

托福听力科学美国人60秒 古代女性臂力惊人


  想象一下女子水手队。平均每周训练18个小时,游泳75英里,这些运动员肌肉发达。但是,和史前女农民相比,这些运动员可以说没有什么臂力。今天留学群小编就给大家介绍一下托福听力科学美国人60秒 古代女性臂力惊人。

  This is Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'mKaren Hopkin.

  Picture a women's crew team. Training 18 hours andcovering 75 miles in an average week, theseathletes are pretty ripped. Yet they don't hold abicep to prehistoric female farmers. Because a newstudy shows that, based on upper arm strength, theNeolithic ladies leave modern women—even elite athletes—in the dust. The work appears in thejournal Science Advances.

  The study's researchers had previously examined the bones of prehistoric men. Becausebones adapt to the load they bear, they can provide a record of the sort of activities in whichan individual regularly engages. So, at the dawn of agriculture, men's leg bones were strong, like today's cross-country runners. But by the late Iron Age, their leg bones looked more likethat of the average couch potato.

  "So this kind of matched with declines in mobility as people became more sedentary throughtime."

  Alison Macintosh, who did that work when she was an undergraduate student in archaeologyat the University of Cambridge.

  "But we didn't see these drops in women. Their leg bone strength was consistently lower thanmen's, it didn't change significantly through time. So really the women just looked quitesedentary pretty much right from the get-go. And we didn't think that was very p...



  下面是留学群英语频道整理的BBC News:加拿大著名节目主持人遭解雇,欢迎阅读。

  Is Lying a Good Strategy?


  Everybody lies. But for the most part, we still see ourselves as good, honest people. So, why do we do it—and are we all just kidding ourselves?


  [Daniel Ariely:] “So, is lying or being dishonest irrational? Sometimes. Sometimes not.”


  Behavioral economist Dan Ariely, at Duke Univeristy, studies irrational behavior. In recent years, he has found himself drawn to mendacity, prevarication, fabrication—you know, lying.


  Now Ariely has teamed up with documentarian Yael Melamede to create a film called“(Dis)Honesty.” Through a series of interviews, the movie presents real world cases of cheating, corruption and little white lies alongside Ariely’s scientific findings.


  In the process, it becomes clear that the differences between serious fraud and a minor fib may be less significant than we want to believe.







  Chimps Would "Cook" Food If They Could


  If you cozy up to a campfire this summer, ponder what Charles Darwin called, quote, "probably the greatest [discovery] ever made by man" - the control of fire. The anthropologist and primatologist Richard Wrangham has argued that the control of fire - and thus, cooking - has actually shaped our bodies and our brains.

  如果今年夏天你想在参加篝火会时取悦众人,那考虑一下查尔斯·达尔文的名言吧:“这可能是有史以来人类最伟大的发现” ——控制火。人类学家和灵长类动物学家理查德·兰厄姆则认为控制火以及烹饪的行为——实际上塑造了我们的身体和大脑。

  But cooking isn't just about controlling fire.


  "When you think about cooking it actually has a lot of complex components." Yale psychologist Alexandra Rosati.


  "So you have to plan for the future, you have to have some self-control by refraining to eat raw food you already have right now, you might want to have some ca...

托福听力科学美国人60秒 北极出现反滚雪球效应


  去年圣诞节,圣诞老人一定是穿着T恤和短裤往雪橇上装礼物。北极点的温度攀升至冰点,而正常温度应该是零下二十华氏度。今天留学群小编就给大家介绍一下托福听力科学美国人60秒 北极出现反滚雪球效应。

  This is Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Julia Rosen.

  Got a minute?

  Last Christmas, Santa Claus must have been loading his sleigh in a t-shirt and shorts. Temperatures at the North Pole crept up toward the freezing point when they should have been minus twenty Fahrenheit.

  The heat wave was the latest in a series that have swept over the Arctic in recent winters. Climate change has caused steady warming in the region. But it has also helped supercharge these extreme events, which scientists say are tied to storms that spiral north out of the Atlantic.

  "These winds actually pick up a lot of heat and moisture."

  Vladimir Alexeev, a climate scientist at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

  "And the atmosphere carries all this extra moisture and heat to the central Arctic, which results in [a] warmer and moister atmosphere."

  Which then warms the surface.

  Alexeev says the heat ferried north by these storms helps slow the growth of sea ice in winter—causing it to be about 15 centimeters thinner by the end of the season. And thinner ice may have a harder time surviving the summer.

  But while the impact of these storms has grown in recent decades, the storms themselves are not happening more often, Alexeev says.

  "An important piece of information is that...






  Vaccine Aims at Fly Host of Disease Parasite


  Leishmaniasis is a sometimes fatal disease marked by skin ulcers, fever, and spleen and liver problems. It currently affects about 12 million people, mostly in the developing world, with about 2 million new infections annually. It’s caused by a parasite, which is spread by sand flies.


  There is not yet a good vaccine against leishmaniasis. But researchers have shown that it may be worthwhile to target not the parasite—but its fly host. The report good results in non-human primates in the journal Science Translational Medicine.








  Ant Smells Like Blue Cheese for a Reason


  A common response to seeing an ant inside your house is to stomp on it. But if you crush a member of the ant species Tapinoma sessile, you might catch a whiff of a strange smell—a smell that reminds some people of blue cheese, rancid butter or rotten coconut. In fact, the smell is so noticeable that the insect’s common name is the “odorous house ant.” And many people call it the coconut ant.


  In an effort to figure out why people have these reactions, researchers enlisted visitors at an event called the North Carolina BugFest. One-hundred-forty-three volunteers smelled smushed ants an...



