以上即是小编为大家搜索整理的有关gre北美范文总结之科学研究类文章要点知识,希望对大家的gre issue备考有所帮助。
fundamental objectivesand nature of research 研究的基本目标和本性
research is the exploration of the unknownfor true answers to our questions, and for lasting solutions to our enduringproblems. Research is also the chief means by which we humans attempt to satisfyour insatiable appetite for knowledge, and our craving to understand ourselvesand the world around us.
explore unchartedand unpredictable territory 探索未知和不可预见的领域
Indisputably不可否认的 , the many complex technological marvels 科学奇迹 that are significant of our lives are the result ofthe extraordinary cumulative累积的 efforts of ourengineers, entrepreneurs, and others . and such achievements always call forthe courage to risk failing in a large way.
A number ofentrepreneurs and engineers today are making the effort to create far simple ,yet more elegant , technologies and applications , which will surely make ourlives far more convenient
The statementbrings immediately to mind the ever-growing and increasingly complex digitalworld.数字世界
科学家的研究和科学的进步 40
1. 贡献取决于? 不明确
Who is to decidewhich areas of academic inquiry are worthwhile? Scholars cannot be left todecide. nor can regulators and legislators , who would bring to bear their ownquirky notions about what would be ...
感谢您阅读《作文范文精讲小结(1) 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。...
1.derivative /də’rɪvətɪv/ adj. 模仿他人的; 衍生的; 派生的 n. 派生物, 引出物
【解词】源自derive v.源于; de-=向下,riv-=river;因此这个词的根本含义是“沿着河流缓缓向下”,即“来源于”。
【例句】a highly derivative prose style. 毫无创意的散文风格
2.ignoble /ɪɡ’nobl/ adj. 卑鄙的, 可耻的;出身低微的, 地位低下的
【解词】i-=im-=not;gnob-=well-know; famous,(其实就是noble的词根解释) 因此ignoble表示“卑鄙的,可耻的”。记单词的话,也可以直接通过后面的noble记忆,会更容易些。
【例句】And you may say in your innocence, "How noble is the one and how ignoble is the other.” 你也许在无意中说出”这一个是多么高洁而那一个又是多么卑贱。"
3.accolade /‘ækəled/ n. 嘉奖;赞许
【解词】acc-=强调;col-=neck,(如collar 领子); 最初含义是将某物(花环之类的)环绕在脖子上,授予爵位。引申为“嘉奖,赞许”。
【例句】The play received accolades from the press. 这部戏受到报纸的称赞。
4.balk /bɔk/ vt. 阻止;推诿;错过 n. 障碍;错误
【例句】I wanted to buy the dress, but I balked at the high price. 我本想买这件连衣裙, 但一看价钱太高就犹豫了。
5.felicitous /fə’lɪsɪtəs/ adj. (措词等)恰当的,贴切的
【解词】felic-=幸福的(fe-=吮吸,lic-=lure 诱惑,美好的东西,推断最初含义是孩子吮吸母亲的乳头得到幸福感)。-ous为形容词后缀,因此表示“恰当的,贴切的”。
【例句】Nationalization is a word which is neither very felicitous nor free from ambiguity. 国有化是个既不十分贴切,意义也颇含糊的用语。
6.cardinal /‘kɑrdɪnl/ adj. 主要的,基本的;深红色的 n. 红衣主教
【解词】cord-=heart;心,因此cardinal 表示“核心的,主要的;红色的”。
【同根词】cordial /‘kɔrdʒəl/ adj. 兴奋的;热忱的,诚恳的
【例句】This is a matter of cardinal significance. 这是非常重要的事。
7.checkered ...
1.pithy /‘pɪθi/ adj. 简练的,精辟的,简洁扼要的
【解词】源自 pith n. (木)髓;(争论、思想等)核心,精髓,要点
2.irrevocable /ɪ’rɛvəkəbl/ adj. 不可改变的, 不可反转的
【解词】ir-=not; re-=back; voc-=voice,call;声音,喊;-able为形容词后缀;不可以喊回来的,即“不可改变的,不可反转的”。
【例句】an irrevocable step. 决定性的一步。
3.pensive /‘pɛnsɪv/ adj. 沉思的,忧郁的;悲伤的,哀愁的
【解词】pens-=pend-=weigh, expend,衡量,花费。-ive为形容词后缀,表示程度很深。因此这个词表示“不断衡量/思考的”,引申为“沉思的,忧郁的”。
【例句】The woman in this painting has a pensive smile. 这幅画中的女人脸上露出忧郁的微笑。
4.aver /ə’vɜː/ vt. 断言,极力声明;主张
【解词】a-=to; ver-=true,(如verify 证明,查证),因此这个词表示“认为是真实的”,即“主张,声明”。
5.concede /kən’sid/ vt. & vi. 承认 vt. 出让, 容许
【解词】con-=一起,完全;ced-=to go,give way; 完全地让路,即“让步,承认”。
【例句】They conceded the match to their opponents. 他们承认在比赛中对手获胜。
6.exacting /ɪɡˈzæktɪŋ/ adj. 费劲的;需细致小心的;(标准)严格的,难达到的; (对别人)严格的,苛求的
【解词】来自exact adj. 精确的;准确的,精密的; vt. 强求;要求;急需。词根解释:ex-=out;act=行动,做;完全都做出来的,引申为“精确的”;动词为“要求把某物做出来”,即“强求,要求”。由动词的“exact 要求,强求”变为形容词exacting,表示“要求高的”,即“严格的,苛求的”。这个词的理解,可以联系demand 和demanding;demand 要求,demanding 要求高的;费心的, 费力的。
【例句】an exacting instructor. 一名严格得近乎苛求的指导者
7.sacrosanct /‘sækrosæŋkt/ adj. 极其神圣的;不可侵犯的
【例句】In India, the cow is a sacrosanct animal. 牛在印度是神圣的动物。
115"It is through the use of logic and of precise, careful measurement that we become aware of our progress. Without such tools, we have no reference points to indicate how far we have advanced or retreated."
115 逻辑的精确的衡量是进步或退步的一种评价方式,但是并不一定适用于所有场合,也不一定准确
For example, a improvement in score where an A in the mathematics gained by a student from the
past C will clearly indicate that this student is doing better than past. Moreover, many aspects of our 131
society's progress are weighed by those precise measurements, for example a increment in a nation's
GDP would likely to show that the country's economy is under a smooth uplift.
115T "It is through the use of logic and of precise, careful measurement that we become aware of our
progress. Without such tools, we have no reference points to indicate how far we have advanced or
retreated." 115. 通过逻辑思维和精确的测量使得我们把握了事物的进程。没有这些工具,我们就没有参考点来
① 确实这些精确的工具可以带给我们更客观的感受。如:个人:自己的工资涨了多少。社会:人们的平均寿命升高
② 但是更多时候,我们喜欢用主观的、而非客观的标准来衡量。个人:虽然有收入,但我们仍喜欢从主观经验来比
较职位高低。社会:虽然有平均寿命, 但我们仍然喜欢凭自己的感觉来看自己以及他人是否更加健康。<...
【考法1】adj. 極低的或極可憐的: immeasurably low or wretched
【例】abysmal living conditions 極可憐的生活條件
近 bottomless
反 shallow shoal
【考法2】adj. (程度)很深的、極端的:immeasurably great
【例】abysmal ignorance極端的無知;an abysmal cliff 深不見底的懸崖
【反】skin-deep, superficial 膚淺的
【考法1】v. 贊成:to express approval or give consent
【例】acceded to their pleas 同意了他們的請願
【近】acquiesce, assent, consent, subscribe, come round
【反】demur, dissent 反對
【考法2】v. 就任,就職:To arrive at or come into an office or dignity:
【例】accede to the throne 就任國王
【考法1】v. 加速:to cause to move faster
【例】accelerate his steps 加快腳步
【近】balloon, escalate, snowball, mushroom, proliferate, burgeon, build up
【反】retard 減速
【考法2】v. 使提前發生:to bring about at an earlier time
【例】accelerate their departure 提前離開
【考法3】v. 變大,變多:to become greater in size, extent, volume, amount, or number
【例】toy purchases accelerate dramatically during the Christmas season 玩具銷售量在聖誕期間暴漲
【近】accumulate, balloon, enlarge, escalate, mushroom, proliferate, snowball, roll up
【反】contract, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, recede, wane
【考法1】adj. 可以到達的:situated within easy reach
【例】the town accessible by rail 有鐵路通達的城鎮
【近】handy, reachable
【反】inconvenient, unhandy, unreachable, untouchable
【考法2】adj. 可理解的: ...
【考法1】n. 冷漠,缺乏情感:lack of feeling or emotion
【例】People have shown surprising apathy toward these important social problems. 人們對於這些重要的社會
【近】affectlessness, emotionlessness, impassiveness, impassivity, insensibility, numbness, phlegm
【反】emotion, feeling, sensibility 有感情
【考法2】n. 缺乏興趣,不關心:lack of interest or concern
【例】She heard the story with apathy. 她毫無興趣的聽完了這個故事。
【例】Her poor grades are proof enough of her apathy concerning all matters academic. 她可憐的分數足以證明
【近】disinterestedness, disregard, incuriosity, insouciance, nonchalance, unconcern
【反】concern, interest, regard 關心,有興趣,在意
【考法1】n. 短小有智慧的格言:a short witty sentence which expresses a general truth or comment
【例】When decorating, remember the familiar aphorism, “less is more.” 裝修時需要記住的一句格言是“少即是
【近】adage, epigram, maxim, proverb
【考法1】adj. 預言的,啟示的:of a revelatory or prophetic nature
【例】No one listened to her apocalyptic predictions. 沒有人聽她的預言。
【近】prophetic, predictive, prognostic, farsighted
【考法2】adj. 重要的,轉捩點的of, relating to, or being a major turning point
【例】the apocalyptic Battle of Stalingrad leading to the ultimate defeat of Nazi Germany 具有轉捩點意義的斯大
【反】trivial, petty, minor, immaterial, inconsequential, insignificant 不重要的
【考法3】adj. 誇大的wildly unrestrained : ...
【考法1】adj. 令人吃驚的,出乎意料的:causing astonishment or amazement
【例】The richness and variety of the undersea environment are astounding .富饒而多樣的海底環境是令人驚奇
【近】amazing, astonishing, blindsiding, dumbfounding, shocking, startling, stunning, stupefying
【反】unsurprising 平常的
【考法1】adj. 機敏的,有洞察力的:having or showing shrewdness and perspicacity
【例】Astute salesmen know how to invest emotionally. 精明的推銷員知道如何進行感情投資。
【近】canny, smart, shrewd, perspicacious, clear-eyed, clear-sighted, savvy, hardheaded
【反】unknowing 無知的
【考法1】adv. 分離成多部分或多片:into separate parts or pieces
【例】broken asunder 打碎
【例】Buildings were burst asunder. 建築物已經被炸成碎片了。
【反】in a piece 完整一片;together 在一起
【考法2】adv. 分離:apart from each other in position
【例】A quite conscience sleeps in thunder, but rest and guilt live far asunder. 平靜的良心能在雷聲中入睡,而
【例】Our opinions are wide as the poles asunder. 我們的意見完全相反。
【反】together 在一起