支持强强联合,实现优势互补 support association between strong enterprises so that they can take advantage of each other‘s strengths
执行通货紧缩政策 pursue a deflationary policy (the policy of deflation)
支援灾区(灾民)...[ 查看全文 ]
增加财政收入 increase the state tax revenue (fiscal revenue)
增殖税 the value-added tax (VAT)
掌上明珠 the apple of one‘s eyew
正常贸易关系 Normal Trade Relations
政策银行 policy bank
政企分开 separate administrative...[ 查看全文 ]
下海 go into business
小康水平 the living standards of a fairly comfortable life; a relatively comfortable standard of living
消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕 eliminate polarization and ultimately achieve common prosper...[ 查看全文 ]
提高军队在高科技条件下的作战能力 improve the army combat capabilities under high-tech conditions
提高综合国力 improve the overall national strength (the overall strength of the country)
投诉 lodge a complaint, register a...[ 查看全文 ]
三角恋爱 love triangle
三角债 chain debts
三陪服务 escort service
傻瓜相机 Instamatic INSTA(NT)+(AUTO)MATIC
商品房空置的现象 the vacancy problem in commercial housing
商品粮基地 a commodity grain production base
商业银行 comme...[ 查看全文 ]
人才市场 the personnel market
人均国民生产总值达到中等发达国家水平 The average per-capita GNP will reach the standard of moderately developed countries.
人民币对美圆汇率稳定 the stability of RMB exchange rate against USD
人民币贬值的压...[ 查看全文 ]
妻管严丈夫 hen-pecked husband
取消“大锅饭” give up the practice of “eating from the same big pot” abolish egalitarianism
取消福利分房 abolish the welfare-oriented distribution (allocation) of public housing
全球变暖...[ 查看全文 ]
碰头会 brief meeting ( A brief, small-scale, informal meeting with no fixed agenda, the main purpose of which is to exchange information.)
疲软股票 soft stock
皮包公司 bogus company
啤酒肚 beer belly
票贩子 scalp...[ 查看全文 ]