釜山大学 ,1946年建校,是韩国10所国立旗帜大学之一,2014年QS世界大学排名431名,亚洲第68位。学校一直为国家培养优秀的人才和领导人做出自己的贡献。作为韩国第一国立大学,釜山大学一直在捍卫者韩国高等教育国立大学的尊严。丰富活跃的学生社团能为一所大学添彩不少,同时加入一个学生社团,也能为你的大学生活增添不少趣味。作为一所老牌优质大学,釜山大学有着丰富多彩各种各样的学生社团,想知道釜山大学都有哪些社团吗?下面是留学群为大家整理的釜山大学学生社团介绍。
Student Clubs 学生社团
There are over 80 student clubs registered at the student club union , in addition to the clubs operated within departments and colleges in PNU.
There are over 80 student clubs registered at the student club union , in addition to the clubs operated within departments and colleges in PNU. Student clubs can be divided into a range of categories, including academic and ideological clubs, general information and social services clubs, arts and culture clubs, sports clubs, literature and exhibition clubs, martial arts clubs, and religious clubs. The clubs officially accept new students in Mirinaegol in the back of Humanities Hall at the beginning of each academic year (March), and students can enjoy diverse extracurricular activities by joining the clubs. Most of the clubs are based at the Student Hall.