假如你马上面临大学毕业要选 final course,会选以前上过课的老师的课还是没有上过课的老师的课程?
If you are going to graduate from the university and have to choose the final course, which professor will you choose. The one you used to sign up for courses or the one you have never learned from before.
Professor is one of the considerations that students may take into account for course choosing. Students might hesitate which professor to choose for their final course, the one students used to sign up for courses or the one students have never taken lectures from before. As far as I am concerned, it is undeniable that attending courses taught by familiar professors brings obvious advantages.
Firstly, attending a familiar professor’s lecture saves students’ time. Every professor expresses lecture in a unique approach, either installing theories and ideas or inspiring students to come up with conclusion to specific practice. At the beginning of a lecture taught by a new professor, students are likely to struggle in keeping up with the speed and style. Nevertheless, adjusting to a familiar professor, students skip the adaptation time and receive contents smoothl...
Task 2
Independent writing
Many filmmakers make movies based on books. some people prefer to read the book before they watch the movie, while other people prefer to watch the movie before they read the book. Which one do you prefer?
选择先看电影再看书:1. 可以省时间。2. 可以有更多惊喜。3. 让步:先看书能够在看电影的时候更好的理解内容。
Key sentences:
1、For one thing, watching movies before reading the books will help save time.
2、For another, watching movies will provide people with more surprises.
3、Granted, reading before watching movie...
Task 2
Independent writing
A/D:Universities should require every graduation student to take public speaking courses. Give specific examples and details to support your answer.
Key sentences:
1、Public speaking classes can improve students’studyingefficiency.
2、A favorable academic atmosphere can come into being through opening public speaking courses.
3、Indeed, forcing students to p...
官方对于托福独立写作的说法是:“An effective response is typically about 300 words long……“,因此对于托福独立写作的要求只是一个模糊的概念,大约在300字左右。不过,在字数范围之上,官方对于有效、充分地表达自己的写作观点才是重中之重。因此,小编在这里和大家再次申述一遍,托福独立写作的关键是要对考题展开充分论述,从而有利地支持文章观点,充足的字数是必须的,但是300字并不是严格的要求范围。
因此,建议各位考生在备考时不要忘记养成习惯,多阅读英文原版的书籍或期刊,多积累地道的语句以便考试适用。相同道理下,各位考生在备考时也不用一定勉强自己背诵那些7-8个字母或以上组成的单词,反倒可以多准备些“简单但不失得体”的词汇,如:weaken, taste, enjoy, ease等大家耳熟能详的简易词汇,分别可以适用于weaken one’s eyesight(视力下降),taste the foreign culture(品尝外国文化),enjoy a moderate rise(…缓慢上升)以及ease one’s burden(减轻压力)等适用频率较高的搭配上,如此一来效果更佳!
准备新托福独立写作除了注重语句词汇方面的扎实,还更应该把握好逻辑思维的递进。中国考生在写英文作文时大多是进行“翻译”,而并非是“写作”。在这种情况下,不可避免的就出现了许多中式化语言,更会融入不该出现的中式化的思维逻辑,看似十分的“跳跃,随性”但并不适合新托福写作要求的“层次,递进”。多注重自己“美式思维”的训练,尽可能地在写作时向“Native Speaker”的思维靠近。只有抓紧训练好自己的逻辑思维能力,才能更好地在新托福写作中取得25分以上的高分。而在训练过程中,大家注意“形连”和 “意连”两者相结合。所谓的“形连”即全文段与段之间体现层次逻辑的连接词的合理运用;“意连”则更侧重全文思路内容及逻辑上的真正连贯,不可“行不散却神散”。新托福独立写作也考察大家对细节的把握,列出观点后如何开展更多的论证,因此各位考生在备考时一定要注重细节论证,完全可以结合进生活化的经验和例子作为论证的好帮手,而无须将每个论点过于形式化,理论化,甚至空洞化。
领导类话题乃是托福独立写作考试中的 “新贵”,留学群小编为大家带来托福独立写作之领导类话题素材,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注留学群托福写作频道!
The most important leadership quality for CEOS?
For CEOs, creativity is now the most important leadership quality for success in business, outweighing even integrity and global thinking, according to a new study by IBM. The study is the largest known sample of one-on-one CEO interviews, with over 1,500 corporate heads and public sector leaders across 60 nations and 33 industries polled on what drives them in managing their companies in today's world.
Steven Tomasco, a manager at IBM Global Business Services, expressed surprise at this key finding, saying that it is "very interesting that coming off the worst economic conditions they'd ever seen, [CEOs] didn't fall back on management discipline, existing best practices, rigor, or operations. In fact, they [did] just the opposite."
About 60% of CEOs polled cited creativity as the most important leadership quality, compared with 52% for integrity and 35% for global thinking. Creative leaders are also more prepared to break with the status quo of industry, enterprise and revenue models, and they are 81% more likely to rate innovation as a "crucial capability."
Other key findings showed a large disparity between views of North American CEOs and those from other territories.
For example, in North America, 65% of CEOs think i...
我们一定要注意到,写作是应用写作(practical writing),非创造性写作(creative writing),即考察学生的语言表述能力,而不是文学创作能力。无论是综合写作还是独立写作,考生追求的基本目标是把想说的意思用书面英语表达清楚,让阅卷人读懂和明白。从语言角度来说,有两大标准,即准确性和多样化。能够达到词词准确,又使用到不同的词句来表达相同、相似的意思,从语言角度来说已经符合托福考试的高分要求。
先来说说准确性。譬如这样一个句子:My writing ability increased by reading many books. 拆开来看,每个英文单词对应的中文意思是对的。但存在一个问题,ability和increase是不搭配的。任何一个单词,都不能单纯地说用得好不好。语言是讲究搭配的,简单常见的词只要搭配合适,放置合适的语境,依然可以锻造完美的句子。这个道理和穿衣混搭是一样的。穿着漂亮不在于单品是如何大牌如何昂贵,而在于款式质地的和谐,以及最后的上身效果。
在这个句子中,increase表示增加的意思,主要表示数量的增加。尽管有时也能表示程度的增进,但这里和ability的搭配是不正确的。一般我们说develop one"s ability,也可以说improve one"s ability. 因此,这句话得修改成My writing ability developed by reading many books. 当然还可以修改得更地道一些。后半句想表达“阅读”,学生一般的习惯是把“读”和“书”全部翻译出来。注意,写作是表达,不是翻译。这么写固然是对的,还不够理想。 我们进一步把句子修改成My writing ability developed by reading much. 从表达效果来讲,已经“达”了,考生想表述的意思和阅卷人读到的意思完全吻合。当然句子可以再继续修改得更加豪华,本文暂不赘述。
那么,词语的搭配如何检验呢?在各种班型的培训课程中,老师固然会提到一些典型搭配。但更为重要的是考生自己掌握检验的方法。我个人比较推荐 Oxford Learner"s English Collocation Dictionary(《牛津学生英语搭配词典》),其中的语料来源和实用性都比较好。
关于多样化,举个最普遍的例子:“more and more”这个短语几乎是每个中国学生都使用过的短语。我看到过太多学生的独立写作文章,三四百字的短文里出现了四五次。有学生在开头段便使用了三次。学生重复使用该短语是可以理解的,一个是熟悉,再来字数似乎上去了。其实,稍加思考便知道,如此做法反而在文章开头便向阅卷人暴露了弱处。因此这种不顾语言质量的“凑字数”方法是不可取的。
A:No. 中间段可以有一个论点展开,也可以拿到满分. 同学们可以参看ETS的第三版 p202页的官方范文5分和4分范文赏析. 但是, 如果有两个至三个理由来证明开头观点更好, 所以平时同学们要多练习Brainstorming快速找理由写提纲.
2.Q: 独立写作中间段的结构是什么?
A: 论点Main pointSentence+论据Details. 尽量不要突兀地写forexample, 需要指明例子之前的论点句. 其中论点句指的是证明开头段中观点的理由, 论据则是该理由的细节展示.
论点Main point Sentence: Anotheradvantage of living with an American family is that the students are in anideal environment to improve his English.
论据Details: For example,each time he has a conversation with someone in the family, thisnative speaker can help him with the pronunciation and grammar. Maybe theyounger children in the family can help him with his homework, too. But themost important thing is that he will be surrounded by English most of timeduring his stay in the United States.
3.Q: 怎么展开一个中间段落才能做到评分标准5分要求呢?
A: 其实有很多方法将论点展开Details, 比如: 我强化班会重点介绍的几种: Specific personal example 少而精的个人经历; General example 多而简的宽泛例子罗列; compare& contrast对比反差; Study &Survey 调查数据; Famous people权威名人; Quotation名言谚语等.
4.Q: 独立写作中间段的论据如果想写个人经历, 应该怎样写才算高分?
A: 注意个人经历内容写到精确具体, 语言做到准确地道形象. 比如:
论点: English does not seem to be spoken by Americansin the same way that it was presented in my textbooks.
个人经历: Take myself for example, the first time I asked anAmerican a question, I got a strange response. The man who answered my questionsa...
A:No. 中间段可以有一个论点展开,也可以拿到满分. 同学们可以参看ETS的第三版 p202页的官方范文5分和4分范文赏析. 但是, 如果有两个至三个理由来证明开头观点更好, 所以平时同学们要多练习Brainstorming快速找理由写提纲.
2.Q: 独立写作中间段的结构是什么?
A: 论点Main pointSentence+论据Details. 尽量不要突兀地写forexample, 需要指明例子之前的论点句. 其中论点句指的是证明开头段中观点的理由, 论据则是该理由的细节展示.
论点Main point Sentence: Anotheradvantage of living with an American family is that the students are in anideal environment to improve his English.
论据Details: For example,each time he has a conversation with someone in the family, thisnative speaker can help him with the pronunciation and grammar. Maybe theyounger children in the family can help him with his homework, too. But themost important thing is that he will be surrounded by English most of timeduring his stay in the United States.
3.Q: 怎么展开一个中间段落才能做到评分标准5分要求呢?
A: 其实有很多方法将论点展开Details, 比如: 我强化班会重点介绍的几种: Specific personal example 少而精的个人经历; General example 多而简的宽泛例子罗列; compare& contrast对比反差; Study &Survey 调查数据; Famous people权威名人; Quotation名言谚语等.
4.Q: 独立写作中间段的论据如果想写个人经历, 应该怎样写才算高分?
A: 注意个人经历内容写到精确具体, 语言做到准确地道形象. 比如:
论点: English does not seem to be spoken by Americansin the same way that it was presented in my textbooks.
个人经历: Take myself for example, the first time I asked anAmerican a question, I got a strange response. The man who answered my questionsa...
1, 第一:in the first place/ first and foremost/ to start with/ to begin with/ first of all/ first/ firstly
2, 第二:in the second place/ secondly and equal importantly/ to continue/ second/ secondly
3, 第三:in the third place/ last but not least/ third/ thirdly
4, 一方面、另一方面:on one hand/ on the other hand; for one thing/ for another
5, 表原因:because/ because of/ since/ due to/ as/ thanks to/ for/ owing to
6, 表结果:so/ therefore/ as a result/ consequently/ as a consequence
7, 表举例:for example/ for instance/ such as/ take…as an example/ to illustrate
8, 表承接:besides/ furthermore/ moreover/ what’s more/ in addition/ additionally
9, 表转折:but/ while/ however/ nevertheless/ nonetheless
10,表比较对比: to compare with/ compared with/ in comparison with/ by contrast/ on the contrary
当然,仅仅依靠连接词是不足以表明全文的连贯性的,适当的添加过渡句也是很好的承接手段,如Official Guide To The New TOEF...