Personal Statement
It’s all about the headline. It’s about getting your point across in the most direct way you can. These personal statements are very good example of this, in just a few lines I have to get my message of why I want do a degree in Journalism across to my prospective universities. That is one of the reasons why I love to write, the challenge of putting over a complex thought or concept to a large audience of people and convey it in such a way everybody will understand it. As the great writer Hemingway once said, “My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.”
很多学生会选择去英国留学国际关系专业,那么国际关系专业该怎么写好PS 呢?这是很多留学生比较关心的问题。和留学群一起来看看吧!下面是小编整理的相关资讯,欢迎阅读。
International Relations Personal Statement
I was born in Belgium, and I have a Belgian passport, however strangely enough I only lived there for the first ten days of my life. I have lived abroad for 18 years of my life, of which 16 of those years were in Asia. Growing up in Asia has exposed me to different cultures,religious, and societies, and my interest in International Relations as grown increasingly over the past few years. My passion for studying politics, international relations, sociology, and law grew simultaneously as I grew up myself. I have been exposed to different cultures all my life, and our ever changing world has made me want to pursue these subjects in University.
When I was a ten day old baby, my parents, sister and I moved to London, United Kingdom.After spending the first 2 years of my life there my father’s company transferred us to Seoul, South Korea in 1993. This was our very first post in Asia, and little did we know that it would def...
Screenwriting personal statement
I believe that my greatest strength is my vivid imagination. From a young age I have been fortunate enough to be able to create new worlds and characters for stories. .I have been inspired by Jasper Fforde style of wit and wordplay in the “Literary Detective and “Nursery Crime series of books. I have also been inspired by Russell T. Davis?¢a??a?¢s combination of drama and comedy that made the recent resurrection of Doctor Who such a success.
This course appeals to me because I enjoy writing and using my imagination. I think that this course specifically appeals to me because it covers different genres of film and television writing, so I can learn about genres that I haven?¢a??a?¢t had a chance to explore before. I understand that working I the media is a very competitive industry, however I am determined to succeed. I think that this course will help me to succeed and offer me opportunities to further my understanding of the ...
Journalism personal statement
The media's the most powerful entity on earth. An interesting quote from Malcolm X, who also claimed, Without education, you're not going anywhere in this world. I wish to combine these two passions and follow my ambition to become a journalist by continuing my studies into Higher Education. It is well known that power attracts and I, like many others, have become enchanted by the power of the written and spoken word. This fascination has created a deep interest in writing, and Journalism provides the perfect outlet to develop my skills.
Ive heard enough about the media industry to realise that experience is everything, and as Sixth Form Reporter on the College committee, I gain regular experience of journalistic writing and meeting deadlines. I have written for the official college Network, which is sent home to parents, and the Student Newspaper.
When selecting my...
Law Personal Statement
English, being the most diverse language in the world in terms of vocabulary range and one of the most heavily influenced by other cultures, makes for fascinating study and usage.Drawing influences from Celtic, West Germanic dialects, Latin, Greek and French to name but a few make the English language riveting both in terms of use and etymology. The almost ambiguous way writers can create texts that can evoke completely opposite emotions with the same language. Shakespeare created an initially pitiable character of Macbeth and transformed him into a detestable shell of humanity. Whereas, Bront created Jane Eyre who you genuinely empathised with. The ability to construct these characters and real emotions from words is truly amazing.
The ability to express yourself clearly and concisely is important in any course and work of life and my part time work in the garden centre Dobbies has helped develop my communication skills. This involved working with cust...
Primary School teaching personal statement
I am one of ten, so you may see why I would like to work with children. I wasn___ always sure as to what profession I would like to join but for the past couple of years it has became apparent that I want to work with children. This was mainly influenced by a new addition to my family, my nephew. For the past year I have helped develop his skills and encouraged him to learn new things. I truly value the sense of achievement gained in teaching new skills to children and I wish to continue to do so, and this is therefore one of the main reasons for wanting to join a teaching course for key stages 1 and 2.
Discovering my love for helping and supporting others I chose to broaden my knowledge of the teaching experience by completing two work experience placements within a primary school environment. For two weeks I shadowed various teaching staff, observing their teaching techniques and the ways in which they support the child...
Film Studies personal statement
Films are an insight into the human imagination, and offer the chance to inhabit worlds that would otherwise never exist. Whilst much the same is true of literature, the addition of a visual element only solidifies the immersive nature of storytelling. This is particularly abundant in the works of directors such as Stanley Kubrick and Terrence Malick,whose mastery of the photograph adds an added dimension of absorption to their pictures. In my early teens,David Lynch introduced me to the world of surrealism. His nightmarish visions were the catalyst for my love of cinema, and the profound impact his work has had on myappreciation for film is staggering. The encouragement that artists such as Lynch give us to expand our imagination, and encompass otherwise impossible realities, I believe, is a vital aspect of contemporary filmmaking. Movies hold the power not only to entertain, but challenge us to broaden our understanding of the world, and the people within it. The lessons in morality,which are so plentiful in ...
Sports Science Personal statement
Success in my school studies and outside interests has given me a secure foundation to embark on a degree course in sport with confidence and excitement
I have thoroughly enjoyed studying physical education at G.C.S.E and A level. The physiological side has been an enjoyable and interesting part of the course. It has enabled me to have a fuller understanding of how the body works especially in relation to practical sport. As well as the academic content of the course I have also enjoyed the practical aspects. At my first secondary school I was a member of the school hockey and netball teams. In my position as captain of the school netball team for four years, I have gained the opportunity and skill to motivate others to succeed. My enthusiasm for netball first came when I was chosen from trials to play for Aylesbury town. I was delighted at the end of that season when I was presented with runner up Player of the Year. I then pursue...
Media and Communications Personal Statement
My ultimate career objective is to become a freelance writer using bilingual skills in the broad media industry. Making use of my experience as a copywriter, I want to extend the possibility of my career in the literary profession by acquiring not only English skills but professional knowledge gained from the Media and Communications degree course.
My affinity with languages stems originally from my primary school where I received several awards in annual essay-writing competitions.
Being encouraged by teachers and parents, I gained great confidence and interest in languages. Reading has always been one of my most enjoyable activities since infancy. In order to broaden my communication and cultural horizons, I majored in German at my junior college. During ...
History Personal Statement 历史学个人陈述(PS)
I have always enjoyed studying the humanities, but in particular History. My interest in learning about the past began at an early age; school and family trips to historical sites such as the Tower of London, Canterbury and Stonehenge as a child were emotionally stimulating and deepened my appreciation for learning about the past.
My fascination of history has been further fuelled by my A-Level studies of the subject. As a history student one of the first things I learnt about history is that there is never just one simple answer as to why certain events have taken place in the past. As a result of studying history I have been able to develop skills of analysis, researching and selecting appropriate material. I have also been able to critically evaluate primary and secondary sources, which has enabled me to make my own judgments and opinion on historical events.
I have found th...