留学群专题频道国际空间站栏目,提供与国际空间站相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 国际空间站,是一项由六个太空机构联合推进的国际合作计划,也指运行于距离地面360公里的地球轨道上的该计划发射的航空器。国际空间站的设想是1983年由美国总统里根首先提出的,经过近十余年的探索和多次重新设计,直到苏联解体、俄罗斯加盟,国际空间站才于1993年完成设计,开始实施。俄罗斯提议将空间站命名为亚特兰大(英文:Atlanta),但是这个议案遭到美国的反对,美方认为亚特兰大的读音和拼写太接近传说中沉没的大陆“亚特兰蒂斯”,其中似乎隐含了不祥的征兆,而且亚特兰大这个名字也容易与美国的一架航天飞机“亚特兰蒂斯号”航天飞机相混淆。时任NASA主席的丹尼尔·戈登(Daniel S. Goldin)便给空间站取了一个临时呼号阿尔法,这个呼号最后沿用下来,成为空间站的正式电台呼号。
The crew of the International Space Station have been forced to reduce power after half the cooling system suddenly shut down over the weekend.
Nasa officials insisted the three Americans and three Russians aboard were not in danger.
Urgent spacewalk repairs are being discussed for this week.
Without thermal controls,temperatures on the ISS‘s Sun-facing side can soar to 121C (250F),plunging to minus 157C (-250F) on the dark side,Nasa says.
“There might be a comfortable spot somewhere in the middle of the station,but searching for it wouldn’t be much fun,” a statement on its website adds.
The station is now operating on a single string,the Associated Press reports,and has no safeguard in case of further cooling system failures.
Alarms sound
Trouble arose on Saturday night when one of the two ammonia-fed cooling loops shut down,triggering alarms throughout the ISS.
The two ammonia lines ensure that all the station‘s electronic equipment does not overheat.
Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson set in motion equipment shutdown procedures and,with crewmate Douglas Wheelock,installed a jumper cable to keep all the rooms cool.
The Global Positioning System circuit,several power...
The crew of the International Space Station have been forced to reduce power after half the cooling system suddenly shut down over the weekend.
Nasa officials insisted the three Americans and three Russians aboard were not in danger.
Urgent spacewalk repairs are being discussed for this week.
Without thermal controls,temperatures on the ISS‘s Sun-facing side can soar to 121C (250F),plunging to minus 157C (-250F) on the dark side,Nasa says.
“There might be a comfortable spot somewhere in the middle of the station,but searching for it wouldn’t be much fun,” a statement on its website adds.
The station is now operating on a single string,the Associated Press reports,and has no safeguard in case of further cooling system failures.
Alarms sound
Trouble arose on Saturday night when one of the two ammonia-fed cooling loops shut down,triggering alarms throughout the ISS.
The two ammonia lines ensure that all the station‘s electronic equipment does not overheat.
Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson set in motion equipment shutdown procedures and,with crewmate Douglas Wheelock,inst...
The crew of the International Space Station have been forced to reduce power after half the cooling system suddenly shut down over the weekend.
Nasa officials insisted the three Americans and three Russians aboard were not in danger.
Urgent spacewalk repairs are being discussed for this week.
Without thermal controls,temperatures on the ISS‘s Sun-facing side can soar to 121C (250F),plunging to minus 157C (-250F) on the dark side,Nasa says.
“There might be a comfortable spot somewhere in the middle of the station,but searching for it wouldn’t be much fun,” a statement on its website adds.
The station is now operating on a single string,the Associated Press reports,and has no safeguard in case of further cooling system failures.
Alarms sound
Trouble arose on Saturday night when one of the two ammonia-fed cooling loops shut down,triggering alarms throughout the ISS.
The two ammonia lines ensure that all the station‘s electronic equipment does not overheat.
Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson set in motion equipment shutdown procedures and,with crewmate Douglas Wheelock,installed a jumper cable to keep all ...
中新网6月27日电 据共同社报道,日本东京大学及电通、丰田等公司26日在东京展示了联合研发的小型人形机器人“KIROBO”。该机器人将于8月由无人补给飞船“鹳”号送上国际空间站。
The crew of the International Space Station have been forced to reduce power after half the cooling system suddenly shut down over the weekend.
Nasa officials insisted the three Americans and three Russians aboard were not in danger.
Urgent spacewalk repairs are being discussed for this week.
Without thermal controls, temperatures on the ISS‘s Sun-facing side can soar to 121C (250F), plunging to minus 157C (-250F) on the dark side, Nasa says.
“There might be a comfortable spot somewhere in the middle of the station, but searching for it wouldn’t be much fun,” a statement on its website adds.
The station is now operating on a single string, the Associated Press reports, and has no safeguard in case of further cooling system failures.
Alarms sound
Trouble arose on Saturday night when one of the two ammonia-fed cooling loops shut down, triggering alarms throughout the ISS
The two ammonia lines ensure that all the station‘s electronic equipment does not overheat.
Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson set in motion equipment shutdown procedures and, with crewmate Douglas Wheelock, installed a jumper cable to keep all the rooms cool.
The Global Positioning System circuit, several power converters and a set of devices that route commands to various pieces o...