
留学群专题频道满城汉墓栏目,提供与满城汉墓相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 满城汉墓位于河北省保定城西北21公里处满城县陵山,是全国重点文物保护单位,国家4A级景区,于1991年5月对外开放。西汉中山靖王刘胜及其妻窦绾之墓。墓全长约52米,最宽处约38米,最高处约7米,由墓道、车马房、库房、前堂和后室组成,窦绾墓和刘胜墓的形制大体相同。两墓的墓室庞大,随葬品豪华奢侈,共出土金器、银器、铜器、铁器、玉器、石器、陶器、漆器、丝织品等遗物1万余件,其中包括“金缕玉衣”、“长信宫灯”、“错金博山炉”等著名器物。为研究西汉时期的政治、经济、军事和文件科学技术提供了重要的实物资料。





  Mancheng Han Tombs

  BRIEF INTRODUCTION Mancheng Han Tombs 1ies on Lingshan Mountain, 1.5 kilometers southwest of the Mancheng County Seat. They are the tombs of Liu Sheng, Prince Jing of Zhongshan State, and his wife Dou Wan. It is a cultural relic under state protection. The tombs were unearthed at the end of the 19605. 10,633 cultural relics were unearthed, of which 4,000 are excellent ones, such as the world-famous " Jade Suit Sewn With Gold Thread ", " Changxin Palace Lantern ", " Boshan Incense Burner Inlaid With Gold Decorations " and " Gilded Bronze Cup in the Shape of a Bird with a Wreath ". Xia Ding, a famous archeologist, once said, " Since the founding of New China, there are three main archeological achievements in terms of cultural relics in the Han Dynasty, namely Han Tombs at Mawangdui in Changsha, Hunan, Mancheng Han Tombs, Hebei and the Tombs of Nanyue Emperor, Guangdong. Mancheng Han Tombs is famous for top quantity of unearthed cultural relics and large quantity of excellent ones. "

  The tombs of Liu Sheng and his wife are large rock-tombs made by punching holes into the mountain. One tomb is in the south and the other is in the north but they are parallel with each other. The form and structure of the two tombs are almost the same. They...