





  There are a variety of scholarships available for international students who require financial assistance. The number of eligible and successful applicants varies according to the scholarship. Recruitment information on the scholarships is posted on the bulletin boards at each faculty and at the Center for Global Partnerships and Education, as well as on the website.



  Criteria for Eligible Applicants (excluding Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) scholarships)

  Eligible applicants should meet all of the criteria listed below.

  The enrollment period in the current course should not exceed the course term period at the time of application. The applicant’s GPA of the previous academic year should meet the required grade point average:

  Undergraduates: 2.0 and above

  Graduate students: 2.3 and above

  The applicant should not be currently receiving or be selected to receive, or have applied for any other scholarships.

  The annual income of the financial supporter should be less than ¥5,000,000.

  The applicant’s spouse is not a recipient of a Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) scholarship...
