1. Which of the following summer arrangements is better for a 16-17 year old student of grade eleven?
a.Get ready for some of the major courses they want to study in College;b.Led by the teacher to visit museums or historical sites, and then write paper.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Universities should require every graduation students to take public speaking courses. Give specific examples and details to support your answer.
3. Which one do you think is the most important for high school teacher? (age from 15 to 18)
a.the ability to give students advice to plan for their future;b.the ability to find which students need help and provide them with help;c.the ability to encourage students to learn on themselves outside of the classroom.
4. Which area the government should fund to improve children’s education?a.hiring more teachers to teach in a small class;b.preschool education before kindergarten;c.providing some training courses so that teachers can be more professional.
5. If you are going to graduate from the university and have to choose the final course, which professor will you choose?The one you used to sign up for courses or the one you have never learned from before?
6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement...
1. In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today's world, which system is appropriate?
2. In some countries, students pay their college or university fees, while in some others, the government pays for them. Do the advantages of governments paying for fees outweigh the disadvantages?
3. Some people believe that studying in a college or university is the best way for students to prepare for their future career. Others think they should leave school as soon as possible to develop their career through work experience. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
“introduction→main body paragraph1→main body paragraph2→conclusion”。
Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The group will be helped more by person who will be willing to do what other group members want than by person who often strongly insists that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group wants to do.
Nowadays, many movies or films are based on books. Some people prefer to read the original book before they watch the movie, other prefer to watch the movie before reading the book. Which one do you prefer?
Some young people are free in the evenings or have days off at school, which way can bring them the most benefit? 1、to accumulate work experience by a part-time job or volunteering in a community 2、learning to play a sport 3、learning to play a musical instrument
At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make this decisions, students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why.
Students aged 13-18 are taught different subjects by different teachers while younger students are taught by only one teacher all day long. Some people suggest it wou...
教育资金是否只应该投给科学型项目 Money for postgraduate research is limited. Some people, therefore, think that financial support from government should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
1. 投资科学研究应该优于其他学科,因为新科技的发明和突破是我们今天社会前进的根本驱动力。举例,如果没有对医学方面的投资,则新的药品,疫苗,诊断技术,医学设备都不会诞生。同样的,给我们生活带来便利和舒适的家电,如冰箱,电视,洗衣机,也都来自长期地科学研究。
2. 然而,其他不那么实用的学科仍然有投资的必要。举例,数学,这个标准的理论性学科,是必须给予资金支持的,因为它是其他实用性学科的基础,如计算机,生物工程,化学等等。正是数学的突破给这些学科提供了新的理论,公式,数学模型和测试。
3. 此外,文学学科的重要性在于,它们把学生培养成了合格的社会公民。举例,通过学习历史和哲学,学生能学会基本的道德,民主和社会规范,以及对于本土文化的热爱
Now, it is widely held that in terms of the confined scientific funding, the government should give priorities to research for "hard sciences" over "soft sciences". Personally, I think this assertion fails to grasp the values of these seemingly less fruitful subjects, and my reasons would be listed as below. Admittedly, there i...
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
It is only natural that we do things that we enjoy doing. However, doing things that we hate to do is a basic component of life. I agree that people occasionally have to do things that they dislike doing. There are a great number of things that we should do but hate to do. Moreover, by doing things we hate to do first, sometimes we learn to like them.
In their personal lives, people sometimes have to accomplish tasks that they dislike doing. Who enjoys visiting a doctor, for example? We do this, however, because it is essential to taking care of our health. I do not know many people who enjoy doing household chores. But we do them because we need to maintain an orderly family life.
In their professional live, people occasionally have to finish tasks that are not fun, but that are essential components of their jobs. Few people like to work with someone who no one else likes. But if the person is a representative of our business partner, we may have to work with the person. If we are teachers, we may sometimes have to discipline students in class, for example, by asking them to turn off their cellular phones and publishing some policy regarding similar behavior. Teachers ...
综合作文:United states-wellness programs bring lots of benefits to the companies and employees.
1)become a motivational tool for people to lose weight and quit smoking,什么research shows cash 让人们change their habit more easily;
3 )although cost companies a lot of money, long term can收回来。
1)短期减小,是一个动力but cannot keep for a long period. Research shows that after several years the people are back to their bad habit;
2)不fair,个人自身条件不一样的。Some people not time exercise, need take care of their family cope with chores, some people genetically fat They need be charge higher因为花更多时间;
3)收不回来many employees not stay in one company forever, they will change for their own financially benefits to other company政府也没有政策帮扶员工,走了收不回来,损失大。
1.Some people think it is a valuable experience to travel abroad, whereas others believe it is a waste of time and expense since people already have TV programs and the internet nowadays. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
2.People's shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other factor. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
3.Interview is the basic form of selecting procedure for most large companies. Some people think it is unreliable and there are some other better methods. Discuss and give your own opinion.
4.Economic growth in in recent years made some people in both developed countries and developing countries richer. However, research showing that while people in developing countries are happier, people in developed countries seems no happier than before. Why? What can we learn from it?
5.Educationalists think that the program of international exchange visits would benefit all students. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
6.Some people believe that university education should focus on the skills of employment for the future. Others think should focus academic study only. Discuss both views and give your...
1.The vadose zone and its structure
3.rrigation and early civilizations
4. 威尼斯的船。以前是round ship,capacity比较小。后来发明了galley,一个三角的东西,比较好控制方向。后面出现了cog。
5. 罗马人对欧洲经济生活的影响。罗马的科技对于当时的欧洲来说比较的先进。文章具体提到了British在哪些方面落后。后来罗马把tribe变成了一个unity,但是还是比较自治。Tribe之前会有战争,但是也会有货币的交易,鼓励人们使用coin,因此出现了bank,和loan。这些发展促进了罗马的税收,通过让欧洲居民穿罗马的衣服让人们意识到城市的重要性。
6. 科技预测地震。主要由两种方法预测地震,long-term和short-term,但预测不是很精确。通过地下水和裂缝,gas上升预测地震。还有其他方法但比较复杂。
7. 18世纪左右农业的发展和人类人口的爆炸式增长。
1.Some people think it is a valuable experience to travel abroad, whereas others believe it is a waste of time and expense since people already have TV programs and the internet nowadays. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
2.People's shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other factor. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
3.Interview is the basic form of selecting procedure for most large companies. Some people think it is unreliable and there are some other better methods. Discuss and give your own opinion.
4.Economic growth in in recent years made some people in both developed countries and developing countries richer. However, research showing that while people in developing countries are happier, people in developed countries seems no happier than before. Why? What can we learn from it?
5.Educationalists think that the program of international exchange visits would benefit all students. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
6.Some people believe that university education should focus on the skills of employment for the future. Others think should focus academic study only. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
7.We should return to traditional and older values of respect for family and community. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
标题:Community Service Opportunity for Incoming First-Year Students
原因 1:她们正有计划为孩子们建造一个室外操场。志愿者人数一多,她们就能够更快完成建设。
原因 2:她当年进来时候也是想去认识人,但却没有办法。这样更加有利于新生融入大学生活。"
标题:school request that students club contain at least ten members
原因 1:学校不好拨款:不能清楚判断资金流向,可能会浪费钱。
原因 2:人员过少不会长久存在下去。
原因 1:学校在学生会活动上的资金支持很少只有一些小型的活动比如 hiking,并没有浪费学校很多钱。
原因 2:不管时间存在的长久,俱乐部为学生提供了交朋友的机会这对他们未来事业都会有好处。