斯特拉斯堡大学被认为是法国乃至欧洲最杰出的大学之一,作为欧洲研究型大学联盟(LERU) 、21世纪学术联盟(AC21) 的成员,斯特拉斯堡大学在很多领域都享有盛名,学生和教授中有20名诺贝尔奖得主,1名菲尔兹数学奖得主。下面留学群小编为你介绍斯特拉斯堡大学住宿环境。
University halls of residence
Both regular and exchange students are eligible to apply for accommodation in a university hall of residence. You can also choose to live in private halls of residence, or in your own flat or flatshare.
CROUS accomodation service
CROUS is a regional organisation providing students with a wide range of services including bursaries, accommodation or catering.
CROUS offers 5 309 rooms, studio flats and 1-bedroom flats designed for small budgets with basic comfort. Rent prices start from €164/month.
If you are registered as a regular student, you should apply online via this website between January 15 and May 31.
If you are an exchange student, you should apply for accommodation while completing your online application to University.
You will receive an answer in July. Rooms may still be available after the deadline and during the academic year. Please contact the CROUS International Relations Office for more information.
→ Paying your rent
You must pay your rent between the 1st and 10th of each month. You can pay by credit card, cash or check affiliated with a French bank.
→ Moving in