新GRE考试阅读中对于逻辑题的考生是一个重点,下面几天我们将针对新gre考试逻辑题题型给大家整理一些练习题。希望对考生在阅读方面的复习有所帮助。 42. People who engage in scuba diving are healthier, on average, than people who do not engage in this activity.Therefore, scuba diving tends to promote improved health. The argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it (A)presupposes that everyone who takes up scuba diving does so solely for health reasons (B)leads to a further and falsifiable conclusion that no one can achieve good health without engaging in scuba diving (C)fails to point out t... [ 查看全文 ]2013gre考试备考:gre阅读逻辑题及答案解析(11)的相关文章