瓦特 (Watt)
British engineer and inventor who made fundamental improvements in the steam engine, resulting in the modern, high-pressure steam engine (patented 1769).瓦特,詹姆斯1736-1819英国工程师和发明家,他对蒸汽机做出了基础性的改进,使之发展成现代的高压蒸汽机(1769年获得专利)
参考事迹:提起瓦特,大家都可能认为是蒸汽机的发明家,其实早在瓦特之前,已经有比较粗糙的蒸汽机了,不过经过瓦特的改造,效率大大提高,引发了人类历史上第一次技术革命,推动了工业革命的运行。因为蒸汽机,瓦特从一个一贫如洗的穷小子成了名利双收的人物,他在11年里就获得了76,000 英镑专利税,为了保护自己的专利,他到晚年显得非常不爽,经常到法院起诉,阻止和压制别人的发明,甚至不许自己的助手去试验用蒸汽发动四轮车。这是一个科学家的悲剧,不过对GRE考生来说是好事情,找着专家批了!
利用点:”The people who make important contributions to society are generally not those who develop their own new ideas, but those who are most gifted at perceiving and coordinating the talents and skills of others.” 以及所有专家,权威的话题。知道成功,不知道怎么利用成功?
这里的语块指常用的一些表达,是由多个单词构成的一个完整含义。可以是短语、句型、成语、谚语等。托福写作素材中,这些地道的表达积累得越多,考生在写作中就能信手拈来,游刃有余。这可以避免一些考生词汇量很足但是不会表达。比如短语:with remarkable progress of …(随着…的显著提升);living standard(生活水平);an indispensable part(不可或缺的部分);be conductive to(有利于…);sustainable development of …(…的可持续发展)。还有句型it is…that…;…, which;there be…等。
学生在托福写作中找不到思路就是因为缺少平时的积累。思路是可以提前准备的。比如在读到关于旅处的好处的文章时,从中看到的relaxation、new experience、 lasting memory等都可以成为我们遇到和旅行相关话题托福写作题目时的思维扩展起点。一些高分的托福写作范文中我们也可以积累一些直接的分论点的写法,学会模仿表达。
瓦特 (Watt)
British engineer and inventor who made fundamental improvements in the steam engine, resulting in the modern, high-pressure steam engine (patented 1769).瓦特,詹姆斯1736-1819英国工程师和发明家,他对蒸汽机做出了基础性的改进,使之发展成现代的高压蒸汽机(1769年获得专利)
参考事迹:提起瓦特,大家都可能认为是蒸汽机的发明家,其实早在瓦特之前,已经有比较粗糙的蒸汽机了,不过经过瓦特的改造,效率大大提高,引发了人类历史上第一次技术革命,推动了工业革命的运行。因为蒸汽机,瓦特从一个一贫如洗的穷小子成了名利双收的人物,他在11年里就获得了76,000 英镑专利税,为了保护自己的专利,他到晚年显得非常不爽,经常到法院起诉,阻止和压制别人的发明,甚至不许自己的助手去试验用蒸汽发动四轮车。这是一个科学家的悲剧,不过对GRE考生来说是好事情,找着专家批了!
利用点:”The people who make important contributions to society are generally not those who develop their own new ideas, but those who are most gifted at perceiving and coordinating the talents and skills of others.” 以及所有专家,权威的话题。知道成功,不知道怎么利用成功?
People may differgreatly in their standards as to what is the most significant quality of a true friend. 真正的好朋友的品质是什么,人们的标准也许因人而异。
A disingenuous lie will ruin one ’ s reputation and make one lose his or her close friends. 一个虚伪的谎言会损害一个人的名誉,使人失去失去朋友。
多样化写作,那托福写作满分的八字箴言还记得吗 ? 亲密的朋友用 close friend,也可以用 intimate friend 还可以用 bosom friend 这时候可以翻译为知己 就这么记:close friends = bosom friends = intimate friends
sb are more likely to become bosom friends
当然如果是志同道合的朋友,可以用 like-minded friends 也可以用 congenial friends
再进一步说一生的朋友用 lifelong friends
We may,sometimes,make a white lie to our friends out of the reason of benevolence. 处于善意,有时候,我们也许会对朋友说一些善意的谎言。
benevolence 怎么记住呢 ? 当然用词根词缀法。bene ( 好 ) + vol ( 心灵 ) +ence ( 名词尾缀 ) = benevolence n 善意 ;white lie 其实就是善意的谎言
A trustworthy friend is valued among a large proportion of people. 一个值得信赖的朋友是很多人珍视的。 这里的 trustworthy ( adj ) 是值得信赖的
虚荣心 这个词用 sense of vanity
with a view toSATisfying one ’ s sense of vanity or making personal profits 出于满足虚荣心和个人盈利的目的
要记得 with a view to doing sth 出于……的目的 这里的 to 是介词 + doing
It is impossible to be entirely honest with our friends. 对朋友完全诚实是不可能的。
One hundred percent honesty amongst friends is, sometimes, hard to maintain. 有时候,朋友之间百分百的诚实是很难做到的。
Indeed,I have to concede that = granted,I ...
这里的语块指常用的一些表达,是由多个单词构成的一个完整含义。可以是短语、句型、成语、谚语等。托福写作素材中,这些地道的表达积累得越多,考生在写作中就能信手拈来,游刃有余。这可以避免一些考生词汇量很足但是不会表达。比如短语:with remarkable progress of …(随着…的显著提升);living standard(生活水平);an indispensable part(不可或缺的部分);be conductive to(有利于…);sustainable development of …(…的可持续发展)。还有句型it is…that…;…, which;there be…等。
学生在托福写作中找不到思路就是因为缺少平时的积累。思路是可以提前准备的。比如在读到关于旅处的好处的文章时,从中看到的relaxation、new experience、 lasting memory等都可以成为我们遇到和旅行相关话题托福写作题目时的思维扩展起点。一些高分的托福写作范文中我们也可以积累一些直接的分论点的写法,学会模仿表达。
As the most important event for the human race, the significance of the Olympic games has extended from a traditional global sports extravaganza to a celebration of diversifiedcultures and a ceremony in the hope of peace. The Olympics is undoubtedly an ideal international proving ground for athletes. It gives them the opportunity to compete against athletes of similar abilities on an international stage. This gives them the opportunity to compare themselves against each other and to determine how good they are internationally. The sportsmanship shown by this magnificent event inspires those who are pursuing their dreams. Although a gold medal is what all participants strive for, it is more crucial to realize that the most valuable fortune in life is not any triumph but the struggle. As the Olympic symbol demonstrates, the strength of cooperation, combined with the significance of every nation’s participation, is far greater than winning a competition.
diversified 多元化的
=diverse, various
✎ The coverage of diversified knowledge makes the campus life colorful and interesting; it also prepares students for a successful tomorrow.
sportsmanship 运动员精神
1. 无论电子阅读多么便利和有趣,很多学生改变不了用纸媒书籍学习的习惯。例如,我的同龄人,他们不习惯也不喜欢电子书,尤其是以电子书作为教科书,因为电子阅读极其不便,无法随时地做标记和笔记。
2. 对比其他的电子读物,传统的纸媒有其优势。具体而言,很多电子小说可随意发表,质量难保证,但是,纸媒书籍,比较而言,内容优质。 例如,作为文学爱好者,我喜欢阅读文学作品, 网络小说很少吸引我,因为其内容比较庸俗,文笔很差,极少带来阅读快感。相反,我自己喜欢阅读一本名为《作家》的杂志,我不读网络杂志,因为拿到一本新书的感觉很踏实,淡淡的墨香激发我立刻阅读的兴趣。
1. printed books n印刷书籍
2. e-reading n电子阅读
3. deeply rooted reading habit n 根深蒂固的阅读习惯
4. can never replace traditional way of reading v永远无法代替传统的阅读方式
5. A and B are not mutually exclusive …… 和 …… 不是互相排斥的
1. The past century has witnessed tremendous technological progress and these changes re-shaped some people’s reading choices.
解析:tremendous = great 巨大的
2. People still read, however,some people might have different preferences such as on-line reading or appreciating their favorite books via the cell phone.
解析:via prep通过
3. Some people argue that if the popularity of e-reading keeps expanding at current rate, our reading will be dominated by on-line or cell phone read...
1、Enhanced Smarts 变聪明
Wow, this may be the most obvious statement of the post, right? Well, it turns out that reading helps in almost every area of smarts. Those that read have higher GPA’s, higher intelligence, and general knowledge than those that don’t. In Anne E. Cunningham’s paper What Reading Does for the Mind (pdf version), she found that reading, in general, makes you smarter, and it keeps you sharp as you age.
No matter what you’re wanting to do or become, you can’t do it without more knowledge. Reading is an excellent way to get where you’re wanting to go.
2、Reading reduces stress 减少压力
When I’m reading a book, my mind shifts gears. Where I might have a had a stressful day, a book can easily distract me. Fiction is fantastic for this.Reading an awesome fiction book is perfect right before bed time. Though sometimes it’s hard to put the book down if it’s really good. Still, you’ll be relaxed .
3、Greater tranquility 多一点宁静
Reading can soothe like no other. Given that I’m a pretty high-energy person, reading forces me to sit and be still. This daily act of making myself be quiet and still has been nothing short of miraculous for my anxiety and my “fidgety factor”.
4、Improved analytical thinking 增强思辨的能力
That’s right, ladies...
It is said that to pick up a book is like exploring an unknown world. The well-known novel written by Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea, definitely depicts a different perspective for understanding the meaning of life. Life is not always about happiness and success. Sometimes, failures and disappointments befall us. The strong characteristic of the main character, a fisherman named Santiago, is the great perseverance that he displays in the story. Despite all his efforts and sacrifices, he was doomed to suffer an inevitable failure. However, the old man did not bow to his destiny and he transcended the difficulties that failed to ultimately crush him. Just like sentence in the novel states, ‘A man can be destroyed, but not defeated.’ This story about the indomitable spirit of man shows us one man’s courageous attitude towards life.
The New York Times is an American daily newspaper that boasts the largest circulation of any metropolitan newspaper in the United States. Reporters and editors of The New York Times have undertaken a large-scale effort to bring readers a variety of high-quality news reports, articles and analyses on issues within America and throughout the world. In 2007, they issued a special series of reports on industrial workers at Foxconn, a manufacturing Titan based in China. Readers were exposed to a detailed analysis of the problems facing those workers, which included a rise in contingent employment, a decline of social welfare benefits and deteriorating working conditions. All of these problems had resulted in a dramatic suicide rate increase at Foxconn. More importantly, the report raised general concerns among American and Chinese politicians and economists of the challenges confronting workers globally and of ...