高考,即全国高等教育入学考试(National HigherEducation Entrance Examination),是中国大陆最有影响力的考试之一。合格的高中毕业生和具有同等学力(educational level)的学生每年可以参加一次考试。学生必考的(mandatory)科目为语文、数学和外语—通常是英语,不同的省份的考试试卷各不相同。高考非常具有权威性,几乎所有大学都根据高考分数录取学生,因此,很多中国人把高考看作是决定人生的关键事务。近年来,人们越发关注高考体制,提出各种改革高考的建议。专家称改革高考录取制度是改革的根本。
College entrance examination, also known as NationalHigher Education Entrance Examination, is one of themost influential examinations in mainland China.Qualified senior high school graduates and studentswith the same educational level can take the examonce a year. The three mandatory subjects are Chinese, Mathematics and foreign language—usually English and the test papers vary from province to province. College entranceexamination is so authoritative that almost all the admissions made by the universities arebased on students' scores in the exam. Therefore, many Chinese regard it as a critical event intheir life. In recent years, people pay more attention to the college entrance examinationsystem and various proposals about its reform have been put forward. Experts claim that thefundamental reform of the examination lies in the university admission system.
1.“不同的省份的考试试卷各不相同”这个分句.过直接翻译成different provinces have different ...
春节是中国最重要的节日,也是大家所熟悉的中国新年。对于中国人来说,这个节日的重要性如同圣诞节对于西方人。 具体的节庆日期是由农历(lunar calendar)而不是由公历(Gregorian calendar)决定的。所以,春节的节庆日期一般在元月下旬与二月上旬之间。新年的准备活动自腊月底(农历年底)开始,人们忙于扫尘,还清债务,理发,置新衣。人们也会在家中或到庙里烧香(burn incense)祭祖,祈求老天爷保佑平安。
The most important holiday in China is the Spring Festival, which is also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to the westerners. The date for this annual celebration is determined by the lunar calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies form late January to early February. Preparations for the New Year begin on the final days of the last lunar month when most families clean their homes, pay their debts, have their hair cut and buy new clothes. People also burn incense at home or in the temples to pay respect to their ancestors and to pray to the God for a happy life in the coming year.
春节是中国最重要,也是最热闹的古老节日之一。春节象征着团结、兴旺以及对未来寄予新的希望。据记载,中国人过春节已有四千多年的历史。中同是个多民族的国家,各民族(nationality)过春节的形式各有不同。但是无论在中国的哪个地方,人们都会在春节期间全家团圆,吃年糕(New Year cake),饺子以及各种丰盛的饭菜。人们张灯结彩,燃放鞭炮,并互相祝福。
Part Ⅳ Translation
翻译题目一:为了促进教育公平,中国已投入360亿元,用于改善农村地区教育设施和中强中西部地区农村义务教育(compulsory education)。这些资金用于改善教学设施、购买书籍,使16万多所中小学受益。资金还用于购置音乐和绘画器材。现在农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿童一样上音乐和绘画课。一些为接受更好教育而转往城市上学的学生如今又回到了本地农村学校就读。
译文:In order to promote equity in education, China has invested 36 billion yuan for the improvement of educational facilities in rural areas and strengthening of rural compulsory education Midwest. These funds were used to improve the teaching facilities, purchase of books, so that more than 160,000 primary and secondary income. Funds are also used to purchase music and painting equipment. Now children in rural and mountainous areas with children’s coastal cities like music and painting lessons. Some receive a better education for the city school students now transferred back to the local rural schools.
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