
留学群专题频道方法总比困难多栏目,提供与方法总比困难多相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 《方法总比困难多》(造就主动和创新的智能型卓越员工)内容简介:事实上,成大事者和平庸之流的根本区别之一,就在于他们是否在遇到困难时理智对待,主动寻找解决的方法。—个人只有敢于去挑战,并在困局中突围而出,才能奏出激越雄浑的生命乐章,最大化地彰显人性的光辉。大文豪罗曼·罗兰在《约翰·克利斯朵夫》一书的开篇就写到:“真正的光明决不是永没有黑暗的时间,只是永不被黑暗所掩蔽罢了……所以在你要战胜外来的敌人之前,先得战胜你内在的敌人……”在此,我们说,成功的人并非就没有遭遇过困难,只不过他们没有被困难所征服罢了。我们只有主动寻求方法去解决好工作中遭遇的每—个问题和困难,才能领略到心灵释放和智慧碰撞所带来的淋漓酣畅。





  "PSST!" The teacher with a torn from the notebook too ordinary ordinary copy paper, and spun like to say to us: "you see this piece of paper? Today, I will be in the past from this paper!"

  "Huh?" The classmates comment in succession. I involuntarily smiled to smile, the in the mind secretly think: "hum! Hope! Please teacher wear a first!" While the teacher is not high, the elevation gaunt, but not in the past from handy size paper! Unless -- the teacher is the magician or sun wukong.


  "A lie!"


  Then, all kinds of boos into my ears, jumped up in my ears the crazy "disco".

  "Brush brush......" See the blackboard, the teacher had written a word "way better than more difficult, only unexpected, no can't!"

  What, what, what? I didn't see wrong? Teachers don't want us to find a way to for him? Ha! Ha! Is really a boast no good end! "The classmates, now, I will please you to give me to find a way to!" The teacher a face of "poor" to say to us.

  All right! Saw the teacher this appearance, everyone heart melted, racking their brains for the teacher to find a way to... Some classmates in their hands head, eyes staring at the ceiling, hate cannot let god down an answer; And classmates have given up hope, at my desk, seems to thi...





  "PSST!" The teacher with a torn from the notebook too ordinary ordinary copy paper, and spun like to say to us: "you see this piece of paper? Today, I will be in the past from this paper!"

  "Huh?" The classmates comment in succession. I involuntarily smiled to smile, the in the mind secretly think: "hum! Hope! Please teacher wear a first!" While the teacher is not high, the elevation gaunt, but not in the past from handy size paper! Unless -- the teacher is the magician or sun wukong.


  "A lie!"


  Then, all kinds of boos into my ears, jumped up in my ears the crazy "disco".

  "Brush brush......" See the blackboard, the teacher had written a word "way better than more difficult, only unexpected, no can't!"

  What, what, what? I didn't see wrong? Teachers don't want us to find a way to for him? Ha! Ha! Is really a boast no good end! "The classmates, now, I will please you to give me to find a way to!" The teacher a face of "poor" to say to us.

  All right! Saw the teacher this appearance, everyone heart melted, racking their brains for the teacher to find a way to... Some classmates in their hands head, eyes staring at the ceiling, hate cannot let god down an answer; And classmates have given up hope, at my desk, seems to thi...












