





  The advantages of studying abroad are countless. Perhaps,study abroad programs is one of the best practices of modern times, when there are simmering tensions and conflict situation between many countries, religions and regions around the globe. On an individual level, exposure to a totally different system of living makes you delve deep into your own choices, aims and ambitions. It is in fact a process of self discovery. It creates a global personality out of you, with a deep respect for other cultures, and a greater understanding and appreciation of your own culture and way of living.


  Students gain new perspective on the world. Studying abroad takes students through a cultural and academic experience from the inside out – they see issues of globalization, development, poverty, and social inequity from many different perspectives. When they return to their homeland, they will see things differently; students can put themselves in someone else’s shoes more easily and have a more nuanced understanding of the world.


  Studying abroad is a challenging and exciting experience and is not necessarily easy. However, with any faced and conquered challenge comes growth and mat...

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  欧文Owen, Robert (Dale) 1801 -- 1877

  Social reformer; born in Glasgow, Scotland. He taught briefly in New Lanark, Scotland, where his family owned the cotton mills, and occasionally he ran the factories in his father's absence. Influenced by Robert Dale (his father), whose theory of social reform was based on cooperation, practical education, and humane working conditions, he emigrated with his father to America (1825) to set up the New Harmony Colony in Indiana. Unfit for manual labor, the son taught school there and edited the New Harmony Gazette. The community failed (1827) and he would later criticize its participants as "lazy theorists" and "unprincipled sharpers." (His father returned to England in 1828.) Known for practicality in the application of social ideals, he nonetheless came under the influence of Frances Wright and the "Free Enquirers," a liberal group that advocated an early form of socialism. Moving to New York to join the group's inner circle (1829), he edited the Free Inquirer and helped form the Association for the Protection of Industry and for the Promotion of National Education. Joining his father in England (1832), he coedited The Crisis with him for six months, then returned to New Harmony where he served three ...

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  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 1770 -- 1831

  Idealist philosopher, born in Stuttgart, Germany. He studied theology at Tübingen, and in 1801 edited with Schelling the Kritische Journal der Philosophie (1802--3, Critical Journal of Philosophy), in which he outlined his system with its emphasis on reason rather than the Romantic intuitionism of Schelling, which he attacked in his first major work, Phänomenologie des Geistes (1807, The Phenomenology of the Mind). While headmaster of a Nuremberg school (1808--16) he wrote his Wissenschaft der Logik (1812--16, Science of Logic). He then published his Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften (1817, trans Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences), in which he set out his tripartite system of logic, philosophy of nature, and mind. He became professor in Heidelberg (1816) and Berlin (1818). His approach, influenced by Kant, rejects the reality of finite and separate objects and minds in space and time, and establishes an underlying, all embracing unity, the Absolute. The quest for greater unity and truth is achieved by the famous dialectic, positing something (thesis), denying it (antithesis), and combining the two half-truths in a synthesis which contains a greater portion of truth in its complexity. His works exerted considerable influence on subsequent European...
