苹果WWDC 2015发布会于北京时间6月9日凌晨1点举行,下面就看看福布斯网站发表的这篇名为《Apple's WWDC Wrap Up And Analysis: Incremental Improvements But No Major Leaps》的文章。
Apple's WWDC Wrap Up And Analysis: Incremental Improvements But No Major Leaps
Apple keynotes tend to come in two categories. One is the knock-your-socks-off presentation that accompanies an exciting leap in innovation. At Apple, that often means new hardware, like the iPhone 6 or the Apple Watch. The other, I’ll call the better-faster-slicker presentation, where Apple unveils a series — often a long series — of incremental improvements. None will change the world, but collectively they amount to something quite useful, and they may even prompt millions of people to go buy more Apple devices.
Monday’s World Wide Developers’ Conference fell into the second category. There wasn’t much that was revolutionary or even unexpected, but plenty for Apple fans to chew on.
To be sure, there were a couple of big new products. The first was Apple Music, a long anticipated streaming service from Apple meant to replace the company’s faded iTunes. The app looks good and is designed to let music fans listen to what they like and discover new artists all in one place. It’s selling itself as a platform for artists to connect with fans (hey, budding rock star, upload your video here, not to YouTube or Face...