great Wall has finally hit screens in China. The action adventure was helmed by superstar Chinese director Zhang Yimou, backed by Chinese-owned Hollywood studio Legendary, with a cast featuring Chinese A-listers as well as Matt Damon, making it the most expensive film ever made in China.


  It won’t be remembered as Zhang’s best film, but the director’s artistic touch is on display in his long panoramic sweeps and artful use of color. Simultaneously futuristic and historic, the visual spectacle carries the film, while Zhang manages to include plenty of promised “Chinese elements”.


  By its end, The Great Wall leaves you with the feeling that it must be a metaphor – after all, the Taotie were, according to legend, brought down by their own greed – but hazy about what exactly the moral is. Is it a warning over rampant Chinese consumerism? A caution against marauding foreigners and invading foreign values? A reminder about the power of collectivism over individualism? Or is it really just a old romp between goodies and baddies?