



标签: 欧洲

  A large number of European business schools situated in the top cluster testifies to the quality of European business schools, challenging the traditional dominance of business schools in the US.

  Though the UK remains the largest contributor of business schools in the European rating, Spanish and French business schools are also prominent, reflecting global MBA applicant preferences.
  Eight new entrants to the European business school rating suggest the region is still evolving in terms of employer recognition of management education.


  European business schools continue to be at the forefront of innovation in business education,ensuring they attract top international talent which in turn attracts global MBA employers.Despite the economic woes of the region, 2011 has been a record year for employment statistics among European business schools, which are supplying MBA talent not just to local employers in the region, but also employers across Asia, the Americas and the Middle East.
  After a relatively slow adoption of MBA studies in Europe for the first 40 years after the Second World War, the last two decades has seen an explosion in the number of schools. The continent now hosts MBA programs in practically all of its countries.