就业情况:以Tufts University为例,该项目的就业生去向为:
large multinationals such as Citigroup, Hitachi, AIG, and ExxonMobil; financial services companies such as Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Smith Barney, BNP Paribas, and Merrill Lynch; consulting groups like Booz Allen Hamilton, Boston Consulting Group and Mercer Oliver Wyman; international organizations including the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation, and the International Monetary Fund; large NGOs with cross-sectoral interests such as On the Frontier and Bridgespan; and firms with more focused national or developing market interests.可见就业方向并没有限制,既可以在跨国企业,也可以在国际组织,大型的非盈利组织,主要看申请者的个人兴趣。
那么此类项目的申请难度如何呢?由于申请的学生太少,目前还没有足够的录取数据。大部分申请者都倾向于辅申international business,而不是主申。我们看看Tufts University的录取要求:IBT 100, IELTS 7.0. GMAT无最低要求,大部分640-720。无背景要求,需要有较强的数学能力,无工作经验要求但强烈建议,大部分学生有3年的全职工作经验。最好有international business 方面的经历。