
留学群专题频道泰晤士报大学排名栏目,提供与泰晤士报大学排名相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 《泰晤士报》(The Times)是英国的一张综合性全国发行的日报,是一张对全世界政治、经济、文化发挥着巨大影响的报纸。《泰晤士报》的英文名称The Times,中文直译过来应该是《时报》。然而它的译名却变成与读音相近、但毫无关联的“泰晤士河”(River Thames)一样。由于约定俗成的关系,错译保留至今。





排名 大学中文名 国家/地区
1 清华大学 中国
2 北京大学 中国
3 新加坡国立大学 新加坡
4 香港大学 中国香港
5 新加坡南洋理工大学 新加坡
6 东京大学 日本
7 香港中文大学 中国香港
8 香港科技大学 中国香港
9 首尔大学 韩国
10 京都大学 日本
11 复旦大学 中国
12 浙江大学 中国
13 韩国科学技术高等研究院 (KAIST) 韩国
14 成均馆大学 (SKKU) 韩国
15 中国科学技术大学 中国
16 上海交通大学 中国
17 南京大学 ...


















  The 2017 Asia University Rankings reveal the 300 best colleges and schools in Asia, featuring institutions in 24 different countries. Japan leads the way with 69 universities featured in the ranking, with China coming in second with 54 ranked institutions.

  The inclusion of 100 more universities this year (300, compared with 200 in 2016) has revealed the countries that may become stronger players in the higher education sector in the future, including Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan.

  The Asia University Rankings are based on the same 13 performance indicators as the THE World University Rankings, but these have been recalibrated to reflect the attributes of Asia’s universities.





Best universities in Asia 2017




  Harper Adams University takes the top spot in Times Higher Education's Student Experience Survey results for 2017, in only its second year of being eligible for the survey.The agricultural institution is the first specialist university to top the poll. Last year’s number one, Loughborough University, has slipped down to second place.

  The University of Sheffield, the University of Leeds and the University of Surrey round off the top five universities in the UK, as voted for by students.

  The results are based on the responses of more than 15,000 undergraduates rating their university across 21 measures based on a seven-point rating from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”. The survey was appended to YouthSight’s Student Omnibus Surveys and all respondents were members of YouthSight’s student panel.

  This year, the presentation of the results has changed slightly. Universities are still given points for 21 separate attributes, but there are now seven composite groups made up of up to five of the 21 attributes. The seven composite groups cover: academic experience, university facilities, societal experience, student welfare, accommodation, industry connections, and security.







Best universities for archaeology in the World

Based on THE World University Rankings 2018 by Subject:arts and humanities

RankUniversity Location
1Stanford UniversityUnited States
2Harvard UniversityUnited States
3University of OxfordUnited Kingdom
4=University of CambridgeUnited Kingdom
4=University College LondonUnited Kingdom
6University of ChicagoUnited States
7Yale UniversityUnited States
8Columbia UniversityUnited States
9University of California, BerkeleyUnited States
10University of PennsylvaniaUnited States




  The 2018 Times Higher Education World University Rankings’ table for arts and humanities subjects employs the same rigorous and balanced range of 13 performance indicators used in the overall World University Rankings, but the methodology has been recalibrated to suit the individual fields.

  It highlights the universities that are leading across art, performing arts, languages, history, philosophy, theology, architecture and archaeology subjects.

  The weightings for teaching and research in the arts and humanities table has altered slightly this year, while the minimum publication threshold for universities to be included has increased.This year’s ranking has expanded to include 400 institutions, up from 100 last year.

  The US takes more than a quarter of places in the table (103), 35 of which make the top 100, down from 39 last year. Meanwhile, the UK has 56 representatives in total and 19 in the upper quartile, the same as last year.

  The results demonstrate the benefit of interdisciplinary research and teaching on individual subjects; the table is led by Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, two universities renowned for their strength in technology that connect their arts and humanities departments with scientific and technical disciplines.

  The ranking also s...




Best universities for architecture in the World

Based on THE World University Rankings 2018 by Subject:arts and humanities

RankUniversity Location
1Stanford UniversityUnited States
2Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUnited States
3=University of CambridgeUnited Kingdom
3=University College LondonUnited Kingdom
5Princeton UniversityUnited States
6Yale UniversityUnited States
7Columbia UniversityUnited States
8University of California, BerkeleyUnited States