"I think I'm a bit too young for him," says Alla Shubina, who kissed the Great Sphinx of Giza during her 2010 trip to Egypt.
Wedding photographer Daniel Stoychev was inspired to try his hand at forced perspective during a few of his engagement photo shoots in Riviera Nayarit, Mexico. "I mean who would refuse such a gift, the sun! I find it romantic and the women loved it," he said.
After spending the afternoon watching planes descend at London's Heathrow Airport, Gary Mantile tried to "catch" a plane. Flickr member Lee Mackey directed Mantile on where to position his hand. It took five tries to master this feat of airplane wizardry.
Self-described sweet tooth Alla Shubina confesses that this is her favorite shot. Shubina and her husband got some funny looks from people as she posed for this shot in front of the Hershey Store in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
While visiting Bolivia...