a. Is it necessary to learn a foreign language?
b. Is one-child policy in China considered a good law?
步骤3:Part 1
步骤4:Part 2
准备雅思的口语考试,大家需要认真的进行,想要拿到6分并不是一件很困难的事情,当然大家还是要努力拿更高的分数。下面由留学群介绍雅思口语考试评分标准 口语考试6分难不难?
这个雅思口语模板的核心是中学时学习过的分类讨论的原理,就是It depends...
大家掌握这个雅思口语模板的关键在于怎样选择类别,depends on what? 这是考官最关心的问题。
a. Is it necessary to learn a foreign language?
b. Is one-child policy in China considered a good law?
1. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。
2. A common danger causes common action. 同舟共济。
3. A contented mind is a continual / perpetual feast. 知足常乐。
4. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。
5. A guest should suit the convenience of the host. ...
There are a great many beautiful and delicate pictures to illustrate the words and make it more understandable. With those wonderful pictures, learning can be real fun and easy!
The amazing part is its picturesque view and enjoyable surroundings. Having a walk beside the lake and rockery, I can smell the fragrance of grass and the flowers, hear the cries of the birds and feel the bracing breeze on my face.
With the language surroundings, it'll be easy for me to polish my speaking and listening skills.This can render me a good opportunity to practice my English, and eventually put me in a favorable position in the upcoming competition.
食物类话题是雅思口语常考的话题,这次跟大家分享的是Describe an occasion that you had a special cake。本题的难点在于如何体现这是一个special cake。其实可以从蛋糕的外观、味道以及特殊意义上去阐述,而外观和味道又是烤鸭们普遍觉得比较难的部分。接下来的两篇sample中有关于描述蛋糕外观和味道的表达,快来重点记一下哦!
Describe an occasion that you had a special cake
You should say:
when you had it
where you had it
who you were with
and explain why you think it was special
Band 6
A couple of months ago, my cousin called and told me that she got engaged (订婚). I can’t tell you how excited and thrilled I was hearing the good news (非谓语加分表达). So in order to celebrate this memorable(值得纪念的) occasion, I decided to give her a special cake as a present.
Now, I’d like to talk bout the appearance. The cake had two layers (双层) and it looked silky smooth ...
新托福口语考试Task 1 模版
Personally, I would have to say that, um, the person that I admire most / a valuable possession I want to talk about / the place I would most like to go is______________.
And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that,you know, ____________________.What’s more, ____________________. So that’s why____________________.
新托福口语考试Task 2 模版
Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um,____________________.The first reason that I wanna say is that____________________.More importantly, ____________________. So, uh, that’s why I choose____________________ for the two reasons listed above.
新托福口语考试Task 3 模版
In the lecture, the professor provides two examples to illustrate the phenomenon/theory that____________________. The first one isthat____________________. Another example is that____________________. And that’s the two examples the speaker presented to explain the theory/phenomenon. (Still,the conclusion is optional. )
新托福口语考试Task 4 模版
The school has implemented a new policy that________________due to____________________.And the man/woman holds a positive / negative view towards the announcement.The first reason s/he gives is that___...
新托福口语考试Task 1模版
Personally, I would have to say that, um, the person that I admire most / a valuable possession I want to talk about / the place I would most like to go is ______________.
And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that, you know, ____________________.What’s more, ____________________. So that’s why ____________________.
新托福口语考试Task 2模版
Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ____________________.The first reason that I wanna say is that____________________. More importantly, ____________________. So, uh, that’s why I choose ____________________ for the two reasons listed above.
新托福口语考试Task 3模版
The school has implemented a new policy that________________due to ____________________.
And the man/woman holds a positive / negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that____________________. And the second one is based on the fact that____________________. Therefore, s/he agrees/disagrees with that opinion.
新托福口语考试Task 4模版
In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that____________________.
To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples / reasons in his speech. The first one is that____________...
Describe the best present/gift you have received:
i. Who send it? What is the gift? what is it for?
ii. When did you receive it?
iii. Detail information about the present.
Last year, my wife celebrated my birthday at home. She bought a electronic dictionary as birthday gift. I like the electronic dictionary very much. It’s blue and quite small. It fits into my pocket.
I remember at that time, my wife said to me:“she decided to immigrate to Canada with me. In future, we must study very hard .And she hoped that the electronic dictionary could help me to improve my English.”On that day, I was very happy because my wife agreed to immigrate to Canada finally. Also, with the help of the electronic dictionary, I made such rapid progress that before long I began to write articles in English.
what is the interesting building in ur country?
what is it located?
what is used for?
explain why u think it is the most interesting?
I think the interesting building is the Great Wall. It runs across north China like a huge dragon. It was used to enemies. Soldiers used to keep watch on the Great Wall. When the enemy came, fires were lit to warn other soldiers. I think the Great Wall is the most interesting building. Because it is one of the wonders of the world. And it was one of the few man-made objects on earth th...
1. What is your full name? How should I address you? How should I call you?
My full name is XXX. And my English name is Jennie. You are welcome to call me Jennie.
Notes: 回答姓名虽然是很简单的问题,但是考生要通过简单的扩展展现出自己与小学生英文水平的不同。很多人把全名full(短音)name念成傻瓜名字fool(长音)name而贻笑大方。在这里考生没有必要大做文章,只要讲清楚姓名就可以。同时因为大多数考官不太会念中文名字,所以最好给出英文名字。
2. Does your name have any special meaning or significance?
Yes, it does have a special meaning. Literally it means to travel as far as beyond the stars.
What’s more, this name was given by a fortune-teller and he said with this name I would marry a great guy.
Notes:其实不知道自己姓名的意思也没关系。只要坦诚的告诉考官就可以。但是不可以简单的说“I don’t know”,而应该做合理的猜测以展现自己出自己流利的英文表达。但是在猜测的时候,考生可以充分的发挥想象力,没有必要长篇大论。
I don’t really know. It is given by my grandfather. I guess it means to travel as far as beyond the starts, because he also wanted me to become a great and successful person.
3. Have you ever changed your name? Why or why not?
No, I haven’t. I’m very happy about my Chinese name. And I guess I am never going to change it.
Well, yes. The previous name I had just sounds so silly. It is even close to the Chinese word for “baboon”. So in order to avoid continuin...
Here is the card.
Recently I saw a movie on line. It’s called Saving face, directed by a Chinese-American director called ….Alex Wu, cast by(er. Casting)a group of Chinese-American actors and actresses, including one of my favorite actresses Joan Chen, who immigrated to the United States in the 1980s. That mean when I was a little kid, I saw movies of hers. This movie is about a Chinese mother and an American daughter, who has grown up with her grandparents in the United States. It shows how the mother gets along with her daughter, how to cope with her new American life and how she handles her own emotional problems. At the end of the movie, the mother and the daughter finally understand each other. The mother accepted the fact that her daughter is lesbian. And the daughter also encourages her mother to accept a marriage with(to) a young man—she married a man who is almost 20 years younger than her. This movie shows….(interrupted)
Do you want to see the movie again?
No, I don’t think so, because I saw the movie on line, and I was able to repeat it again and again. I think I have known the movie enough and there is no need to….
Have you told anybody about the film?
No…oh yes, I talked about it to a friend of mine when we were chatting on line…
What is the status of film making in yo...