德岛大学是日本一所著名的高等学府。德岛大学针对留学生的奖学金由两类。一类是日本政府奖学金,可以由使馆或大学推荐申请;另一类是针对国际自费学生的奖学金(Scholarships For Self-Supported International Students)。这两类奖学金都怎么申请呢?和留学群来看看吧。
Scholarship of the Japanese Ministry of Education
There are two different types of governmental scholarships provided by Mext. Please note that selection procedures and requirements are different.
Recommendation by a Japanese Embassy
Diplomatic and consular offices of the Japanese government in foreign countries select candidates for the scholarship by examining their papers and the results of a written test and an interview. Then they are recommended to Mext, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports Science and Technology. Finally Mext selects some candidates as recipients of the scholarship.
For more detail consult the Japanese diplomatic office abroad nearest to you.
Recommendation by the University
For New International Applicants to the University
Foreign graduate students with excellent records can be selected as candidates for the scholarship on the basis of exchange agreements made between foreign universities and Tokushima University.