





  Take part in、join in、participate 和 attend 都有“参与,参加”的意思。Take part in 和 participate 带有主动积极参与活动的意思,只是 participate 略为正式一些。Join in 的应用常涉及游戏,娱乐活动,attend 除了有“参加、参与”的含义外,还有“出席”的意思,它也是一个正式用语。这几个近义词的区别究竟在哪里?它们是否能够相互替换。今天的雅思写作频道,长沙新航道的老师们就给大家来详细讲解。


  What are the differences between ‘take part in, join in, participate, attend’?

  take part in、join in、participate 和 attend,它们都有“参与,参加”的意思,对于学习英语的人们来说如果仅从中文翻译的字面上去区分它们的确是一件很不容易的事情。所以我们要还原回到英文语境中。

  首先,让我们来看一下 take part in,它的意思是“参与,参加某个活动或者某件事情”,多数情况下是 take part in something,这是一个比较常用的表达,可以在口语中也可以在稍微正式一点的场合中使用。比如,参加比赛是 take part in the competition,参加会议 take part in the conference 等等。注意:take part in 一般指当事人主动参与,有积极性 actively involved in the event,并不仅仅是客观存在。


  We are taking part in a 10k charity run this Sunday to raise money for the school.


  The teacher encourages all children to take part in the school dance competition.


  我们再来看看 participate。可以说 participate 和 take part 的意思是一样的,只是更正式、更礼貌一些。许多广告和活动宣传单上都会用到 participate 来鼓励人们参加活动赢得奖励。请注意 participate 后面也需要跟介词 in。


  Participate in the competition to win a dream holiday to Hawaii.






  典型失败案例: Topic 1-Should college students be allowed to get married?

  This topic is very interesting. I’m very interested in talking about this topic. Because I’m also a college student and I’m not married……

  修改方案:开门见山 直奔主题

  In my opinion, it would not be a wise decision to allow college students to get married。

  Topic 2-Will modern technology, such as the Internet, ever replace the book or the writing word as the sole source of information? (雅思真题)

  Ok, this topic is a very good topic. First, let me tell you a story: I have a friend, he likes go on the internet very much. Every day, he uses internet to read news or play internet games. So we can see the internet is more and more important in our daily life.

  Topic 3-The importance of environmental protection

  Oh, this topic is surely very important. Isn’t it? Of course! It’s really very very important!


  典型失败案例: Topic-Should college students be allowed to get married?

  I think this topic is very hard to say. Because I am still very little, only 17, and not married, so this topic is very difficult for me……


  典型失败案例:Topic-It is said that nowadays one can not acquire the qualifications and quality essential to success through university educat...