留学群专题频道照明设计师栏目,提供与照明设计师相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 照明设计师指根据空间的功能性质,对室内外光环境进行综合设计的人员。
2012年02月29日 北京漂亮的求职简历信息由留学群简历频道为求职者提供.
求 职 位:装修装潢设计及照明设计 | 期望薪资:面议 |
目前职位:装修装潢设计 | 学 历:大专 |
工作经验:3-5年 | 现居住地:北京顺义 |
联系电话: | 电子邮箱: |
本人熟练掌握AUTOCAD, 3DMAX、PHOTOSHOP、VRAY等制图软件,能够独完完成设计方案,如建筑室内设计及商场布局展示及照明设计等,不断地提高个人的知识,更好的迎合市场变化的需要。
照明设计专业又称灯光设计师一个相对较灵活的学科,随着各地的的城市化建设,对于这类的精英人员的需求更是逐年递增, 那么接下来跟着留学群来看看国外该专业的要求吧,欢迎阅读。
一、申请和财政援助截止日期Application and Financial Aid Deadlines
1.报名截止日期Application Deadline
The application deadline is January 1. To be most competitive for admission and merit scholarship consideration, please apply before the deadline. We will continue to review applications submitted after the January 1 priority deadline pending space availability in the program. The Admission Committee will make a decision on your application only after all the required materials have been received. Spring term admission is not offered for this program.
2.财政援助截止日期:Financial Aid Deadline
All applicants selected for admission into our program are considered for a merit scholarship award that is determined by the strength of their application. Scholarship award notification is communicated at the same time as the admission decision. International students are eligible only for merit scholarships. If you are a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen, we encourage you to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which can be found on the Web at ww...
一、申请资料要求Applicant Profile
The School of Constructed Environments offers students wishing to combine studies in interior design and lighting design, a unique double major. In the MFA Interior and Lighting Design double major, a three-year, 90-credit-hour curriculum, students develop an in-depth technical and aesthetic understanding of the relationship between light and interior design.>>>2019年帕森斯设计学院研究生各专业申请条件汇总
二、申请和财政援助截止日期Application and Financial Aid Deadlines
1.报名截止日期Application Deadline
The application deadline is January 1. To be most competitive for admission and merit scholarship consideration, please apply before the deadline. We will continue to review applications submitted after the January 1 priority deadline pending space availability in the program. The Admission Committee will make a decision on your application only after all the requir...
一、建筑与照明设计专业申请说明Application Instructions
All applicants are required to apply online. Save your work frequently and print a copy for your records. You must complete all required fields and uploads prior to submission.Any additional supporting documents that need to be sent by mail must include an Application Materials Cover Sheet. All supporting materials must be received before your application can be reviewed.Although applications to the dual-degree program are reviewed by both the Architecture and the Lighting Design admission committees, you submit only one set of application materials. The Office of Admission will ensure that the complete application packet is made available to both admission committees. In addition to being considered for admission to the dual-degree program, your application will be considered for adm...
2012年02月24日 北京简历表范文信息由留学群简历频道为求职者提供.
求 职 位:设计师设计师助理绘图 | 期望薪资:2000-3000元/月 |
目前职位:装修装潢设计 | 学 历:大专 |
工作经验:1-3年 | 现居住地:北京朝阳红庙 |
联系电话: | 电子邮箱: |
性格开朗,熟练运用3DCAD PS等绘图软件本人学习能力强、做事认真负责、服从领导安排。
2009-9 至 2011-6北海艺术设计职业学院环境艺术设计专业
橄榄缘杯 2011年5月由北海艺术设计协会颁发证书图片
以下是小编整理的校本教科研工作总结、设计师工作总结等,这篇文章主要讲的是更多工作总结请登陆出国留学工作总结范文网(www.liuxuequn.com/gongzuozongjie/ )