Section1 预测重点(10篇)
s1: 打电话要求家庭打扫服务
s1: 滑冰会员咨询
S1: 航空公司工作求职场景,女的给男的介绍工作
S1:澳洲旅游a woman consults visiting somewhere of holiday
S1:销售大会会议安排地点(two students discuss arrange the academic meeting on physics lecture)
S1:买冰箱a woman wants to buy a fridge
S1:业余戏剧协会amateur drama society
S1:holiday inquiry 旅游咨询酒店
S1: 一个人打电话咨询去某地旅游,三家酒店的咨询 Hotel enquiry.
S1: 英国女人去新西兰租房子 rent a house via agent
Section2 预测重点(10篇)
s2: 纳税问题咨询
s2: 美术馆
S2: Media career development职业规划
S2:图书馆扩建的主题expansion of an old school library
S2:校园的地图介绍orientation program
S2 关于商场的促销广告(advertisement of promotion in a shopping center)
S2 大堡礁旅游(the Great barrier reef green island)
S2:旅游展览,tour exhibition travel show
S2:experiment course design discussion
S2: 一位男士接受采访,介绍即将上映的电影惊险片 A man with interview introducing an upcoming film called Triller Film.
Section One
场次 20150618 20110118 2007 场景 学校咨询
题型 填空 10
内容概述 介绍一所小学,咨询学校
填空 10
1. from 8:10 to 9:00am
2. school will contact parents on the emails/phone
3. parents can attend art course with their kids
4. next gathering for parents: July
5. new gym next to the canteen and sport fiddle in the back
6. need not wearing uniform that with name on the coats,comfortable shoes
do not wear boots.
7. Activities: cooking, music and chess
8. day trip: 8 summer camp in Countryside
9. a professional dentist emergency took place
10. Students when they ride bike to school wear bright clothes and a helmet.
Section Two
题型:单选5, 填空5
内容概述:摄影师介绍一张照片红松鼠red ‘squirrel'
Section Three
场次 20160102 2012056
题型 填空 7 多选 3
内容概述 一个女学生和导师讨论课堂陈述
填空 7
21. check the accuracy of (reference)in the last section. one thing the teacher
require student do accurately
2. need to give more(examples). another thing required by teacher
3. When will she give her presentation?(next seminar 吞音)
4. What will she do during the presentation? (explain the experiment)
5. By which date will she submit an abstract?(6th, November)tutor ...
题型 填空 2,单选 3,配对 5
填空 2:
The disadvantages of air travel
39.if the environmental problems continue, airport must be imposed on the "greentax".
40.flight will close down if a trip does not get an insurance
场景 场馆介绍
题型 填空 6,单选 4
单选 4参考答案:
11. 集合地点:A parking place,B wait at ticket desk,C back of the entrance
12. 天晴的时候能从塔上看到什么,选 B HILL
13. people feel proud about the symbol B landmark
14. 这个塔 begin to be used as 什么选 B conference centre,接着是一张塔的图片,有 8
个左右的功能,包括 cinema,indoor,outdoor,shop,post,cafe 等
题型 单选 6,填空 4
单选 6:
18. 在组织刚建立的时候:
A. Not clear objects B. No formal structures C. No premises(房间)
22. 不满意的原因:
A. Type of work B. The way of work shared C. 不被 appreciate
23. 对之前的领导者的看法是:选 C.做太多了
24. 对 New recruit 的看法是 选 C
A. Pleased that the meeting time are shorter
B. Annoy not be consulted
C. Surprise they will do it well
25.说工作结果如何,选 A,children 都接受到了教育
26. 解决了什么问题? 选 B
A. Employment B. Administrator stop working C. Financial training
介绍大猩猩的行为研究 study on behavior of chimpanzee
学科 动物
题型 填空 8,单选 2
部分参考答案填空 8:
1、研究方法 genetical 和 biological
2017年01月07日雅思听力考题回忆 |
Section One |
场景:对话 |
听力三旧,Part 1一个女人要中介把她的房子租出去。旧。Part 2, wreck diving, 旧。 Part 3, 地图 不知新旧,反正没看过。Part 4, 印度家庭妇女开工厂的。旧。
1. parking space
2. Northgate(要合在一起写来着,分开写的就祈祷吧!)- y, m) k+ u# r/ u
3. balcony0 a% Z: W. t, F
4. 1475# c2 v3 S$ s$ d/ T/ U. d5 q- }
5. Thursday
6. café) F I* x/ @0 \! N! g
7.30 Sept
9.bridge" F% ?9 b2 f, y+ f, K* H1 L
/ Y( i& k0 K9 A8 d# R2 d
-加入membership cost 选C - $56
后面还说能提供神马服务,legal / tourist discount/ buy a car , 应该选legal 说有律师什么的 0 p! d8 L7 k; Y/ t; Q8 N8 A* d# _
-跟时间有关的问题,选all days and night, 记得录音里说 365天,24小时。% d& b) h2 z* \2 X8 J$ k. n" c* p. S) m
填Time period
15- on weekend
16- on weekdays
17- insurance
18- 25 cents4 k: A& B) e) S: U [/ n! ]
19- as a group6 q, H& u- {$ ?% [9 E; |& f3 u
19- credit card
其中section 2机经最后两题的答案语法错了,应该是in a group, a credit card。其中section 4最后一题机经中答案是knife handing,是错误的,正确答案一下子想不起来了,谁能提醒下我?# t6 o+ x" q" ]
5 e# j# I3 k8 |- Q0 R& a3 I
Section3 多选+单选题. z# V6 Q6 R) g
1. 20, 21我选的是捕不到鱼和对大坝的产量有影响 不知道对不,个人觉得有道理
2. 同上
3. 大坝首先出现在拉美. 9 o7 {# o& s0 ~9 f2 B
4. 雨水冲刷导致土地流失& H. a4 K7 |4 A" l0 \4 ^' x4 p
5. 坏效果立即显现1 D @4 i+ _8 j$ v7 g3 U$ Q* m
6. 某某方法效率太差,我其实很想选expensive那个,感觉那个是对的( Z- X! q" g8 G
1. 三个电影(Comedy Romantic),action movie
2. 讨论会对惊悚片的:discussion
3. 动作片影展:exhibition
4. 可容纳:450 (干扰项是前两部电影都是150,第三部是450)
5. 第二类电影的开始日期: 17th April
6. 有六次meetings
7. 会费Month 交
8. bookshop 可以有优惠
9. tickets
10. 可以请guest 参加
2前半七个是地图题,art gallery图很密 语速快 容易定位混乱 后三个选择题-作者推荐哪个适合全家一起(science centre)全价票最小包括什么(1adult+2children)
Version 10137 Section2
Introduction to a gallery
Two-leveled museum: level-1
meeting point, where they stand now, is in
the middle of level-1 which displays the figures of local heroes
left room is the recent reward local history, then European painting
the room at the top-right corner learning
then mid-right room member restaurant which provide menu of dinner
bottom right gallery shop
take the lift up to the second floor, you
will see display of the historical photograph
top mini lecture room is the cinema zone
18-20) Multiple-choices
18 what is the best option if you with the
A science museum (the kids’ favorite)
B historic museum
C maritime family ticket?
19 what is the minimal size of the family
if you want you to buy the family ticket?
A 1 adult and 1 child
B 1 adult and 2 children
C 2 ...