81. Others were less intentional, such as his habit of attending baseball and football games and watching the game from the stands with all the other fans, presenting himself as a man of the people, rather than viewing from a luxury box with the team owner.?
【译文】 其他活动则是无意识的,例如:他习惯到现场观看垒球和橄榄球比赛,像一个普通人一样与其他球迷一道在普通看台上观看,而不是与球队老板们一样坐在豪华包厢内观看。
82. Unlike his hero Theodore Roosevelt, who helped create the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) while in office, Nixon repeatedly backed away from opportunities to use the prestige of his office to have an influence in the world of sport, such as preventing the relocation of the Washington Senators baseball team to the Dallas Ft. Worth area. He did, however, attempt to use sport as venue to shape cultural values.?
【译文】 西奥多?罗斯福总统是他崇拜的人物,在执政期间帮助创立了全国大学生体育协会。与罗斯福不一样的是:尼克松多次拒绝利用总统威望来影响体育界的机会。但是,他的确想将体育运动当做树立文化价值观的手段。
83. While the percentage of the world’s population living on less than $1 per day has
fallen from 28.3% to 24.0% between 1987 and 1998, population growth (815 million) has kept the absolute number of poor steady at some 1.2 billion.
【译文】 虽然世界上每天靠不到一美元生活的人的比例在1997~1998年间从28.3%下降到24%,人口的增长(8.15亿)使穷人的绝对数量保持在12亿左右。
84. Nor do World Bank projections lend undivided hope for the future. Under the “business as ...