留学群专题频道生活大爆炸栏目,提供与生活大爆炸相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 《生活大爆炸》是由查克·洛尔和比尔·普拉迪创作的一出美国情景喜剧,在2007年9月24日由哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)推出。此剧由华纳兄弟电视公司和查克·洛尔制片公司共同制作,讲述的是一个美女和四个科学家的故事,2011年续拍第五季。2009年8月,该剧赢得了电视评论协会(TCA)最佳喜剧系列奖,吉姆·帕森斯亦赢得了喜剧类的个人奖项。目前该剧已更新至第六季。
Warner Bros. TV and CBS are in the early stages of developing a spinoff of “The Big Bang Theory” that would revolve around the Sheldon Cooper character as a youth.
The project is nearing a script deal, sources tell Variety.
Jim Parsons, who plays Sheldon on the flagship series, is attached to executive produce the spinoff along with Chuck Lorre and “Big Bang” showrunner Steve Molaro. “Big Bang” co-creator/exec producer Bill Prady is likely to be on board as an exec producer as well.
在《生活大爆炸》中扮演“谢耳朵”的吉姆-帕森斯将与该剧主创查克 罗瑞、史蒂夫 马拉罗以及比尔 普拉迪一起担任衍生剧的执行制片人。
Molaro will write the script focusing on Sheldon, the idiosyncratic and neurotic genius, as a youth growing up in Texas. The character’s colorful family and formative years in the Lone Star state have often been referenced on “Big Bang Theory.” Laurie Metcalf earned an Emmy nomination this year for her recurring guest star role as Sheldon’s mother, Mary Cooper.
马拉罗将执笔进行衍生剧的剧本创作,讲述奇葩天才谢尔顿在德克萨斯州的成长故事。在《生活大爆炸》中,谢尔顿在德州的家庭生活以及导致其性格成型的过往故事曾多次被提及。在剧中客串扮演谢尔顿母亲玛丽的女演员劳里 梅特卡夫今年还凭借该角色获得艾美奖提名。
CBS and Warner Bros. TV declined to comment.
“Big Bang Theory” is television’s top comedy, a major feat for a show in its 10th season. Warner Bros...
Raj: Okay, how about you just dip your toe in and meet one of them?
Lucy: Will you be there?
Raj: Of course.
Raj想邀请Lucy见见他的朋友们。但是Lucy也是一个具有交流障碍的人,觉得非常紧张。因此,Raj才和她说:“how about you just dip your toe in and meet one of them.”
1. Dip one's toe in是什么意思呢?Toe的意思是“脚趾”,从字面上看,该词组的意思为“用脚趾沾一下”,但在上面的台词中肯定不是这个意思。该词组的引申义为“开始尝试做新鲜的或不熟悉的事情”。例如:The company has already dipped its toe into the housing market. (这家公司已经涉足房地产市场了。)
Leonard: Well, do you really think I have a shot?
霍金的科研团队要送一队远征实验队员去北海(North Sea),做一个关于流体动力学模拟的实验。他们队伍当中的一名实验物理学家退出了,所以Howard向他们推荐了Leonard。Leonard听说后,对Howard说了这样一句话。
1. 对于shot的含义,我们最熟的莫过于“射击;开枪;射击声”等意思了,比如词组hear shots in a distance (听到远处的枪声)、fire shots at (向……射击)、exchange shots (交火)。而在这句台词中,shot却不是这个含义。根据故事背景,我们大概可以猜到,Leonard对这一消息感到很兴奋,但同时又不够自信,害怕自己没有机会入选。Have a shot就相当于have a chance,表示“有机会(做某事)”,shot在其中是“机会”的意思。
1. Shot可以表示“照相,快照;拍摄”。例如:There is a shot of us all together. (我们有一张大家在一起照的合影。)
2. Shot还可以表示“尝试做某事”,用法为shot at sth.或shot at doing sth.。例如:① I've never produced a play before but I'll have a shot at it. (我以前从未创作过戏剧,不过我会去尝试一下。) ② I'm willin...
Since April 1, China's regulator has required foreign TV dramas to present full seasons to the country's media regulator before they can be shown.
The Big Bang Theory will become the first U.S. TV show to stream on Chinese web sites under new rules introduced last year requiring tougher reviews and censorship of overseas content.
China's top regulator, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT), will allow the eighth season of the sitcom to screen on video site tv.sohu.com starting on July 22, the Global Times newspaper reported.
China's online video market is expected to nearly triple to $14.5 billion by 2018, and it's an attractive market. However, since April 1, SAPPRFT has required foreign TV dramas to present full seasons — with subtitles — f...
本文导航 | |
1 | 第1页:她是我的客人 |
2 | 第2页:猫是很好的伙伴 |
3 | 第3页:我不需要睡眠,我需要答案 |
“我不是疯子,我妈妈带我去检查过。”(I am not crazy, my mother had me tested.)谢尔顿(Sheldon)的这句台词曾让无数观众捧腹大笑。“当我第一次看到这部剧集的时候,我就承认已经上瘾了。”(“When I first saw the show, I admit I found it to be a little bit overdone.”)一个名为克雷格•拜恩(Craig Byrne)的31岁编剧于2009年9月在《生活大爆炸》的粉丝网站上这样写道。
1.Well, today we tried masturbating for money.
2.Yes, it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the sun’s apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth somehow affects your personality.
3.You did not "break up" with Joyce Kim She defected to North Korea.
4.Ah gravity, thou are a heartless bitch.
5.Explain to me an organizational system where a tray of flatware on a couch is valid I'm just inferring that this is a couch, because the evidence suggests the coffee table is having a tiny garage sale.
6.I am truly sorry for what happened last night I take full responsibility ...
1.I understand your envy. This is a can't-miss symposium. There are going to be discussions on bio-organic cellular computer devices, the advancements in multi-threaded task completion, plus a roundtable on the Non-Equilibrium Green's Function approach to the photoionization process in atoms.
2.On this side, you'll see panoramic ocean vistas inaccessible to any other form of transportation, while on your side, you'll be treated to 350 miles of Costcos, Jiffy Lubes and cinderblock homes with above-ground pools.
3.No one calls me "Moonpie" but Mee-Maw.
4.Penny, everything is better with Bluetooth.
5.Excuse me, but was this not your goal? Financial independence through entrepreneurial brilliance and innovation -- my brilliance and innovation, of course, but still.
什么,这难道不正是你的目标吗?通过企业的独特性和创新性来达到经济独立的目的 -- 是我的独特性和创新性,但仍是你的目标。
6.Sorry, coffee's out of the question. When I moved to California, I promised my mother that I wouldn't start doing drugs.
7.No, it's not going to be fine. Change is never fine. They say it is, but it...
1.She's my guest. If anyone should offer her anything, it should be me. Elizabeth, can I get you something? Perhaps a feminine hygiene product, or a bowel regulating yogurt?
2.Oh, Penny. This is Dr. Plimpton, a leading expert on quantum cosmology. Dr. Plimpton, Penny is a waitress who doesn't understand the role gasoline plays in an internal combustion engine.
3.Roommates agree that Friday nights will be reserved for watching Joss Whedon's brilliant new series, Firefly.
4.The apartment flag is gold lion rampant on a field of azure.
5.I assure you, you'll be sorry you wasted your money on an iPod, when Microsoft comes out with theirs.
6.Yes, in 1917, when Albert Einstein established the theoretic foundation for the laser in his paper "Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung," his fondest hope was that the resulting device be "bitchin'.
7.When one gets beaten up every other day in school, one of necessity develops a keen sense of hearing. Incidentally, one can get beaten up ...