Section One
场次 20150618 20110118 2007 场景 学校咨询
题型 填空 10
内容概述 介绍一所小学,咨询学校
填空 10
1. from 8:10 to 9:00am
2. school will contact parents on the emails/phone
3. parents can attend art course with their kids
4. next gathering for parents: July
5. new gym next to the canteen and sport fiddle in the back
6. need not wearing uniform that with name on the coats,comfortable shoes
do not wear boots.
7. Activities: cooking, music and chess
8. day trip: 8 summer camp in Countryside
9. a professional dentist emergency took place
10. Students when they ride bike to school wear bright clothes and a helmet.
Section Two
场次 20160813 2011097 20110813 20100520 20091205 2006
Section One
场次 20150618 20110118 2007 场景 学校咨询
题型 填空 10
内容概述 介绍一所小学,咨询学校
填空 10
1. from 8:10 to 9:00am
2. school will contact parents on the emails/phone
3. parents can attend art course with their kids
4. next gathering for parents: July
5. new gym next to the canteen and sport fiddle in the back
6. need not wearing uniform that with name on the coats,comfortable shoes
do not wear boots.
7. Activities: cooking, music and chess
8. day trip: 8 summer camp in Countryside
9. a professional dentist emergency took place
10. Students when they ride bike to school wear bright clothes and a helmet.
Section Two
场次 20160813 2011097 20110813 20100520 20091205 2006
场景 旅游介绍
题型 填空 4 单选 2 配对 4
内容概述 关于 mitchell island 的 travelling advice
选择 2
1. 可以坐什么交通工具到小岛上? A
A. plane B. ferry C. hovercraft C. hover craft 为干扰项是,但是他又说这个项目被
取消了还是怎么了,所以 不能选。
2. 第二个选择题是问坐出租车需要彭彭提请注意什么?选 B.
A. uncomfortable B. unroadworth C. unregistered
配对 4
3-6.是 Matching 题,要求分别把 E-east coast;N-north coast;W-west coast 对
3. 第一个服务好像是什么餐饮之类的,self-cafeteria restaurant 这一项填 E
4. natural walk to amusing park,填 N
5. shop,不用填
6. 第四个高尔夫...
Section One
Section Two
题型:单选5, 填空5
内容概述:摄影师介绍一张照片红松鼠red ‘squirrel'
Section Three
大家对于雅思考试肯定也是做了很多准备的,那么和留学群小编一起来看看2018年4月26日雅思听力小范围预测:Section One吧,希望能给大家一些帮助。
Section 1
V100605 s1 Completion/Multiple Choice
of holiday: surfing
: includes breakfast
lities : gym
4.: 360
5.A shared room
of insurance : Basic
7.: 75
e : 42.50
pest transport : taxi
by : cheque
上一次的雅思考试已经结束,下一次的雅思考试还会远吗?为了帮助大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩,下面是留学群小编为大家收集整理的2018年4月26日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Two。
Section 2
V100605 s2 Completion/Multiple Choice
11. local hero
12. European painting
13. learning zone
14. restaurant
15. shop
16. historical photograph
17. cinema zone
18. A sicience centre
19. 1aduls+2children
20. B three days
2018年4月21日雅思听力小范围预测:Section One
Section1 V131109
Po Shan Island
hotel, bed and breakfast,hostel
21.There is a fish market near the hotel.
22.An activity: free tour (lecturetour)
24.Every room has a balcony; they can enjoy its sea view
25.An activity: visiting pottery factory
26.Near the beach
27.can see the local birds
28.free intranet
29.Television : cookery lessons
30. There is a new gym
2018年4月21日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Two
Section2 V110310s2
31.Why do they organize the club? C. improving skills
32.A. regular practice
33.How much does the total coat of personal trainer each time? A.15£ B.20£ C.25£
34.When can kids join the competition?
A. when they feel they are ready;
B. when they are good enough;
C. seven to eight years old
16-20 Matching
36.rapidly----- Open for both adults and children
37.school----- For beginners
38.team club----- Prize for cash
39.Different levels
40.national----- Twice a year
2018年4月21日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Three
Section3 V101218
Questions 21-26
21.when the o...
Section 1
第一册 P138 V40115 预订餐厅
第一册 P29 V30104 打电话报名
第一册 P141 V40118 垃圾回收
第一册 P22 V50117 志愿者项目咨询
第一册 P5 V50105 租房场景
第一册 P125 V30148 银行场景
Section 2
第二册 P41 V30141 游轮旅游
第二册 P144 V40141 野生动物园
第二册 P51 V30122 别墅的介绍和销售
第二册 P116 V40123 国家植树
第二册 P97 V40147 火灾预防
第二册 P42 V30147 电视节目review
Section 3
第三册 P124 V40141 Term paper
第三册 P132 V50105 两名学生讨论课题
第三册 P11 V40146 Volcano presentation
第三册 P72 V20146 Workplace evaluation
第五册 P51 V40117 德语学习的讨论
第三册 P38 V40131 课程安排手册介绍
Section 4
第四册 P26 V50124 心理交流试验研究
第四册 P90 V0139 新型游泳池
第四册 P39 V50145 建筑遗址挖掘
第四册 P53 V40114 有机农场
第册 P46 V40105 英国废墟
第四册 P74 V30120 茶树油
V101030S2S3S4 V101104S1S2S3S4 V101106S1S2S4
V101009S2 V101014S1S2S4 V101023S1S2S3
V101120S1S2 V101127S1S2S4 V101204S2S3S4
V101211S1S2S3S4 V101216S1S3 V101218S1
V100130S3;V100206S4;V100211S3,S4;V100220S1,S3; V100109s3,V100114s2,V100123S3;V100227S1S2S3S4;V100306S4 V100318S1S4;V100320S2S3;V100327S3;V100805S1S4;V100814S1S3S4 V100821S1S2S4;V100828S1S2S3;V1000904S1S2S3S4;V100911S1S2S3S4 V100916S1S2S3S4;V100925S1S2S3S4;V100710S1S2S3;V100715S1S3;V100717S2S4;V100731S1S2S4;V100410S1S3;V100415S4;V100417S1S2;V100424S1S2S4;V100508S1S2;V100515S1S2S3;V100520S2S4;V100529S1S3;V100617S1S3S4;V100619S1S2S3S4;V100626S1S3S4
V110212S2S3S4 ;V110217S2; V110226S1;
V110903S1S2S3S4 V110915S1S2S3S4 V110917S1S2S3S4 V110924S1S2S3S4
V111008S1S2S3S4 V111020S1S2S4 V111022S1S2S3S4 V111029S2S3S4 V111105S1S3S4 V111117S1S2S4 V111119S1S2S3S4 V111126S1S2S4 V111203S1S2S3S4 V111210S1S2S3S4 V...