Paul Giamatti and Oscar nominee Thomas Haden Church play, respectively, a wine snob and his chick-crazed best friend who head to the Santa Ynez Valley winecountry in this road trip dramedy that also features Sandra Oh andVirginia Madsen. The latter (also Oscar nominated) memorably emotes at length about wine as a "living thing." More grapes: "BottleShock" (2008), with "Star Trek" star Chris Pine, Alan Rickman and BillPullman, focuses on Napa Valley and the inception of its reputation asthe maker of world class wines。
迈尔斯(保罗?吉亚玛提 Paul Giamatti 饰)和杰克(托马斯?哈登?丘奇 Thomas Haden Church饰)是老朋友了,看着杰克即将踏入婚姻殿堂,迈尔斯更加感叹起自己失败的生活:婚姻失败、作家梦遥不可及、干着无聊枯燥的职业、不再年轻的岁数。迈尔斯对葡萄酒的研究颇为深厚,于是两个人决定前往加州的葡萄酒生产基地狂欢一次,如果遇上一夜情当然是最好不过了。 果然二人在酒香浓郁的加州遇上了女招待和她的亚裔朋友,迈尔斯和杰克的艳遇让两人都兴奋不已。然而接下来的事情却大扫兴致。他们的狂欢计划充满了障碍。
The surprise comedy blockbuster of last summer, with Bradley Cooper,Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis as three guys who wake up in a LasVegas hotel suite with no memory of the wildest bachelor party onrecord (it involves a stripper, a chicken, a tiger and Mike Tyson, forstarters). The trio spends the rest of the movie shakily retracing their steps and trying to find the groom (Justin Bartha) who has goneAWOL. Other entries in the grown-up-frat-boy-getting-drunk categoryin clude "Bachelor Party" (19...
Is Learning to Code More Popular Than Learning a Foreign Language?
There was a time when people used to go to night classes or buy DIY guides to learn foreign languages in their spare time. But the New York Times is to have us believe that French and Spanish are out of the window, to be replaced by Python and Java.
曾几何时,人们都涌进夜校或是购买自学教材,利用空闲时间学习外语。但《纽约时报》的报道却让我们相信,曾经很多人痴迷的法语和西班牙语已经不再受重视,现在好学人士的首选已经变成了计算机编程语言Python 和Java。
It's an interesting concept. There's certainly no denying the fact that as a nation we're becoming more tech savvy—you only need to look around a coffee shop to tell you that—and with that is bound to come an increased shift to learning how to make devices work better. From the New York Times:
"Parlez-vous Python? What about Rails or JavaScript? Foreign languages tend to wax and wane in popularity, but the language du jour is computer code.
你会Python代码吗?还有Rails 源代码和 JavaScript代码?外语学习的人气似乎有所减弱,现在正当红的语言是计算机代码。
"The market for night classes and online instruction in programming and Web construction, as well as for iPhone apps that teach, is booming. Those jumping on board say they are preparing for a future in which the Internet is the foundation for ent...
How to develop daily habits? As tempting as it is to try and change more than one habit at a time to reach your goals more quickly, the opposite is true. Doing poorly with one habit will have a domino effect on the habits you’re doing well with. The house of cards will topple over and the level of discouragement you’ll feel will make it that much harder to get back on your feet.
Here’s the habit-building process that’s working for me:
Focus on building one habit per month.
Don’t give yourself a deadline: Some daily habits will be easier to build than others, and it doesn’t matter how long it takes to build the habit, as long as you build it.
Commit fully and don’t back down.
Go easy on yourself if you stumble. Instead of getting angry with yourself, use it as a learning experience. Figure out what caused you to stumble, deal with any external influences causing you problems, and try again.
Each time you hit a milestone—one week, one month, six months, etc.—reward yourself in some way. H...
1. How can I live in alignment with my values and beliefs in life today?
Living in alignment with your deepest values and beliefs will ultimately make you happy. Human beings are most happy when they are living their life with how they imagine their life being. Imagine what your life will consist of if you live in alignment with your values and beliefs. Will you be a happier individual? It’s about taking action with what you believe in and making the commitment every single day of living out your values.
2. What can I do today to fulfill my human needs?
There are 6 human needs that we experience. These 6 human needs consist of certainty, variety, significance, connection & love, growth, and contribution. Take a moment every morning and be clear with what you human needs are. These human needs are what matter to you the most. I know that for me personally, connection & love and contribution are my two highest human needs. I live each and every day in alignment with these two human needs and let me tell you, I am very happy in my life. Reflect and be clear with what your human needs are.
Imperva, a data security firm, said it had analysed around 32 million passwords that had been exposed in a recent hack of the RockYou website.
In December last year a hacker breached the site's company database and gained access to the unencrypted usernames and passwords of all its 32 million users.
After studying the security breach Imperva has come up with a list of the most commonly used passwords which website users should avoid.
“Everyone needs to understand what the combination of poor passwords means in today’s world of automated cyber attacks: with only minimal effort, a hacker can gain access to one new account every second—or 1000 accounts every 17 minutes,” said Amichai Shulman, Imperva’s chief technical officer.
Imperva 的CTO Amichai Shulman说,“大家需要知道,在这个充满自动网络攻击的当代世界中,一个糟糕的密码组意味着什么:一个黑客只要小花点功夫每秒就能获取一个新的账户和密码,大约17分钟就能获取1000个账户。”
“Employees using the same passwords on Facebook that they use in the workplace bring the possibility of compromising enterprise systems with insecure passwords, especially if they are using easy to crack passwords like ‘123456’,” he added.
Talc Powder
A Peter Brigg discovers how talc from Luzenac's Trimouns in France find its way into food and agricultural products - from chewing gum to olive oil. High in the French Pyrenees, some 1,700m above sea level, lies Trimouns, a huge deposit of hydrated magnesium silicate - talc to you and me. Talc from Trimouns, and from ten other Luzenac mines across the globe, is used in the manufacture of a vast array of everyday products extending from paper, paint and plaster to cosmetics, plastics and car tyres. And of course there is always talc's best known end use: talcum powder for babies1 bottoms. But the true versatility of this remarkable mineral is nowhere better displayed than in its sometimes surprising use in certain niche markets in the food and agriculture industries.
B Take, for example, the chewing gum business. Every year, Talc de Luzenac France - which owns and operates the Trimouns mine and is a member of the international Luzenac Group (art of Rio Tinto minerals) supplies about 6,000 tones of talc to chewing gum manufacturers in Europe. "We've been selling to this sector of the market since the 1960s," says Laurent Fournier, sales manager in Luzenac's Specialties business unit in Toulouse. "Admittedly, in terms of our total annual sales of talc, the amount we supply to chewing gum manufacturers is relatively small, but we see it as a valuable niche market...
For the experiment, the wheels were enclosed so that small animals could come and go but so that larger animals could not knock them over. Dr. Meijer set up motion sensors and automatic video ral years and 12,000 snippets of video later, she and Yuri Robbers, also a Leiden researcher, reported the results. They were released online Tuesday in the Proceedings ofthe Royal Society B.
为了进行试验,跑轮被围了起来,这样小动物就能来去自由,大动物则无法把它们撞翻。梅杰安放了运动传感器和自动摄影机。她和同为莱顿研究人员的尤里·罗伯斯(Yuri Robbers)报告称,几年后,他们获得了1.2万个视频片段。周二,这些结果被公布在了《英国皇家学报B》(Proceedingsof the Royal Society B.)的网站上。
knock… over 撞翻
setup 安装;设置
video camera摄影机
Gene D. Block, chancellor of the University of California, Los Angeles, was not involved with the paper but knows Dr. Meijer and had seen the wheel set up in hergarden. He said the study made it clear that wheel-running is “some type of rewarding behavior” and“probably not driven bystress or anxiety.”
加州大学洛杉矶分校校长吉恩·D·布洛克(Gene D. Block)与这篇论文无关,但是他认识梅杰,而且还见过她在花园里放置的跑轮。他说,研究表明在跑轮上跑步是“一种有益的行为”,“可能不是出于压力或焦虑”。
be driven by 出于
Mice accounted for 88 percent of thewheel-running events, and spent one minute to 18 ...
对于Facebook此次的数据助选丑闻,FT专栏作家John Gapper提出,Facebook的快速发展得益于它把用户的强纽带与弱纽带混在一起,但弱纽带发挥的强大影响也变成该平台的缺陷。
In Walt Disney’s Fantasia, the apprentice Mickey Mouse bashfully hands back the sorcerer’s hat after failing to stop a troupe of magic broomsticks from causing a flood. Mark Zuckerberg made his own bow to the US Congress last Tuesday by apologising for the havoc that he has unleashed at Facebook.
在华特迪士尼(Walt Disney)的《幻想曲》(Fantasia)中,魔法师的学徒“米老鼠”(Mickey Mouse)在未能阻止一群被施了魔法的扫把引发洪水后,扭捏地把魔法帽还给了魔法师。上周二,马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)也在美国国会上演了这一幕,为他在Facebook造成的烂摊子道歉。
With greater effort and honesty, Facebook can fix the laxity with which it has handled personal data. The Cambridge Analytica scandal showed that it was far too loose in allowing people and organisations to plug into its “social graph” and extract data about millions of users. It has already tightened its data controls and must tighten them more, but the task is achievable.
通过采取更多措施和拿出更诚恳的态度,Facebook可以解决它处理个人数据不严谨的问题。剑桥分析(Cambridge Analytica)丑闻表明,Facebook允许个人和机构接入Facebook的“社交图谱”并提取数以百万计用户的个人信息,是极其严重的疏漏。Facebook已经收紧了对数据的控制,它还须加大力度,不过该任务是可以完成的。
But other things cannot be fixed because they are beyond Mr Zuckerberg’s control, lost in myriad encounters among Facebook’s 2bn users. The technical term is emergence, the powerful and unpredictable outcome of millions of users interacting free...
The research is published online in the journal Nature Geoscience(地球科学). El Nino is a periodic(周期的)warming in the eastern tropical Pacific that occurs along the coast of South America. Recently, scientists have noticed that El Nino warming is stronger in the Central Pacific rather than the Eastern Pacific, a phenomenon known as El Nino Modoki (Modoki is a Japanese term for "similar, but different").
Last year, the journal Nature published a paper that found climate change is behind this shift from El Nino to El Nino Modoki. While the findings of that paper are still being debated, this latest paper in Nature Geoscience presents evidence that El Nino Modoki drives a climate pattern known as the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO).
"We've found that El Nino Modoki is responsible for changes in the NPGO,"said Emanuele Di Lorenzo, associate professor in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. "The reason this is important is because the NPGO has significant effects on fish stocks(鱼类)and ocean nutrient distributions(海洋营养分布)in the Pacific, especially along the west coast of the United States."
The NPGO, first named two years ago by Di Lorenzo and colleagues in a paper in Geophysical Research Letters, explained for the first time long-term changes in ocean circulation of the North Pacific, which sc...
IT MUST seem to Donald Trump that reversing globalization is easy-peasy. With a couple of weeks still to go before he is even inaugurated, contrite firms are queuing up to invest in America. Last week Ford cancelled a $1.6 billion new plant for small cars in Mexico and pledged to create 700 new jobs building electric and hybrid cars at Flat Rock in Michigan—while praising Mr Trump for improving the business climate in America. Other manufacturers, such as Carrier, have changed their plans, too. All it has taken is some harsh words, the odd tax handout and a few casual threats.
特朗普肯定觉得逆转全球化易如反掌。离他正式就任尚有一两周,一家家幡然悔悟的公司已纷纷开始投资于美国本土。上周,福特取消了在墨西哥投资16亿美元建设小型车新工厂的计划,承诺在密歇根州的福拉特洛克(Flat Rock)创造700个生产电动车及混合动力车的新职位,同时还称赞特朗普改善了美国的商业环境。其他各家生产商,如开利(Carrier),也都已改变了计划。特朗普所做的只是说了几句难听的话,给了些莫名其妙的税收好处,信口威胁了几家企业。
Mr Trump has consistently argued that globalization gives America a poor deal. He reportedly wants to impose a tariff of 5% or more on all imports. To help him, he has assembled advisers with experience in the steel industry, which has a rich history of trade battles. Robert Lighthizer, his proposed trade negotiator, has spent much of his career as a lawyer protecting American steelmakers from foreign competition. Wilbur Ross, would-be commerce secretary, bought loss-making American steel mills just before George W. Bu...