由于GRE考试词汇难度较高,因此在复习时可以全面进行,结合相关的例句综合理解。 incendiary: 煽动者; One who creates or stirs up factionalism or sedition; an agitator Incendiary : agitate = INSURGENT : REBEL 【考法1】n. 煽动者: a person who stirs up public feelings especially of discontent 【例】behind-the-scenes incendiaries who were intending to overthrow the government 企图****政府的幕后 煽动者 【近】demagogue, exciter, firebrand, fomenter, inciter, instigator, kindler, provocateur 【考法2】adj. 煽动性的: tending to inflame 【例】 an incendiary speech 煽动性的演说 【近】 agitational, instigative, provocative, sed... [ 查看全文 ]gre考试备考:2013gre考试词汇例句详解(八)的相关文章