托福考试口语试题解答“八大宝典”。很多考生在准备托福口语的时候,不太清楚回答托福口语时的思路是什么,考官在考生回答第一句的时候,可能就已经给一个学生下定论了,那么怎样回答才能拿高分呢?下面我们就一起看一下托福考试口语试题解答“八大宝典”。 八仙之一: Practice wherever you can and whenever you can. Any practice is good, whether you speak to someone who is a native English speaker or not。 随时随地练习口语。 八仙之二It's important to build your confidence. If possible, use simple English sentence structure that you know is correct, so that you can concentrate on getting your message across。 以表达清晰为主,句型多样化为次。 八仙之三 Try to experiment with the English you know. Use words a... [ 查看全文 ]4月托福考试备考:托福口语“八仙指路”的相关文章