(46)Any discussion of the American educational system would be less than complete if it did not mention the emphasis that many colleges and universities place upon the nonacademic, social,“extracurricular”aspect of education, often defined as personal growth. Perhaps a useful way of viewing the notion of personal growth would be to picture the very large and general term“education” as being all-embracing, including as subsets within it academic and nonacademic components.
This may be one of the most difficult concepts to convey to someone who is not intimately familiar with American higher education. Few educational systems in other countries place the same emphasis on this blend of academic and personal education. The majority of colleges and universities in the United States make some attempt to integrate personal and intellectual growth in the undergraduate years. (47) If the ultimate goal of undergraduate education in America were simply to convey a set body of knowledge, the term of studies could undoubtedly be reduced. Yet the terms of studies are extended in order to give students a chance to grow and develop in other ways.
Numerous opportunities are made available to students to become involved in sports, student government, musical and dramatic organizations, and countless ...