arcaneadj.神秘的, 晦涩难解的,不可思议的(known or understood by only a few)archaicadj. 过时的 (no longer 0 arcane adj.神秘的, 晦涩难解的,不可思议的(known or understood by only a few) archaic adj. 过时的 (no longer current or applicable; antiquated) (类)evanescent·permanence=archaic·currency 转瞬即逝的·永久=过时的·流行 meteoric·constancy=archaic·currency 昙花一现的·恒久不变=过时的·流行 (反)archaic ◆current 过时的 ◆流行的 archaism ◆modern diction 古语 ◆ 新语(干扰:recent dictation 最近的讲话) (记)arch开始,远古 参考:archaeology考古学 architecture 最原初的技术→建筑学 archetype n. 原型(prototype;primitive pattern) 范例(paradigm ;m... [ 查看全文 ]2013gre考试:gre蓝宝书核心词汇a开头(四)的相关文章
amorous [ 5AmErEs ] adj.色情的, 含情脉脉的, 表示爱情的 (记)amor爱神丘比特 参考:amateur业余爱好者 amour偷情 amorphous [E5mC:fEs] adj. 无定形的(having no definite form ) (类)amorphous·shape=errant·course=wandering·course=equivocal·m...[ 查看全文 ]2013gre考试备考:3月gre考试必备十八篇词汇(十七)
ameliorate [E5mi:lIEreIt] vt. 改善,改良,变好(to make better or more tolerable) (类)ameliorate·improve=admonish·caution 改善·改进=告诫·警示(同义) (反)ameliorate ◆ aggravate 改善 ◆ 使恶化 damper ◆ amelioration 抑制 ◆ 改进 (记...[ 查看全文 ]2013gre考试备考:3月gre考试必备十八篇词汇(十六)
altitude [ 5Altitju:d ] n.海拔高度;高处 altruism [5AltrJIzm] n. 利他主义(devotion to the welfare of others) (类)altruist·selflessness=connoisseur·expertise 利他主义者具有无私品格=鉴赏家具有专门技术 (反)altruism ◆ egocentric 利他主义...[ 查看全文 ]2013gre考试备考:3月gre考试必备十八篇词汇(十五)
alluvial [ E5lu:vjEl ] adj. 冲积的, 淤积的 ally [E5lai] n. 同盟(a sovereign or state associated with another by treaty or league) (反)adversary / rival 敌手 (记)与alley小巷,小径易混。从读音上区分:all+ly(=lie)→都撒谎 联想:盟...[ 查看全文 ]2013gre考试备考:3月gre考试必备十八篇词汇(十四)
analogy [ E5nAlEdVi ] n.类似,相似;类推,类比 analyze [ 5AnElaiz ] vt.分析, 分解 anarchist [5AnEkIst] n. 无政府主义者(one who rebels against any authority or established order) (类)anarchist·rebel=apologist·defend 无政府...[ 查看全文 ]2013gre考试备考:3月gre考试必备十八篇词汇(十三)
amity [AmEtI] n.友好, 亲善关系(friendship;especially: friendly relations between nations) (反)enmity, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, hostility; conflict, contention, discord, dissension amnesia [ Am5n...[ 查看全文 ]2013gre考试备考:3月gre考试必备十八篇词汇(十二)
amity [AmEtI] n.友好, 亲善关系(friendship;especially: friendly relations between nations) (反)enmity, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, hostility; conflict, contention, discord, dissension amnesia [ Am5n...[ 查看全文 ]正在提交表单,请稍后...