由于GRE考试词汇难度较高,因此在复习时可以全面进行,结合相关的例句综合理解。 lugubrious: 闷闷不乐的,悲哀的,mournful;esp. affectedly mournful 1) weighty, mournful, or gloomy, especially to an excessive degree: "Jake's lugubrious monologues depressed his friends." 2) looking or sounding sad and dismal 3) sorrowful; mournful; dismal up 4) mournful excessively sad lugubrious <> facetious, cheerful, sunny, jovial, sanguine lugubrious : doleful facetious(adj 幽默滑稽的);jovial(adj 快活的;高兴的) lugubrious ◆ facetious/jovial 悲哀的 ◆ 幽默的/快乐的lugubriousness ◆ cheerfulness 悲哀 ◆ 高兴 1 : MOURNFUL espec... [ 查看全文 ]gre考试备考:2013gre考试词汇例句详解(六)的相关文章