3、有时,不定式跟作主语时一样,可由it来代替,而把不定式放到后面去He makes it a rule to take a walk before breakfast.
I think it interesting to play football while it is snowing hard.
We find it difficult to get everything ready before the time you require.
She cosiders it important to make friends with them.
I don't think it necessary to argue with them on this problem.
4、有时THERE和TO BE连用表示“有”或“存在(某情况)”等
It is impossible for there to be any more.
Would you like there to be a meeting to discuss the problem?
I expect there to be no argument about this?
He has his own decision of how to do it.
To see is to believe/ To work means to earn a living.
2、另一种情况主语是以aim, duty, hope, idea, happiness, job, plan, problem, purpose, thing, wish等为中心的名词,或以what引导的名词性从句,不定式表语对主语起补充说明作用
His wish is to buy a luxurious car in the near future. / The boss's plan is to start building the skycraper immediately. / What I want to say is to get rid of the plan forever.
11) The function of Louis Sullivan's architecture was providing [A] large uninterrupted floor areas [B] and to allow ample light [C] into the interior [D] .
12) The most important [A] thing is negociate [B] with them about [C] the future of [D] the plant.
3、因为不定式所修饰的名词是不定式的宾语,所以如果不定式动词是不及物动词,那么就要在动词后加上相应的介词He has a lot of trifles to deal with./ I had got no place to live in./That girl has nothing to worry about./the subject to concentrate on. / He has a strict teacher to listen to. / She has four children to look after. / She had a sick mother to live with. / This is the very person to sell your ticket to.
18) Although the lecture had already been on for five minutes, I still was not able to find a chair .
[A] to sit[B] for to sit on[C] to sit on[D] for sitting
4、一些表示企图、努力、倾向、目的、愿望、打算、能力、意向等意义的名词后面要求接不定式作其定语,如:ability, attempt, effort等
Christianity 基督教
Christendom 基督教界
Catholicism 天主教
Protestantism 新教,耶稣教
Reformation 宗教改革
Lutheranism 路德宗,信义宗
Calvinism 加尔文宗,长老宗
Anabaptism 再洗礼派
Methodism 卫斯理宗,卫理公会
Puritanism 清教主义
Quakerism 贵格会
Judaism 犹太教
Islamism 伊斯兰教
Brahmanism,Brahminism 婆罗门教
Buddhism 佛教
Daoism 道教
paganism 异端
fetishism 拜物教
faith 信仰
worship,adoration 崇拜
devotion,devoutness 朝拜
piety 虔诚
prayer 祈祷
invocation 祈求
offering 布施
fervour 热情(美作:fervor)
mysticlsm 神秘主义
contemplation 默祷
blessedness 福音
ecstasy 销魂
temptation 邪念,诱惑
blasphemy,profanation 亵渎
sacrilege 亵渎神明
anathema 革除教门
impiety 不虔诚,不敬神
lack of faith 不信教,不信神
atheism 无神论
conversion 改宗
the Bible 圣经
the Old Testament 旧约
the New Testament 新约
the Gospel 福音
the Koran 古兰经
the Talmud 犹太法典
abbey 大修道院,大教堂
basilica 大教堂
cathedral 教堂,主教座堂
church 教堂,礼拜堂
chapel 小教堂
synagogue 犹太教堂
collegiate church 牧师会主持的教堂
nave 教堂中殿
transept 教堂的十字型翼部
temple 庙宇
sanctuary 圣所,神殿
convent 女修道院
monastery,cloister 修道院
mosque 清真寺
hermitage 偏僻的寺院
high altar...
source lake 河源湖
rivulet 小溪
creek,brook 小河
canyon,gorge 峡谷
waterfalls 瀑布
tributaries,streams 支流
rapids 急流
valley 流域
north fork 北叉
branches 分支
south fork 南叉
point 汇合点
alluvial fan 冲积扇
right bank 右岸
left bank 左岸
oxbow lake 牛轭湖
downstream 顺流而下
upstream 逆流而上
ait 江心岛
swamp,marsh 沼泽
flood land 河滩地
main channel 主水道
islands 岛
distributaries 分流
delta 三角洲
sand bar 沙洲
cross section of river 河流断面
river channel 河道
dike 堤(美作:dyke)
natural levee 天然堤岸
river bed 河床
valley 河谷
gorge 峡谷
V-shaped valley 幼年谷
widened V-shaped valley 青年谷
U-shaped valley 壮年谷
synclinal valley 老年谷
horse 马
mare 母马
colt,foal 马驹,小马
pony 矮马
thoroughbred 纯种马
mustang 野马
mule 骡
ass,donkey 驴
ox 牛
buffalo 水牛
bull 公牛
cow 母牛
calf 小牛,牛犊
bullock,steer 小阉牛
heifer 小母牛
pig,swine 猪
boar 种猪
hog 阉猪,肥猪
gilt 小母猪
piglet 猪崽
sheep 羊
ewe 母羊
goat 山羊
lamb 羊羔,羔羊
zebra 斑马
antilope 羚羊
gazelle 小羚羊
deer 鹿
reindeer 驯鹿
giraffe 长颈鹿
camel 骆驼
dromedary 单峰驼
llama 大羊驼
guanaco 原驼
alpaca 羊驼
vicuna 小羊驼
elephant 象
rhinoceros 犀牛
hippopotamus 河马
cat 猫
tabby,she-cat,grimalkin 雌猫
tomcat 雄猫,公猫
kitten,kitty,pussy 小猫
lion 狮
lynx 猞猁
panther,puma 美洲豹
leopard 豹
tiger 虎
wildcat 野猫
bison 美洲野牛
yak 牦牛
dog 狗
badger 獾
weasel 鼬,黄鼠狼
otter 水獭
fox 狐
hyena,hyaena 鬣狗
wolf 狼
squirrel 松鼠
dormouse 睡鼠
beaver 河狸
marmot 土拨鼠
ferret 雪貂
bear 熊
rabbit 兔子
hare 野兔
rat 鼠
chinchilla 南美栗鼠
gopher 囊地鼠
Guinea pig 豚鼠
marmot 土拨鼠
mole 鼹鼠
mouse 家鼠
vole 田鼠
monkey 猴子
chimpanzee 黑猩猩
to do some shopping;to go shopping 买东西
shopping centre 商业中心区
department store 百货商店
children‘s goods store 儿童用品商店
antique shop 古玩店
second-hand store 旧货店
counter 柜台
stall,stand 售货摊
show window 橱窗
show case 玻璃柜台
shelf 货架
cash desk,cashier's desk 收银处
price tag 标价签
prices are fixed,fixed prices 有定价
discount 打折扣
change 零钱
to keep the bill 留发票
to wrap up 包装
free of charge 不收费
to deliver 送
be al sold out,out of stock 售空
shop assistant,salesman 售货员
saleswoman 女售货员
glassware counter 玻璃器皿部
enamel ware 搪瓷器皿
haberdashery 男子服饰用品
confectionery 糖果糕点
cosmetics 化妆用品
stationery 文具
fabrics 纺织品
dry goods 服装
ready-made clothes,off-the-peg,ready-to-wear 成衣,现成服装
men's wear 男服
women's wear 女服
underwear 内衣裤
sports goods,athletic equipment 体育用品
sundries 零星小物
toilet articles 盥洗用品
towel 毛巾
handkerchief 手帕
toilet soap 香皂
shampoo 洗发香波
soap 肥皂
laundry soap 洗衣皂
soap powder 肥皂粉
soap flakes 皂片
medicated soap 药皂
detergent 洗衣粉
cleanser 去污粉
tooth paste 牙膏
tooth brush 牙刷
toilet mirror 梳妆镜
hair brush ...
tragedy 悲剧
one-act play 独幕剧
opera 歌剧
farce 滑稽戏,趣剧
(stage)play 话剧
Beijing opera 京剧
historical play 历史剧
puppet show 木偶戏
(a play)in three acts and five scenes 三幕五场(剧)
comedy 喜剧
operetta 小歌剧
pantomime 哑剧
playwright 编剧,剧作家
dress rehearsal 彩排
traditional theatrical pieces 传统剧目
director 导演
climax 高潮
libretto 歌剧脚本
intermezzo 间奏曲
part,role 角色
title role 剧名角色
rehearsal 排演
plot 情节
episode 情节中的插曲
character 人物
stage version 上演本
(one's)lines 台词
prologue 序幕
leading role(character) 主角
chief actress 女主角
chief actor 男主角
to present on the stage 搬上舞台
to rehearse 排演
to play the role of …… 扮演(某一角色)
to put on a play 演出,上演
announcer,master of ceremonies 报幕员
repertoire 保留节目(总称)
scenery,decor 布景
scene-painter 布景画家
setting designer 布景设计人
scene-man 布景员
properties,props 道具
property man 道具管理员
top light 顶灯
costume 服装
farewell performance 告别演出
back stage 后台
applause 喝采
make-up 化装
make-up man 化装师
dressing room 化装室
foot light 脚灯
synopsis 剧情简介
company,troupe 剧团
spotlight 聚光灯 curta...
race 跑
middle-distance race 中长跑
long-distance runner 长跑运动员
sprint 短跑(美作:dash)
the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏
marathon 马拉松
decathlon 十项
cross-country race 越野跑
jump 跳跃
jumping 跳跃运动
high jump 跳高
long jump 跳远 (美作:broad jump)
triple jump,hop step and jump 三级跳
pole vault 撑竿跳
throw 投掷
throwing 投掷运动
putting the shot,shot put 推铅球
throwing the discus 掷铁饼
throwing the hammer 掷链锤
throwing the javelin 掷标枪
walk 竞走
gymnastics 体操
gymnastic apparatus 体操器械
horizontal bar 单杠
parallel bars 双杠
rings 吊环
trapeze 秋千
wall bars 肋木
side horse,pommelled horse 鞍马
weight-lifting 举重
weights 重量级
boxing 拳击
Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤
hold,lock 揪钮
judo 柔道
fencing 击剑
winter sports 冬季运动
skiing 滑雪
ski 滑雪板
downhill race 速降滑雪赛,滑降
slalom 障碍滑雪
ski jumping competition 跳高滑雪比赛
ski jump 跳高滑雪
ice skating 滑冰
figure skating 花样滑冰
roller skating 滑旱冰
bobsleigh,bobsled 雪橇
football 足球
rugby 橄榄球
basketball 篮球
volleyball 排球
tennis 网球
baseball 垒球
handball 手球
hockey 曲棍球
golf 高尔夫球
cricket 板球
ice hockey 冰球
Communist Communist Party of China 中国共产党
National Party Congress 全国代表大会
Fifteenth National Congress 第十五次全国代表大会(十五大)
First Plenary Session 第一届中央全会(一中全会)
Central Committee 中央委员会
member of the Central Committee 中央委员
alternate member of the Central Committee 候补中央委员
Political Bureau 政治局
member of the Political Bureau 政治局委员
alternate member of the Political Bureau 政治局候补委员
Standing Committee of the Political Bureau 政治局常务委员会
member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau 政治局常委
Secretariat of the Central Committee 中央书记处
General Secretary 总书记
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 中央纪律检查委员会
Military Commission of the Central Committee 中央军事委员会
International Liaison Department 对外联络部
Organization Department 组织部
United Front Work Department 统战部
Propaganda Department 宣传部
State President 国家主席
President of PRC 中华人民共和国主席
Vice President of PRC 中华人民共和国副主席
National People's Congress 全国人民代表大会
Standing Committee 常务委员会
Chairman 委员长
Vice Chairpersons 副委员长
Members of the NPC Standing Committee 常务委员会委员
Central Military Committee 中央军事委员会
Chairman 主席
Vice Chairman 副主席
CMC Members 委员
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
President 最高人民法院院长
flashlight 手电筒
fluorescent lamp 日光灯
electric calculator 计算器
tube 真空管
electric fan 电风扇
dictaphone,dictating machine 录音机
tape recorder 磁带
television 电视机
electric iron 电熨斗
electric foot warmer 暖脚器
electric shaver 电动剃须刀
electric cooker 电饭锅
electric heater 电暖气
electric vacuum cleaner 吸尘器
bulb 电灯泡
electronic oven 电烤箱
radio 收音机
microphone 麦克风
loud-speaker 扩音机
refrigerator 冰箱
air conditioning 空调
microwave oven 微波炉
dry cell 干电池
tap 电线搭接处