Task:Pressure on school and university students is increasing and students are pushed to study hard when they are young.Do you think it is a positive or a negative development?
Today,school and university students are under heavy academic pressure and many of them are forced to study hard at an early age.
批注:collocation: heavy pressure - use “intense pressure”
分析:这个批注透露了一个对广大雅思考生非常重要的一个信息---考官对于考生的词汇选择是有倾向性(preference)的!用heavy来修饰pressure是绝对可以的,在Google上搜索一下能够找到很多例子。但考官还是认为应该用intense pressure---因为很有可能在要表达“压力大”这个意思的时候他首先想到是intense pressure,至于你用的这个heavy pressure可不可以呢?Maybe,但这不是他作为一个native speaker首先会想到的第一选择,所以完全有可能在词汇(Lexical Resource)这个部分扣你的分。
给大家四个选择:A. assert B. believe C. insist D. think
我以前看到过有雅思老师教学生说“形容一间房间很大”除了用big, spacious之外还可以用“gigantic”(看上去很不明觉厉吧?其实在英语当中根本就不会有人用gigantic来形容一间房间。这样的教学除了让考生雅思作文越学分数越低并对老师产生盲目崇拜之外不会有别的结果)
In my opinion, it is a negative development in general.
批注:why use this phrase?
分析:我本想表达“这总体来说是一个不好的现象”,一开始我并不明白为何考官不准我用‘in general’,后来仔细一想,发现本人一不小心犯了Chinese English的错误:我们在中文里经常听到有人说“XX总体来说还是一个好同志”,但仔细一想,在英语当中诸位有听过哪位英美人士说”I think Tom is a good guy IN GENERAL”吗?
Some people think that people can not benefit from international travel. Why is this case? How can people improve their understanding of other countries?
Nowadays, life quality has been improved. Many people choose go travel abroad, but some people think that is not benefit from travel to the other counties. In my opinion, international travel is the best way to understanding other countries.
Personally, some people think why people cannot benefit from international travel is they might never go travel abroad. Travel is my favorite thing. I have been travel to 10 countries. I met a lot interesting things for every times travel, although the countrywhich I go there for the second time. I totally disagree people just use book or Internet to understand the other counties.
Firstly, before I went to Singapore, I knew the official language in Singapore is English, but when I been there I found Singaporean usually speak Singlish. Singlish is the language that include English, Cantonese, Hokkien and Malay. For example they call milk tea ‘Teh’ and coffee as ‘kopi’. I haven’t known that on the book or Internet before I went to Singapore. The overseas information are very limit on the book or internet and the most book has similar content to describe a country. We have to stay their to...