白色农业 white agriculture (also called “white engineering agriculture” It refers to microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture.) 白手起家 starting from scratch 白条 IOU note, IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you 的读音缩略转义而来白雪公主 Snow White 摆架子 put on airs 摆谱儿 put on airs; show off; keep up appearances 拜把兄弟 sworn brothers 拜年 pay New Year call 搬迁户 relocated families 半拉子工程 uncompleted project 棒球运动记者 傍大款 (of a girl) find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a moneybags 包干到户 work contracted to households 包干制 overall rationing sys... [ 查看全文 ]2013雅思考试词汇备考:考生必备中国词汇(2)的相关文章