



 本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《浅谈雅思托福英语写作》。 本文为无忧雅思名师张艳专供留学群雅思频道(liuxuequn.com)作品,转载须注明作者和出处“留学群雅思频道(liuxuequn.com)”。

我在美国读书的时候我们学校的课程非常侧重写作教学,我们不但有多门课程与此相关,更是有很多的实践机会供我们锻炼。一种是单独教授一门英语写作课程,另外是在学校的写作中心做一对一的辅导。作文读的多了我对于学生常见的问题有了更清晰的理解,并对于如何解决有了自己的想法。在此,我和大家浅谈一下两种文体的写作问题:辩论式写作(argumentative),比较写作(compare&contrast). 这两种写作是现在主流英语考试,TOEFL, IELTS,GRE的主要考察的写作方式,因此是中国学生特别希望能掌握好的。

1. 文章结构:

英语书面写作的结构是有很严格的标准的,即开头,主题,结尾。在开头段要提出自己的观点(thesis statement),主体可以分为3到5段,用分论点来支持自己的观点,最后是总结,重述自己的观点,呼应开头的观点。如果是小作文(300-400 字),比如说托福和雅思的大作文,一般主体段写3段比较合适。写多了,自己没有那么多理由,写少了,显得没有说服力。因此,这种结构通常被称为五段式(five-paragraph format), 是英语写作最常用的结构。 中国人最常见的问题有几种:

1. 开头冗长,绕来绕去,不知所云,摆一堆华丽而没有实质内容的句子,然后突然跳到自己的观点。

2. 开头和主体段的第一段混成一谈。有同学会直接写“我同意。。。观点因为。。。。。”一句话给出观点,然后就直接开始写第一点原因。这样的文章结构不清晰,在阅卷人眼中马上被打上结构不清的标签,如果再犯两个语法错误,那就别想翻身了。

3. 主体没有分段,把所有的原因揉在一起,让读者去自己理清条理。英语和中文不一样。英语是作者责任制(writer-responsible), 中文是读者责任制(reader-responsible)。也就是说写英文,作者需要保证读者能明白自己写的是什么,如果读者不明白,那就是你作者的责任。而在中文中则正好相反,我想怎么写怎么写,读不懂是你读者的问题。

4. 主体段每段中没有主题句(topic sentence),或者一个明显的主题意思。我经常看到有人说了一堆例子,却不明白他要这些例子说明什么。其实,只要在每个段落前加一个很简短的句子,告诉别人你在说什么,就会使文章变得很清楚。


5. 主体段有主题句,但是没有对主题句进行进一步解释,而是直接摆例子,这样会显得文章非常的唐突。

6. 文章有开头,但是在开头作者没有给出观点,而是在结尾给出观点。对于这种写法,也有争议,讲英语的人也在争论是不是世界上所有的人都应该按照英语的文体写。一般的结论是认为,这取决于你的读者,如果你的读者是英语为母语的人,那么还是按照他们的习惯写为好,不要追求什么神秘感,一定要等到最后才给出观点。对于托福雅思的作文,还是规矩点...



标签: 无忧雅思 雅思


发信人: 孙肇春(Tony)


Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of unisexual schools. (男女分校的利与弊)

Boy schools and girl schools shoot up very rapidly both in foreign countries and at home. In China, girl schools have enjoyed a very long history since one hundred years ago. Many sociologists and educationalists present their views on this issue from different angles. In this essay, I will zero in on the advantages and disadvantages of the controversial phenomenon. (60 words)
Some parents prefer to send their children to boy schools or girl schools in the hope that their children can concentrate on study and acquire adequate knowledge and skills because unisexual schools can make out appropriate curriculum and courses for students according to their sexual characteristics. In some girl schools, students have a wider choice of courses such as dancing, music, embroidery and drawing, which can cultivate their feminine elegance and charm. Furthermore, students can devote themselves fully to their study and will not be distracted. Campus love affairs are very common in the current society under the influence of media. Boy schools and girl schools can eradicate contact between different sexes and purify the campus environment. (117 words)
Of course, some experts point out that boy schools and girl schools are not beneficial to the adolescent development of students. They believe that ...

雅思考试写作范文之最近2个月A类作文总结 -- 版本号7X


 本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《最近2个月A类作文总结 -- 版本号7X》。 hong(hong)
题 目: 最近2个月A类作文总结 -- 版本号7X
发信站: 【无忧雅思社区】 (发表於 2002-01-23 18:4:45)

作文 Version 40

Task 1:两个bar charts,关于美国一个主要航空公司从一月到二月的情况。第一个是percentage of flights on time;第二个是lost baggages complains。
Task 2:许多人说为了不断提高教育质量,就应该鼓励学生去评价和批评老师,另一些人说,这样做将导致教室里的尊敬与纪律消失。

Writing 69





TASK1:A graph and a chart, gragp shows the number of holidays taken by British people and place(in Great British and abroad). The chart shows the activitivs that the British people spend their holiday(see-signing, reading, hobbies and so on).
TASK2: Many pearents use punishment to teach the different between right and wrong to kids. Many think punishment is necessary to help children learn the distintion.
What degree do you agree or disagree?
What kind of punishment do you think can pearents and teachers use?

写作 74
图表是两个bar charts,是学生的就业情况,比较容易。网上肯定有登,我就不写了。
作文2 是说which is the meaturement of a country's success.somebody says it is people's life quality ...



标签: 无忧雅思 雅思



发信人: lindababy(小乐)

Topic: Traditional arts civilized a nation. Do you think the government should subsidize musicians, artists, or drama companies? What should government do ?
Nowadays there is a growing tendency that some traditional arts are disappearing far away from modern society. Some people think the government should subsidize musicians, artists, actors or theatrical companies. From my point of view ,the government have a responsibilities to protect traditional arts, but there might be better ways than only give money to traditional artists.
It is obvious that traditional arts are the essential part of national cultural. A study of traditional arts might be a good way to learn about cultural and it can civilized a nation. It reflects not only the political values of people, but also their religious beliefs, emotions and daily activities .China have a long history and various kinds of traditional arts, such as painting, calligraphy, architecture and Beijing opera, which offer a chances to people to enjoy civilized pleasure. However ,traditional arts are leaving contemporary people further and further away, which due to many reasons. Such as lack funds and professional guide, the impact from western cultures.
How should governm...





happy practice!!
Genetic engineering (questioning)

How would you like bananas or pineapples that ripen more slowly, or potatoes that absorb less oil and therefore make lower calorie French fries? Those are just a few of the genetically engineered food products expected to hit American stores in the next few years. While many experts are hailing the rapid development of genetic engineering in food as the way to feed a fast growing global population, others say the changes are planting the seeds for a host of future problems.

Is there such a thing as an 'Eastern' and 'Western' way of organizing business? (source of concern)

Many commentators have over the years attempted to draw a hard distinction between eastern and western ways of organizing and carrying out business . According to this ‘culturalist’ view of history, the success of Japan and later of other East Asian countries such as China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan can be attributed to their common Confucian traditions and their associated cultural characteristics (Dale, 1986; Rozman, 1993) C. Due to space limitations it is not possible to repeat this argument in detail. I would however like to take a look at an alternative schema evolving around the concept of 'societal ...



发信人: 孙肇春(Tony)

Version 100 (17 Aug.)
Many people think that countries have a moral obligation to help each other, while other argue that the aid money is misspent by the governments that receive it, so the international aid should not be given to the poor countries in the world. Discuss the two views of international aid, and give your opinion.

With the process of economic globalization, many countries and regions have strengthened cooperation and liaison in the fields of industry, agriculture, trade and finance. In order to dedicate to the mutual development, many developed countries spare no effort to help the poor countries by means of technological, medical and financial aid, which, to my mind, is quite essential to the development of the world. (64 words)

Firstly, aids from developed countries optimize people's living standard and eradicate poverty in the poor countries. Due to the backwardness of science and technology, people in some undeveloped countries and regions such as Africa, Latin America and Asia suffer a great deal from poverty, hunger and the scarce of water. International aids from developed countries have improved their living environment and helped them with the development of agriculture, industry and economy. (70 words)

Secondly, international aids give good medical care and help promote hygienic condition in the poor countries. Malaria(虐疾), cholera(霍乱) and smallpox(天花)were o...

雅思作文网站:G类Writing V109


 本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《G类Writing V109》。


g v109
yr neighour sth disturb you, then you write one letter to complain

the local government inverst moneny on building sth for attracting the tourist, do you agree or not

我们的努力没有您的支持我们无法做的更好!感谢您拜读《G类Writing V109》一文.

雅思写作范文汇总写作 Version 101范文参考


标签: 无忧雅思 佛教

 本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《写作 Version 101范文参考》。

发信人: 孙肇春(Tony)

Version 101
Traditional arts civilized a nation. Do you think government should subsidize musicians, artists, actors or drama companies? What should a government do?

Traditional arts, as valuable cultural relics of a nation, are disappearing far away from the modern society. China, as one of the highly-civilized countries in the world, abound in various forms of traditional arts, such as painting, calligraphy, music, architecture and dramas, which are not only our national cultural treasures, but also a rich fortune of the world. (58 words)

As essence of a local culture, traditional arts reflect a nation’s artistic talents and traditions. For example, water-color painting depicts a harmony between people and nature. Architecture illustrates a nation’s aesthetic value and religious belief. Cathedrals, highlighted by Baroque style in the 17th century, represent Christianity. Pagodas, totally different from cathedrals stylistically, are a symbol of Buddhism. Peking Opera describes the history of our country. (65 words)

However, traditional arts are leaving contemporary people further and further away, one of the main reasons for which is that the authorities concerned and some institutes lack funds and professionals, which are quite essential to the research and promotion of traditional culture. Another radical reason should be attributed to the impact of western cultures on trad...



Apology Letter


apologize to sb. for sth. 因为...向某人道歉

awfully 非常

behavior 行为

excuse 借口

failure 失败

fault 错误

forgive 原谅

ignorant 无知的

inconsiderateness 不顾及他人

inconvenience 不方便

make an apology 道歉

make up for it 弥补

misunderstanding 误解

negligent 疏忽的

offend 冒犯

overlook 忽略


remedy 补救

remove 消除

shoulder the responsibility 承担责任

thoughtless 欠考虑的


1) I am awfully/terribly sorry for what I have done.

2) I feel very guilty for what I have done to you.

3) I am afraid what I have done has caused many inconveniences to you.

4) I regret to inform. you that I am unable to do…

5) Please accept my most cordial and humblest apologies for…once more.

6) I will try my utmost not to make such a stupid mistake again.

7) I am so sorry to have put you to so much trouble

