政治与道德 政治是权力的斗争和利益的平衡。民主只是用制度制约人性的本恶。 Nothing is politics but the struggle of power and the balance of interests. 教育、传统与创新、批判思考 教育用束缚的方式,启迪了人们如何通过继承而达到颠覆的目的。 Education, by means of confinement, enlightens people to inherit and then to overthrow the past. 人民与政府 政府是必要的恶。以自由为代价,确保了正义和公平。 Government is a necessary evil, ensuring the justice but at the cost of individual freedom. 领导、名人、英雄、信仰 人需要神从而不至迷茫;人需要颠覆神,因为神本身就是人造的产物。 By the guidance of idols, people are not perplexed; yet, they always destroy the idols and replace them with new ... [ 查看全文 ]2013gre作文考试备考题型解读之政治的相关文章